Legault vs. Trudeau: The blame game over Quebec’s housing crisis


I think um I think the Airbnb uh issue poses a problem it’s uh Gatekeepers that like uh they are not like making more houses because uh you know is Canada is the second largest country in the world and we can make as much as houses we need for our people but still we are not making it so I think trudo is saying correct mhm premier of Quebec franois Lego blames his Province housing crisis on the influx of temporary immigrants and has purg prime minister justo to cut down numbers by half to prevent keurs from losing essential Services Lego insist that 100% of the housing shortage is due to the rise in temporary immigrants including ayum Seekers and illegal all border crossers from the US and attribute a third of Labor shortages in health and education to them he stated the federal government must understand that it is urgent to reduce the number of temporary immigrants in Quebec if we want queers to find housing for our children to have access to qualified teachers for our sick people people to be treated and for the decline of French to be reversed City to uh talk uh immigration with uh prime minister Premier Lego it’s an opportunity for us uh to continue on the great conversations that have happened between our ministers uh across uh uh over the past few months and continue our work together to grow a strong economy and lots of opportunities for quebecers and all Canadians [Music] currently there are over 560,000 temporary immigrants in Quebec despite the critic issues related to immigration policy loo accept Trudeau agreement to provide 750 million over five years to cover ayum Seeker cost but continues to seek one billion um I’ll also add uh I guess Richard a little bit of frustration um I saw today uh 3/4 of a billion dollars for Quebec to deal with immigration pressures from the federal government um they’ve offered us nothing zero dollars uh with 10,000 people coming to our Province every 37 Days trudo responded by cushioning against blaming immigrants for the province challenges emphasizing the complexity of these issues and stating and I quote quers and Canadians know very well that it is not always best to Target them and of course in reality the record height rates of immigrants temporary workers foreign students illegal immigrants and refugees are straining the country service system the nation is struggling with exactly what the french province has mentioned Quebec is more open to addressing these issues due to concern about the decline of French and cultural impacts without being Li b as racist the rest of Canada seems more reserved in addressing immigration despite its obvious significance let’s ask the regular people on the street here in Montreal if they find that immigration is indeed a problem and if they agree with Fran Leo on this point and disagree with Trudeau let’s find out do you agree with the statement of Mr Lego that it’s 100% theault of the massive immigration that we receive in Quebec I don’t think so why because immigrants come here and they work they work their ass off and they do everything you know they could do so it’s not our fault M we are trying our best we are studying we are making Jobs go perfectly fine we’re not doing anything wrong no I don’t agree but I don’t really I haven’t heard it yet but I I don’t really have an opinion of it I just think it’s wrong no I do not agree I think the problem is from the government they did not take actions I’ve say that we should not blame the Immigrant for like the old issue they say that it mostly a complex issue do you agree more with trudon and Lego then uh I don’t know what they said but like it’s uh now the problem we are facing is reality everybody knows about it so I thinko is saying correct m [Music] it has to be complex it can’t just be one thing that causes such a big problem no I don’t think it’s a problem bringing immigrants into Canada um so I guess I’m more with Trudeau than I am with Lego in regards to that but I’m not I’m not completely with Trudeau uh but Lego by saying that is trying to win political points what is the main like reason why we see like Crisis a little bit every where like in the housing uh side and the healthare and the school system for the housing problem I think like um problem like of construction there’s a lack of construction the Airbnb uh issue poses a problem maybe uh the influx of immigrants is maybe part of the problem but Pro likely only a small part of the problem and he’s probably uh trying to win votes by saying that it’s Gatekeepers that like they’re not like making more houses because uh you know is Canada is the second largest country in the world and we can make as much as houses we need for our people but still we are not making it so do you like tro are you going to vote for him oh I don’t know yet I don’t know yet don’t know yeah I need to do more research yeah I have more research I don’t think he’s wrong because he’s always standing up up with the immigrants he knows if the country want to go up you know the immigrants they’re going to make it happen it’s not only the natives it’s the immigrants who are you know trying their best M are you going to vote for him oh yes the health carees the housing prices the food prices everything is getting higher day by day so yeah so it’s time to like think about people and like take stronger decision to make the Canadians happier mhm do you like justu are you going to vote for him I don’t know who I’m going to vote for but for sure I’m going to vote for somebody who’s going to give me a better hope hope Canadian are suffering as a result of uncontrolled immigration under the leadership of prime minister Justin trudo the cost of living a sore there is inadequate housing and our social welfare system is buckling at the scene I’m asking you please go and sign our petition through our website it’s called NetZero immigration.com to ask just introduce to stop this massive immigration here in Canada

? | Tell our government to put a pause on immigration!
Alexa Lavoie takes to the streets of Montreal to ask residents what they think about Premier Francois Legault and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau playing the blame game over Quebec’s housing crisis.
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  1. Don’t like it go home. This is your own fault for believing a drama teacher. No pity. Immigration has F’d our country for decades. All in hopes of liberal votes.

  2. 750 million of our tax money. All for an issue we didn’t cause, and have voiced from the beginning we didn’t want mass migrants coming making us a 3rd world slum.

  3. Both their fault Trudeau with immigration to much and no homes. Then Quebecs leader should have shut down Roxham rd. But he wanted the votes. Your both destroying Csnada

  4. What do you mean your people. Your Indian from India.
    I lived in Inuit territory for 5 years. Does that make me Inuit?
    Everyone knows this to be true. But apparently, anyone from anywhere can be a Canadian. Nonsense

  5. Quebec should separate from Canada; then they can control their own borders and stop bleeding Canadians dry with their ‘Canadians can pay for us’ welfare mentality!

  6. Ten thousand people every 37 day's coming into BC? We have insane rents – homeless Canadians in every major city and town – completely insufficient housing – people struggling financially and jobs being handed to immigrants before Canadians who are struggling to secure employment! The many of us had our entire careers destroyed by these crook's! Where are all of these immigrants going to live?? This is insanity! Eby has had plenty of time to stand up for the province of BC and Canadians in BC – He's done nothing but bend over for the great replacement plandemic.


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