Calgary water main break: Framework for third-party review into pipe failure established


let me first provide you with an update on how we are progressing in three critical areas of getting our City’s water supply back to normal first our current state with the Glenmore treatment plant continuing to be the primary source of water for the majority of the city because all of you have done such an exceptional job in cutting your water usage we are below the threshold for usage and well within the range of water required for storage on a regular basis yesterday we consumed 450 million lers of water indicating that people and businesses in Calgary and the surrounding communities of sutina nation arry Strathmore and chesterr continue to be excellent water stewards second the process of repair and restoration as I advised yesterday the site of the main feeder M has been repaired many thanks to the city Crews and private contractors who work 247 to get this work done and this brings us to the five hotspots that were identified who the places that need repair before we can turn on the tap at the Bears poot treatment facility and run water through the feeder M again those five spots of repair are currently underway yesterday we watched as Crews were tearing up 16th Avenue in Montgomery to get at that 2 meter wide feeder of the five areas of concern that still remain the the City of Calgary al already has parts for three of those areas to be repaired and yesterday we saw that the San Diego County Water Authority had shipped two more pieces that we require on a truck up to our city those parts should be arriving within the next day or two at that point they will be sand blasted and they will be coated and they will be ready to be inserted in the feeder M at that point City crews are doing the work on the five hot spots at the same time or concurrently to make sure that the repair happens as quickly as possible and and once this feeder M or transmission pipe is fixed and flushed it will be tested for safety uh to make sure that the quality of water is safe for consumption and that’s when we’ll be able to get everything back to full flow again third I want I excuse me third I know you want to understand what happened to this pipe in the first place and I do too and it’s for that reason that I called for a third party to do a complete incident review of this situ situation I’d like to share with you that mayor gond has asked me to clearly outline for Council and the public how will we under how we will undertake a fullsome PO incident review on the 16th Avenue water feeder main break I’d like to share with you the city’s plan to get to the bottom of how this break happened and how we can avoid this from happen happening again in the future the framework for the full thirdparty review has already been established and the scope of this review will include but not be limited to understanding the factors that contributed to the original pipe failure understanding of our current practices for inspection and asset sustainability and it will include recommendations for specific actions to improve ra water supply resilience moving forward the review will be guided by an expert panel from Academia the water industry water utilities management engineering and government entities Focus on infrastructure and resilience the selection of the external consultant the selection of the external consultant and panel members is currently being informed through conversations with the private sector and National water industry associations once an external consultant has been engaged and the panel has been established they will confirm the full scope of the review the expert panel will ultimately provide recommendations based on the findings of this work that we can then action and share with calgarians

In a Tuesday morning update on Calgary’s water main break, Mayor Jyoti Gondek said that the city was “well-below the threshold for usage” and “well-within the range of water required for storage on a regular basis.” She also provided an update on the progress of repairs and the creation of a third-party incident review of the broken pipe.

“Yesterday, we consumed 450,000,000 litres of water, indicating that people and businesses in Calgary and the surrounding communities of Tsuut?ina Nation, Airdrie, Strathmore and Chestermere continue to be excellent water stewards,” Gondek said.

Regarding the independent review, Calgary Chief Administrative Officer David Duckworth also said the framework has “already been established” and that the scope of this review will “include, but not be limited to,” understanding the factors that contributed to the original pipe failure.

Duckworth also spoke on the hotspots along the broken water main, describing them as “structural deficiencies” in need of repair rather than leaks. “There are no indications of leaks at this point, but that may change as we uncover and assess the pipe at each of these five hotspot locations,” Duckworth said.

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  1. Another expert panel……just get a recognized Canadian municipal engineering consulting firm with a stellar reputation in this area to do the investigation (working closely with the city). They can quickly develop recommendations to prevent recurrence. Another expert panel….what a waste.


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