California wildfire burns 60 sq. km, forces evacuations east of L.A.


this is video from the Los Angeles National Forest it’s in the mountains east of Los Angeles and Flames are being driven by winds as high as 80 kilm an hour fire officials say this Wildfire the post fire has burned more than 60 square kilm of grassland since Saturday afternoon and so far about 12200 people are out of their homes Steve fman is live with us from Los Angeles this morning boy this is a fire Steve that’s covered a lot of ground just in the last 24 hours or so so bring us up to speed what is happening so far this morning well this morning they’re just getting ready to attack the fire again both on the ground and if they can from the air but these Gusty winds which have been up to at times the gusts have been up to a 100 kilometers an hour really making it difficult to to fight it from the air but they’re doing their best it’s hold the postfire as you mentioned around 100 kilometers from downtown Los Angeles Northeast of downtown LA it began We Believe Saturday afternoon a small spark someone reported it and it is just spread like crazy The Winds of course lots of very very difficult conditions for firefighters Craig little is with the LA County Fire Department he explains What’s Happening Now wind has been a major factor along with the dry fuels along with the terrain that’s that’s all a recipe for a very quickly moving flame this is a very dynamic situation winds will change and change direction and you’ll see smoke going one way at one point and then an hour later it could be in another Direction so it’s a very Dynamic situation and you heard him Heather talk about a recipe for a a very bad situation that’s what they have right now now the conditions have been difficult very high temperatures summer temperatures already now there was a McDonald’s that had to be rapidly evacuated by people there was a campground with around 1,200 people that they were forced to leave a an auto body plant uh it was completely destroyed the cars they engulfed in flames now this fire right now unfortunately only 2% contained Steve we’ve talked so often over the years you’ve done so much reporting on wildfires during the long drought in the Los Angeles area but this winter this past winter was a rainy one so does that create any new kinds of concerns or worries about the type of Fire season that might be ahead yeah well abely absolutely you know they like the the rain here because of the drought but there’s a downside to that the downside is when you have heavy rains there’s a lot of grass land that grows and when the heat comes which has been the last couple of months that grass land dries up so you have lots of fuel as they call it in these hillsides right now so it’s really going to be a very very difficult difficult summer some say the fires coming at this time relatively early for the Fire season really prends a very difficult summer ahead you have lots of grass line lots of fuel in the mountains lots of dry fuel in the mountains you’re going to have the winds and of course climate change has made almost every fire major Wildfire we’ve seen in the last few years much more aggressive much more unpredictable so fire Crews these scientists who are part of the fire teams they’re having to learn how to fight a new kind of fire so it’s not a very pretty sight obviously we have to wait and see how bad it’s going to be this summer but right now many forecasters say this could be a very very difficult summer and fall the fires here of course extended to fall could be a very difficult few months for people in not just Southern California but all of California Steve thank you appreciate this as always and we’ll check back as we watch the postfire with you Steve fman live in Los Angeles

A wildfire burning northwest of Los Angeles has forced the evacuation of more than 1,000 people from a popular outdoor recreation area and burned more than 60 square kilometres, authorities said.

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