Great white shark sightings increasing alongCanada’s east coast


there is a healthy great white shark population off Nova scotia’s Coast thanks to successful conservation efforts what we have up here in Canada is increasing reports or fightings of them by people who spent a lot of time on the water but he says that isn’t necessarily a cause for panic according to lifeguard and training Hannah Lewis these prehistoric fish have always been around we’re just becoming more aware of them we’re not invading but we’re like sharing their space so I mean they were definitely there first so we need to respect that a little bit too for Lewis the key to shark safety isn’t avoiding the water but swimming or surfing with a buddy there’s like moments when I’m surfing um with fewer people or on foggy days uh where it’s definitely all my mind a little bit more uh it’s kind of like a Sharky feeling working with the life-saving Society of Nova Scotia whisky plans to adopt the technique used in Cape Cod and post signs at about a dozen beaches unlike signs in New England these will be smaller displaying QR codes with information about sharks and how to stay safe in the ocean it’s not a a panic device it’s not an aggressive sign is just a background information to let people know that uh ocean is home to sharks and we are we are visitors in that ocean but longtime Surfer Jason Beach is skeptical about what message this will send to the public everybody’s got a phone so and it anytime there’s any sighting whatsoever and Mar times people are excited to talk about the Sharks and I I think it might be a little over the top to put signs everywhere Beach says he hasn’t heard of any encounters nearby but they may be more common in areas with more seals like the Southshore for Lewis being prepared is the best defense yeah I always like use the analogy of like you don’t go into the back country like skiing unprepared but I find like some people will come to the ocean they don’t really consider their safety Ella MacDonald Global News Lawrencetown Nova Scotia

There is growing evidence that the number of great white shark sightings along Canada’s east coast is increasing, which has prompted plans to post warning signs for beachgoers for the first time.

Dalhousie University’s Ocean Tracking Network says the population of these apex predators is making a comeback thanks to successful conservation measures and a rapidly growing food supply.

Experts say beachgoers don’t need to be overly concerned, but should educate themselves about how to avoid encounters and stay safe.
Ella MacDonald reports.

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