Shocking: Over 40% of new immigrants disappointed with life in Canada

Nearly half of new immigrants dissatisfied with their Canadian experience

“Recent immigrants to Canada are facing financial struggles and dissatisfaction with their quality of life, according to a new survey from Statistics Canada. The survey found that almost half of recent immigrants, defined as those who arrived in 2005 or later, are unhappy with their current situation. This dissatisfaction is particularly evident in the areas of financial stability and free time.

Financial Hardships Across Different Regions

The survey revealed that immigrant groups from different regions are experiencing varying levels of financial difficulty. Immigrants from Asia reported the highest level of financial hardship at 46%, while those from Europe and the United States fared relatively better at 34% and 24% respectively. This disparity in financial stability highlights the challenges that immigrants from certain regions face when trying to establish themselves in Canada.

Struggles with Work-Life Balance

The survey also pointed out the impact of Canada’s struggling economy on immigrants’ work-life balance. Recent immigrants reported lower satisfaction with their amount of free time compared to those who had arrived earlier or non-immigrants. This imbalance in work and personal life can lead to decreased overall happiness and well-being among newcomers to the country.

Onward Migration Trend

The trend of ‘onward migration,’ where immigrants arrive in Canada but eventually leave in search of better opportunities, has been on the rise. Immigrant retention has decreased, with more newcomers opting to relocate to other countries that offer a more manageable cost of living. This trend is not limited to immigrants alone, as even Canadian-born citizens are leaving the country in search of better opportunities abroad.

Reflecting on the Situation

These findings raise important questions about the immigrant experience in Canada and the perceived benefits of living in the country. As more and more individuals, both immigrants and citizens, seek opportunities elsewhere, it is crucial to address the underlying issues that are driving this trend. By understanding and addressing the challenges faced by newcomers, Canada can work towards creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all.”



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