Fatal “flesh-eating bacteria” disease spreads in Japan


flesh eating bacteria a disease whose very name triggers alarm and is spreading in Japan as of June 2nd nearly a thousand cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome had been reported in the country since January and there are big fears the number could climb above 2500 this year Public Health officials are especially concerned because the disease can lead to death within 48 Hours of symptom onset the majority of cases have been reported in adults over 30 years of age to date the death rate is around 30% the disease is a response to group a streptococus which is the same bacteria that causes strep throat in children symptoms can include fever low blood pressure limb pain and swelling if left untreated it can progress to necrosis organ failure and death treatment involves high doses of antibiotics which need to be given as soon as possible [Music]

A deadly outbreak of a “flesh-eating bacteria” is spreading rapidly across Japan, alarming health officials with how quickly it can lead to death. Close to 1,000 cases of Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) have been reported in the Asian country this year, and doctors warn symptoms can be fatal within 48 hours. Some have already succumbed to the disease. #Health #Japan #ToxicShockSyndrome



  1. After Covid -19 almost finished These type of back terms came to japan but it’s disappear cuz there’s no evidences abt this and definitely no one gonna die and I’m also teenagers Japanese kid , I hope no one not gonna die very easily


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