‘Champagne socialist’ MP Niki Ashton bills taxpayers 17K for controversial family Xmas trip


[Music] Nikki Ashton one of the most anti-israel politicians in all of the uh House of comment she’s an NDP MP and she’s a firm believer in the fact that socialism is usually for the people and not the Socialist and she’s the Socialist in all of this um you might remember her from past travel scandals such as when she went to Greece twice during the pandemic or at least the government overreaction to the pandemic she was one of the strongest lockdown and restriction proponents in the House of Commons but she traveled to Greece twice during the times when they were telling everybody to stay home close their business cancel Christmas and leave your grandparents to languish in an old folks home uh lonely and in despair she went to Greece twice because her grandma was ailing and so her grandma she gets to uh to have a nice visit and she gets to travel to Greece to visit her grandma but your grandma she had to be uh warehoused away in a nursing home never to be seen again so she did that she’s a hypocrite um as so many of the NDP tend to be but this latest thing is just it’s something else so Nikki Ashton who rarely goes to the House of Commons and I don’t blame her for this because we have said um that everything can be done remotely now School House of Commons whatever so she took advantage of that she rarely goes to the House of Commons her riding is in farflung Northern Manitoba it’s a it’s an impoverished riding by the way I think the average household income household income so combined two people working household income under $60,000 she decided that after not going to work not finding a way to make it to Ottawa for the majority of the fall session in 2022 wherein she was only in Ottawa for one week so four days the House of Commons breaks on I think it was the 15th or 16th of December for Christmas then Nikki Ashton says oh wouldn’t you know it I’ve got House of Commons business to do in Ottawa over the Christmas break except it wasn’t House of Commons business she took a family vacation and then charged it all back to the taxpayer so uh and there’s no reason for her to be there like literally none and this is the Christmas break on let’s go through uh cbc’s article here it’s pretty good um I have my suspicions about who tipped CBC off to this by the way I think it came internally from the NDP because she’s seen as a leadership Challenger for Jag meet Singh who is I think starting to annoy some party members anyway on December 21st of that year Ashton flew from Thompson Manitoba to Ottawa five days after the house of comment had already risen for Christmas break huh Ashton’s partner Bruce moner a former NDP nomination candidate and their two children also made the trip with the MP to the nation’s capitals now we’re on a family vacation don’t you see then on Christmas Day the family of Ford traveled to Quebec City Ashton buil oh this is nice she didn’t ding us for all of it just some of it in this case Ashton build the commons for some of the expenses they incurred along the way social Med this is beautiful she didn’t even try to hide it she didn’t even try to hide it social media posts show Monker and the children took in some of Quebec City’s winter attractions including an ice slide and snow tubing at Val cardier outside the city center Ashton is also seen in those posts getting with her children and visiting the city’s German Christmas Market in an Instagram post Ashton thanks Progressive activists for sharing their inspiring work the trip now the trip cost taxpayers nearly 188,000 000 an $188,000 family vacation and this champagne socialist had the GT ding Canadian taxpayers who are being crushed under the liberal NDP NDP inflationary policies and increased taxes they had to pay for this there are people who can’t even imagine a $177,000 family vacation over Christmas and this champagne socialist who says she’s fighting for the little guy she sticks them with the bill now also you’ll if you pay attention to any sort of politics you know the NDP cannot shut up about the large grocers in this country whom they accuse of price gouging look I’m not one to defend the Weston family who own lob laws but the NDP are so wrong on this issue that I’m defending jayen Weston yes I’m defending gayen Weston because yes lbla is making uh making a lot of money these days how are they making money well they’re doing it on their uh their lower like their house brand product so like the the yellow label that they have at labl as the noname brand stuff that’s where people are spending their money so labla wisely paying attention to the way the winds are blowing in Canada people don’t have any money inflation is killing them they want a good deal on food so L blah pivots puts a lot of energy into their no-name brand and people go to LA labla to buy the noname brand so of course labla being good capitalists are making money on this and paying attention to what the market wants this isn’t good this isn’t good enough for the NDP so they won’t shut up about the large Grocers however Nikki Ashton let me tell you she was not eating no name food on this trip because she buildt 15, Sor sorry 1500 I should correct myself $1,500 for meals and other incidentals on this trip this family trip so we paid for her kids to eat uh now Nikki Ashton didn’t ever think for a second that she would have to justify this spending because she said that she went to Quebec City to discuss language priorities and to quote find out things she needs to prioritize just things I I’m just there’re thinging on the priorities and she also met with a union person who that Union person is it’s a mystery um then for Christmas Eve they traveled to Montreal for meetings with stakeholders sorry the day before the day before New Year’s Eve they traveled uh to Montreal for meetings with stakeholders and again they were engaging with people people about linguistic issues I can’t even imagine thinking that I could get away with expenses like that I’ll have you know I’m very light on the expenses here at Rebel News why because I always think the people who donate to Rebel news our subscribers if I showed them my expenses how would they feel about this right I always think that way I always think that like look if someone who gave us 50 bucks this year said Sheila I want to see your expenses for March I would have no problem showing them no problem whatsoever Nikki Ashton doesn’t think that way she doesn’t feel the same way about you but guys this is not the first time she pulled this stuff dinging us for her family vacations uh where was the other one sorry May 2023 $10,000 on a family trip to Windsor what’s she doing in Windsor her riding is in Northern Manitoba she should only be going from northern Manitoba down to Ottawa and back but she can’t go to Ottawa that’s too much like work she can’t manage to get out of her riding to go to Ottawa but she could get out of her riding to go to Windsor $10,000 uh it was a Six-Day trip to Windsor when she also wasn’t going to work uh she was in Ottawa fewer than 30 days for the first 6 months of 2023 when she should have been working she went to Windsor and the reason Windsor is significant is because that’s where moner her uh husband common-law whatever they just call her a partner so or him a partner so I’m not even who puts a label on things these days anyway she they went to Windsor where he grew up and went to school in University they went to visit his family in Windsor and we had to pay for it the just the goal of this woman and uh while she was there she crossed the border to talk to uh Detroit Democrat politician of squad Fame Rashida Talib so and her excuse there was uh I went to talk about soccer opportunities for the kids in Thompson Manitoba just ridiculous now we know that Jag meet sing isn’t going to hold her to account he’s just as bad as her at this um and I mean how can Justin Trudeau hold her to account right um because Justin Trudeau charges us for his family vacations all the time so I’m going to give you an opportunity for you to have your say I’ve got a petition and you can share the petition because it details all her spending scandals and how she’s a big fat hypocrite all the time you can find it at pay themoney back.com no sorry pay it back I don’t even know my own uh URL good grief what a day it’s pay ITB back.com um and it if you’re looking for news on Nikki Ashen it’s Nikki with 1K why she hasn’t found a way to charge the taxpayer for the other one yet so payback.com you can sign a petition share it around um make sure everybody knows just how much of a expense account abuser this NDP is the NDP used to say they’re in it for the little guy they’re you know they were anti-poverty activists while you are struggling to pay over 50% of your income in taxes this year just remember that Nikki Ashton who makes 200 $100,000 a year plus stuck you with her family vacations twice that we know of will there be an audit probably not there should be an audit but twice now you paid for her family vacation

? | Sheila Gunn Reid questions why NDP MP Niki Ashton billed taxpayers over $17,000 for a family Christmas trip to Quebec to allegedly meet with important “stakeholders.”

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