UCP town hall speakers criticize officials and politicians for promoting COVID vaccine


"Are COVID-19 Vaccines Really Safe? Unveiling the Truth Behind the Jab

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, the spotlight has now shifted towards the safety of vaccines. A recent event hosted by the United Conservative Party brought forth a panel of doctors who boldly questioned the integrity of health officials and politicians regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.

Uncovering Deception: From Safety Claims to Hidden Risks

The doctors, experts in various medical fields, raised concerns about the global response to the pandemic, particularly the relentless push for vaccination. They accused public health authorities of downplaying the risks associated with the COVID jabs and highlighted the inconsistencies in their messaging.

Paediatric neurologist Eric Payne went as far as to challenge the narrative that healthy children were at risk from COVID-19 and criticized the coercion tactics used to promote vaccination. He questioned the transparency of vaccine safety data and labeled the jabs as experimental drugs rather than true vaccines.

The Road Less Taken: A Different Perspective on Immunity

Academic viral immunologist Byram Bridle echoed Payne’s sentiments, emphasizing that his warnings about the vaccine’s potential dangers were often dismissed as vaccine hesitancy. He argued that instead of blaming individuals for their reluctance, accountability should be placed on public health institutions, government officials, and the media for their one-sided promotion of vaccination.

Emergency doctor Mark Trozzi proposed a controversial stance, suggesting that natural immunity could have curbed the pandemic if high-risk individuals isolated voluntarily. He emphasized the importance of children being exposed to the virus to develop natural immunity and criticized the negative impacts of isolation on their immune systems even before the vaccine rollout.

Facing Reality: A Call for Truth and Transparency

The doctors shared heartbreaking stories of adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine, including the tragic death of Dan Hartman’s son. These real-life accounts shed light on the hidden risks and consequences that are often overshadowed by the dominant narrative of vaccine safety.

In a world where misinformation and censorship abound, the event served as a platform for dissenting voices to speak out against the suppression of the truth. Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate our blind trust in the authorities and demand a more transparent and unbiased approach to public health.

As the debate rages on, one thing remains certain – the quest for truth and the pursuit of safety should always take precedence over political agendas and societal pressures. It’s time to confront the uncomfortable truths and embrace a more holistic understanding of health, immunity, and well-being."



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