Alex Jones talks to Rebel News after surprise appearance at Turning Point Action event


Alex what’s the latest on this law fair that you’ve been facing from the deep State well the CIA and the FBI they’ve run it all it’s all come out in court and they tried to overthrow my company so the globalist system is Dead on Arrival but again it wants to take us with them so we can’t just oppose the globalist we have to get back to Americana 2.0 and promote that to the world and have a better system than them and we are doing it the religious then they target the Freedom Fighters then they target anyone who opposes the revolution all of them will be completely liquidated and oh by the way anyone who for lack of a better term builds things in the real world so small business owners in Russia they were called the kulacs uh they’ve been called the petty bisi in in some places and so we know that those are the people who are initially targeted time and time again and so Sarah stock for Rebel news we’re here on the ground in Detroit Michigan for Turning Point at actions annuals people convention and guess what we just had a surprise appearance from Alex Jones Who currently is facing a lot of attacks from the deep state with law Affair similar to that of Donald Trump we are going to win and when we take back America we’re going to start the project to take back the world not through Force but through intellectual and spiritual power under Christ under God and we are going to launch the next project of 177 6 worldwide 1776 worldwide human Liberty in a declaration against K but Alex Jones had a lot of predictions to make for this coming election especially once he gets reelected there’ll be 79 days of hell he will be reelected they can’t stop it I believe you if we work hard it’s done if we show up but as soon as he is president-elect the 79 days between then and January 20th 2025 they are going to roll out the stops and try to trigger a race war and that’s a total lie and a fraud and we’re all waking up and coming together but that’s why they got movies about Civil War and they’re hyping it and even made a a claim that there is going to be an organized globalist sponsored type race war following an re-election of Donald Trump they are that desperate because there is a global worldwide political realignment against the New World Order the New World Order is a couple thousand arrogant people led by King Charles who sits around and talks about how he wants to depopulate people and so did his father Prince Phillip and I’m telling them right now we are not rolling over and dying for you inbred globalist let’s see what people have to say about his surprise appearance and what they think of these claims so did you see Alex Jones here today I did see Alex Jones as fact I was just backstage with him and Jack and uh got to say thanks to him for for doing what he’s doing and continuing to push and get the message out there it was nice to see him and nice to see that was in good spirits so what do you make it seems like there’s a lot of law fair being weaponized right now we see Alex Jones Donald Trump Steve ban and what do you make of this is this a concerted effort do you think well this is a system response so we have the new book un humans and we talk about how communism always uses the tools of the state and instruments of power under what they call they claim to be the color of law to go after their opponents and they’ve done this since the people’s tribunals and people’s communes of the French Revolution and the Jacobin they think about the law fair he’s facing right now you know that’s it’s really sad I it doesn’t make sense to me that the people who are you know bringing the suit against him are really just trying to crush him completely it seems more vindictive they’re almost treating him like like the criminal and Alex Jones is not the criminal in this case Alex what’s the latest on this law fair that you’ve been facing from the deep State well the CIA and the FBI they’ve run it all it’s all come out in court and they tried to overthrow my company but the federal judge discovered it and fired them uh last Thursday no last Friday now just a couple days ago so we’re still holding on now but it only makes the show bigger and even if they shut down M4 Wars I’ll just continue on they always claim there’s an indictment and there’s been a conviction and there been a claim and the people’s claim and the people’s courts and all of this and so this has always been a tool that is used in the Communist system all right let’s let him talk have at it well I like you interviewing me too Jack I mean look I cannot express to you how epic the time is right now you don’t need me to tell you that you can see it you can feel it you see the enemies Humanity these mercenaries that have sold their soul to this tyranny they’re desperate they have fear in their eyes because they know all the incredible crimes they have committed and so that’s why they’re a cornered animal and that’s why they’re so dangerous but we talk about President Trump he says it all the time they’re not coming after him they’ve got to get through him to get to us and that’s totally true they’re not trying to get me or Jack bovic or any of these other great people here today they’re trying to get every one of you and break your will and turn America into a tyranny because if America still exists the rest of the world will aspire to it and it will be the model and freedom will grow don’t listen to what they say look at what they do and they always do the same things who do they target the religious then they target the Freedom Fighters then they target anyone who opposes the revolution all of them will be completely liquidated and oh by the way anyone who for lack of a better term builds things in the real world so small business owners in Russia they were called the kulaks uh they’ve been called the petty bourjois in in some places and so we know that those are the people who are initially targeted time and time again and so when we see them going after Donald Trump not just as a leader of the opposition but also a successful New York Real Estate Mogul that this is exactly in line with the system that they’ve been using for hundreds of years the globalist forces are the ones destroying the dollar they’re the ones maneuvering Us in collapse they’re the enemy the corporate media is dead they’re zombies funded by globalists they know they have no power they’re totally jealous of the truth Governor Whitmer with the FBI tried to Stage her own kidnapping so again we disavow any violence any offensive violence any kidnapping any murder so the globalist system is Dead on Arrival but again it wants to take us with them so we can’t just oppose the globalist we have to get back to Americana 2.0 and promote that to the world and have a better system than them and we are doing it [Music] if you would like to keep up with our coverage of this event and help support our independent journalism please head over to ww. reelnews

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Rebel News reporter Sarah Stock catches up with Infowars founder Alex Jones after his surprise appearance at a recent Turning Point USA event in Michigan.
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  1. if you think Alex is a truth speaker then you probably think Epstein is just a business developer. All Hollywood hype is suspect, and Alex is no exception. JUST.THINK.FOR.YOUR.SELF.

  2. Tbh, I'm disappointed to see this. I like your news coverage 100x more than this crush piece on a very questionable dude. Let's just say he's no Jordan Peterson or Gad Saad. Let's please have less of him.
    Thank you RN! and thank you Sarah Stock!


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