Justin Timberlake arrested for driving while impaired


pop star Justin Timberlake has been arrested in the Hamptons police confirming Timberlake was arrested and held overnight for reportedly driving Under the Influence he was released without bail with a court date scheduled for July 26th police say Timberlake was driving his BMW when he failed to stop at a stop sign and drifted into another Lane no comment yet from Timberlake’s Representatives he’s currently on tour his next stop scheduled for Friday in Chicago joining me now Shannon Burns host of iHeart Radio Shannon thanks for joining us yeah of course hello okay what is the latest on this yeah exactly what you said he was taken into custody after he failed to stop the police saw that he was swerving in and out of a lane so they eventually pulled him over and they said that they uh could see the signs that he had been drinking that there was the smell of alcohol on his breath he was actually on his way um he had just been leaving from a friends get together where he had been spending a few hours there and then he ended up being arrested for driving under the influence in the Hamptons so he did have um he was arraigned today he was released and now he has a court date that is scheduled for July 26th so in just over a month he will be returning back to that area for a court case there but they don’t have any full details about his arrests that have been made public at this time but like you said he is in the middle of a tour he has two shows coming up this weekend in Chicago and then a few more shows in New York and that tour is going until December so this could actually end up jeopardizing maybe some of the concert dates that he does have planned have we heard anything about that just stay with that for a second the uh the concert date in Chicago have we heard anything about them being canceled or possibly being canceled nothing has been said yet we haven’t heard from Justin or his wife Jessica about it what we do see from him leaving um leaving the police after he was detained he did seem pretty upset as he would be in this situation but nothing has been reported yet so I think a lot of fans that do have tickets to that show are holding their breath to see if maybe he will choose to cancel or possibly address it on stage as some artists decide to do and does he have any Canadian uh dates on this tour uh yeah he’s going to be coming to Canada um so that could end up affecting his International dates because if you do have any sort of criminal offense against you um that could have an effect on that so it is possible that this could affect him a lot further um but just a lesson to be learned don’t drink and drive and uh I mean I I’m not a I’m not a huge fan of it I don’t mind his stuff but I I remember seeing him at the SARS concert and when guys threw water bottles at him he was super casual and super really handled it really well so I’ve always liked him have have we had any any reports before of any run-ins like this uh yeah there has been some controversies with Justin temp Lake especially as of lately Britney Spears released her Memoir earlier this year where she spoke very candidly about the relationship that she had with Justin tber Lake they were a very famous couple in the early 2000s she shared a lot of her experiences dating him that were not so positive so a lot of fans of Britney Spears um have chosen to cancel Justin you could say and no longer support him or his music his last album that did just come out that he is on T supporting right now didn’t perform as M as well as his albums have in the past um so a lot of people are jumping off the Justin Timberlake train and this might be another reason as to why as well all right before we go has he talked about is he going to address this at all or is is it right now it’s just silent radio silence radio silence right now I do think that this will be something that he will have to address it might feel a little odd for him to just go on stage and continue on as if everything is fine um so maybe he’ll say something on stage maybe his Representatives will release some sort of statement he has done that in the past when addressing the Britney Spears controversy a few months ago it was a written statement online so that could be something that he chooses to do or he could just try and ignore the whole thing so we’ll have to wait and see for that okay Shannon thank you for that we appreciate it yeah thanks so much Shannon Burns is the host of iHeart Radio

iHeartRadio host Shannon Burns discusses whether Justin Timberlake’s tour will be impacted after being arrested for driving while impaired.

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