New report predicts severe economic consequences of Liberal emissions cap

Another report warns of devastating economic impact from Liberals’ emissions cap

"The Shocking Impact of the Federal Oil and Gas Emissions Cap Revealed

In a recent report commissioned by the Alberta government, Deloitte Canada has shed light on the catastrophic effects of the federal oil and gas emissions cap on Canada’s economy. The findings paint a grim picture of massive production losses and billions of dollars in lost GDP over the next decade.

Devastating Economic Losses

According to the report, the emissions cap is projected to slash oil production by more than 626,000 barrels per day, leading to a staggering $282 billion reduction in GDP for Canadians. Alberta’s Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz emphasized the dire consequences, highlighting the detrimental impact on jobs, income, investment, and essential services across the country.

Divergent Impact Across Provinces

While Alberta stands to bear the brunt of the emissions cap, other provinces will also face significant economic challenges. Deloitte Canada estimates a real GDP decrease of $191 billion in Alberta and an additional $91 billion drop in the rest of Canada between 2030 and 2040. The ripple effects extend to employment, with a projected loss of 55,000 jobs in Alberta and 35,000 jobs in the rest of the country over the same period.

A Call for Action

The Alberta government has sounded the alarm, urging a reconsideration of the emissions cap in favor of sustainable solutions that reduce emissions without sacrificing economic prosperity. The report underscores the far-reaching consequences beyond the oil and gas sector, affecting various industries and supply chains vital to Canada’s economy.

Looking Towards the Future

Despite the mounting evidence of the detrimental impact of the emissions cap, the federal government has remained steadfast in its pursuit of environmental goals. As Alberta continues to advocate for collaboration and innovation in achieving emissions reductions, the debate intensifies over striking a balance between environmental stewardship and economic well-being.

In the face of a looming crisis that threatens Canada’s economic vitality, the call for a reevaluation of policies becomes more urgent than ever. As stakeholders grapple with the complex challenge of harmonizing environmental concerns with economic imperatives, the fate of Canada’s future hangs in the balance."



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