Power outage at Quebec seniors home moving forward despite pleas for delay


you know for tomorrow for the power failure vula Kus is in damage control mode as the general manager of a West Island senior’s residents she’s trying to plan for the unthinkable shock tied to a planned power outage in the midst of a heat wave I contacted Hydro again asking them can we maybe reschedule seeing the exceptional weather to another day another week that type of thing Monday morning I called back again got in touch with somebody we communicated and they confirmed that indeed it would not be changed Kalia says Hydro Quebec informed the residents a while ago that they would be affected by an 8-hour power outage in the area on Wednesday but they had hoped the date would be changed once the Heatwave forecast hit we postpone everything that can be rescheduled the work scheduled for Wednesday is crucial says Hydro Quebec and cannot be postponed that being said we added more teams H so we can finish earlier than what was planned initially and will start earlier during the day so we will start at 7 to make sure we finish H before the peak uh the heat reaches its peak the residents is on high alert planning for shuttle buses to take seniors to cooler areas family members are also asked to consider bringing home their loved ones if possible we figured out how we were going to take care of our residents what we were going to offer keep them cool bring them to different places we spoke to Sister residences of ours where they said you know they can come here spend the day for the more mobile residents kalus is confident that they can stay cool but she worries more about those who may be bedridden or have mobility issues I’ve been speaking to one or two people and they’re all upset they’re all scared somebody should think we’ll do it another day I’m sure it’s Financial for them because they’ve set up all their teams and this and that so what set it up till next Monday you’re a corporation you’re a billion dollar Corporation fix it don’t make these people suffer over 1,000 people will be affected by Wednesday’s power outage Hydro Quebec plans to complete the work as quickly as possible we are told hopefully by 1: p.m. but there are no guarantees Felicia pello Global News Point Clair

A planned Hydro-Québec outage affecting some 1,600 residents, including a seniors’ home, will go ahead Wednesday despite pleas to delay amid the extreme heat.

Staff and families from the Wellesley seniors residence in Pointe-Claire, Que., say they’re worried for the health and safety of the facility’s 100 residents, including those with mobility issues who aren’t able to leave the building to cool down elsewhere.

Hydro-Québec says the work is crucial and can’t be postponed.
Felicia Parrillo reports.

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  1. Oh my.
    These people didn’t have AC when they were kids.
    They will be fine.
    Make sure it’s reasonably cool when the power goes out, close the blinds, pour a few cold drink, good to go.
    Could maybe even round up a few generators and portable ac units.
    These people are acting like it’s the end of the world.

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  3. Clim8 lokdwns are upon us. Going thru our version of it here in Calgary also.

    unsure if there’s anything we can do about it but being interested in The Truth leads all the way to salvation in Jesus Christ. The only hope.

  4. One of the wealthiest countries in the world can't have backup generators on its seniors apartment homes or homes for the disabled? That should have been considered in the design of all of those buildings. Should be the law

  5. Oh my god. Just get a diesel generator for the home and any critical location that requires uninterrupted power. Then do the work you need and reconnect them. Rescheduling when you don't have to is inefficient and shortsighted.

  6. Stay safe all,one day yo never know we might get smart enough to send energy needs through lazer beams as the current moves along the outside of the powerlines not eternally maybe manipulation of the beams properties could make energy delivery possible?


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