CBC’s online engagement dwindles as independent media like Rebel News gain traction


as trust in far-left mainstream media dwindles conservative media and independent journalists are gaining Traction in the online space new research from the Canadian digital media research network shows that CBC viewership is being replaced with conservative voices it found that engagement with the Canadian State broadcaster known as the CBC is fading online as first reported by blacklock’s reporter the May 2024 situation report on the Canadian information ecosystem found that fewer than one in three Canadians Trust big tech companies like meta and Google or politicians it found that journalists and media organizations are more trusted but close to half of all Canadians still have little to no trust in them at all

New research from the Canadian Digital Media Research Network (CDMRN) shows CBC viewership is being replaced with conservative voices.


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  1. CBC is pure propaganda BS as is Global, City and CTV.
    Trudeau owns all of these lying talking heads in one way or the other.
    Stopped watching all these liars years ago.

  2. I'm old enough to remember when CBC was actually a respectable news source. They used to do actual journalism and reporting. Its hard to believe, but that was a long, long time ago.

  3. Not to mention the massive government handouts given to CTV, Global and CBC…who should all be out of business by now. Or maybe without the funding they'd start actually reporting the truth and real news.

  4. You Cannot i repeat Cannot! recieve real true news on a television or radio.. no channel will have anything but propaganda mind rot and sales advertisments.. no channel on any cable subscription will give you good real honest news .. just propaganda paid opinion mind rot and sales pitches. you must manually Seek out thoes on open media platforms who are paid by their viewers to get REAL news as people pay them for the Real news and value they provide hence why they are doing so well with 0 legacy media presence .


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