Putin to travel to North Korea for 1st trip in 24 years


internationally today Russian President Vladimir Putin is making a visit to North Korea his first trip to that country in 24 years the visit will be watched very closely with Putin looking to shore up support at his ongoing war on Ukraine Anna Cunningham is in London with more on what is expected to come out of these Putin Kim Jong-un meetings today Anna morning Heather well the Kremlin is describing this as a rare trip to North career saying it’s a friendly State visit I think we can certainly expect a desire from both Vladimir Putin and Kim jol and to present themselves on the world stage as having a very close and Cooperative relationship we have heard from an aid to President Putin who has said that the leaders will be signing a new strategic partnership and that is going to replace the one that was last signed between Russia and North Korea back in 2001 we know Heather that Russia sees North Korea as its Ally and it certainly wants to build on that ever since it signed the first strategic partnership which was back in 1961 but also we know that both countries are isolated on the world stage they’re both heavily sanctioned by the west and they also have declining and struggling economies now we do understand that Russia is seeking more weapon support from North Korea to replenish its depleted stocks on the Ukrainian battlefield but certainly North Korea will be wanting something in return and that’s most likely to be assistance with weapons technology Heather so Anna in terms of reaction what are Western leaders saying as they watch this meeting very closely well there certainly is concern from the West about this visit and what it’s cultivating what it means for closer ties between Russia and North Korea also South career is watching this with a certain amount of trapid because it raises questions for them about what it means for increasing tensions on its border with North Korea now we have heard from the US National Security spokesman John Kirby who explained why Washington will be watching this closely take a listen yeah look no surprise that he went to North Korea after his so-called election a little nailbiter that that was um he was going to go on a little bit of a offensive here and that’s what he appears to be doing um we’re not concerned about the trip what we are concerned about Trevor is the deepening relationship between these two countries now due to the very secretive nature of North Korea the closest that we’ve seen to what’s happening has been from satellite imagery showing preparations for this visit by Vladimir Putin and Heather we also know that on State tv in North Korea at the moment people are being shown concerts of Russian military and proar music I think the one thing that we can be sure of with this visit is that it is going to be carefully choreographed he Anna Cunningham thanks very much from London this morning

Vladimir Putin is travelling to North Korea on Tuesday for his first visit to the country since his first year as Russian president in 2000. John Kirby, spokesperson of the U.S. National Security Council, said the deepening relationship between Moscow and Pyongyang is concerning.

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