Police identify two of the three victims of North York triple fatal shooting


we are learning more tonight about the victims of yesterday’s daytime shooting that left three people dead and shut down nearby schools and a daycare let’s get right to our Dale manuu who was outside the building near Don Mills in Lawrence where the shooting happened and Dale what are you learning tonight he Kell if youall remember Toronto police yesterday said that among those found dead were two men and one woman and that one of the deceased was believed to be the shooter well just 45 minutes ago Toronto police releasing some new information they have identified two of the Vic they say one of them is 54-year-old Arash misi of Toronto and the other person is 44-year-old Samira yusfi of Concord they also say a 46-year old man is believed to be the shooter he was the third person found dead now I did speak to two people who work in this building behind me at 25 Mard Road one is a graphic designer who has some office space and a studio inside the building the other is a realtor who works in the building two days a week both of them say that the two victims were Partners in a um real estate invest or Property Management business we do know yesterday that Toronto police said that what happened was an altercation relating to some financial transaction now what’s interesting about this building kelda is there is no markings of this financial business this real estate business we did catch up with local counselor John Burnside here’s what he had to say here almost every day next door I knew about the the daycare in the school but wasn’t uh aware of uh exactly what else was going on in terms of uh Financial you know the financial institution I have had people uh call the office but um most people I think are waiting to hear to find out exactly what happened because as we know um when it hits close to home people are obviously have a heightened sense of concern and people are just trying to understand what happened whether it was work rated or or otherwise targeted or whatever the case might be you heard him say that there was some height in concern when things hit close to home one of the major things that happened yesterday was all the chaos about the schools and the daycare being put on lockdown there were those scenes yesterday of infants being wheeled out in cribs to their parents or being passed off by police officers into their parents’ arms and we do have some updates on how that daycare is doing there were some normal operations today however they did have to bring in children through the west side of the building as this building is still being held by police I did speak to one of the supervisors who said 44 of the 57 students at the daycare did come to school but some families do need some more time morning was pretty quiet and we came here 7:00 in the morning we open at 7:30 but we just want to be here early to support some of the families coming in just to reassure them like Hey we’re open we’re here to support you we understand if you feel uneasy but like we’re here the facility is locked um we do have a crisis support team that’s coming in to meet with us shortly um and we’re just here to support if we’re here until the families are ready to return Keela there is another school here an international um high school they also have had no normal operations I spoke to the principal earlier he said all of the students came to school today as for the shooting police are asking that anyone with information contact them we’ll send it back to you thanks so much Dale that’s our Dale manuck reporting live from North York tonight

Toronto police have identified two of the three victims of a fatal Monday shooting inside an office space in a building in North York, Ont., near Don Mills and Mallard roads. CBC’s Dale Manucdoc spoke to people who work at that building.
Read more: cbc.ca/1.7238966

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