NWT population growth hits record low in latest data release

NWT population growth is Canada’s lowest, again, in new figures

“New figures released by the NWT Bureau of Statistics reveal a modest population increase in the Northwest Territories, with 242 more residents calling the region home in the 12 months leading up to April 2024. Despite this growth, the territory’s population of 44,920 still remains relatively small compared to the rest of Canada, which experienced a 3.2 percent increase in population over the same period. Only Nunavut saw growth below one percent, mirroring the NWT’s slow but steady upward trend.

A Rebound in Population Growth

The NWT has consistently had the lowest population growth rate in Canada since April 2021, with a decline in population between 2022 and 2023. The recent uptick in population represents a rebound, albeit a modest one compared to other regions. Yukon, with 45,750 residents, continues to surpass the NWT in population size, a trend that started last year.

International Migration on the Rise

One bright spot for the NWT is the increase in net migration from January to March 2024. The territory saw a net gain of 211 people through international migration, the highest level since modern records began. This influx of new residents, along with a higher birth rate compared to deaths, has helped offset the loss of hundreds of residents who leave for other provinces or territories each year.

A Complex Population Landscape

While the population growth in the NWT is encouraging, it also underscores the challenges facing the region. As more people choose to make the NWT their home, there is a need for infrastructure development, job opportunities, and social services to support the growing population. The territory must strike a delicate balance between preserving its unique cultural heritage and embracing change to ensure a sustainable future for all residents.

In conclusion, the rise in population in the Northwest Territories is a positive sign of growth and vitality for the region. However, it also highlights the need for strategic planning and investment to support this growth and address the ongoing challenges facing the territory. By embracing diversity, fostering community engagement, and prioritizing sustainability, the NWT can continue to thrive and evolve in the years to come.”



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