Calgary Stampede to go on with water-saving measures


Calgary is still dealing with several unrepaired hot spots in its water infrastructure and because of it has very specific plans for the city during the 10-day Stampede cdv’s Kathy Lee Joins us with the details and Kathy how will it work and will tourists be inconvenienced Sandy if tourists want to take long showers or they want to do their laundry the city is asking them to limit the time in the shower and to take their dirty laundry Home Instead and breweries like this one that I’m standing in right now are relying on Stampede tours and would be impacted if the Stampede didn’t go through now the measures to limit the showers and to also take laundry home this is all in an effort to keep conserving water while those five hot spots are being repaired the CEO of the Calgary Stampede and the city announced yesterday that the show will go on but in a responsible manner the 10-day Festival which brings in $282 million to Alberta’s economy and attracts 138,000 people to the city will look a little bit different but the hope is that visitors will understand officials may wash the ground stand shows seating less often and set up Hydration Stations rather than access to water fountains the city also said that records show Daily water demand during the Stampede over the last 5 years did not show a significant uptick possibly because calgarians travel elsewhere during the Stampede and that big storms in July have reduced the need for water I spoke to a local Brewery the owner says the last few years have been tough on business and they were relieved to hear that the Stampede will be going forward for us this was a really scary thing I mean uh it was exciting to know that we weren’t going to get shut down for water consumption and the usage that we go through to make beer but then to think that Stampede might not go ahead for us it’s uh we just got through three years of the most unprecedented times that should have put us out of business and almost did and uh and we really need summer we really need the Stampede to uh get back into the black as for the pipeline itself the mayor said this morning that a third- party agency has been brought in to investigate to determine exactly what happened and how that feeder M broke Sandy TV is Kathy Lee

Repairs to Calgary’s water infrastructure are continuing, and the city is putting plans in place for the Stampede. Kathy Le reports.

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  1. Oh surprise surprise. There was never any doubt that the corrupt mayor and her cronies would make sure sure stampede went as scheduled so she could get that 2 million kickback that Nenshi had made years ago that now Gondek would get too. I was on the board when they made that deal and it still continues to this day


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