An Injection of Truth: UCP townhall tackles vaccine science and unexplained deaths


[Music] Adam s here for rebent news the Calgary law heed United conservative party constituency Association is hosting a Grassroots vaccine information Town Hall entitled an injection of Truth here tonight this event was deplatformed by Eventbrite and vaccine apologists have been deriding this event as riddled with misinformation they’ve also been accusing the United conservative party of facilitating the spread of misinformation despite this an injection of Truth organizers have sold out this Calgary event which features a no worthy roster of medical professionals who are critical of the covid-19 response here in Canada we’re also expecting to see at least a few elected officials in attendance tonight now uh do you know if uh these numbers are they are they significant are they within the range of potential statistical anomaly or are they so significant that that it merits paying attention hey guys unfortunately YouTube doesn’t allow us to discuss some of the materials in this video on their platform if you want to see the full video go to Rebel

| The Calgary-Lougheed United Conservative Party constituency association hosted a grassroots vaccine information townhall, where Rebel News spoke with prominent physicians on COVID-19 vaccines and the spike in childhood mortality.


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  1. I am injured due to a mandate or lose my job, my sister was injured from the first because she got it because her one year old son was refused entry to play places unless my sister had it. My sister got an exemption from the second and she was still discriminated against and wasn’t allowed into play places for her one year old kid who hasn’t had any interaction with other kids because of ?.


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