Calgary water main break: Repairs have started on remaining 5 hotspots, mayor says


firstly on Friday evening we told you that we still needed to drain a 300 met section of the feeder M and do an inspection with robots the robotic review of that remaining 300 M indicated that there were no other compromised spots it was only the five hotpots that we needed to deal with secondly heavy equipment is arriving today there there is uh more equipment on the sites of the five hotspots that we need to fix those repairs have begun and we will continue to work on those concurrently so we will do them all at the same time thirdly we told you that we would be working with municipalities across North America to secure the parts that we needed and those parts are either on their way or they are already here fourth the first feeder M break has now been fully repaired and we are now able to focus on the five hotspots so I want you to think about it this way there were six areas that needed to be repaired one is fully completed the other five are all happening at the same time and we will continue to update you on that so to calgarians and our neighboring communities I can speak for all of us here at the City of Calgary when I say we are incredibly grateful for everything that you have been doing I also have positive news to share with you about how collaborating uh with experts behind the scenes has been incredibly beneficial to us we have been working with folks in the energy industry and we’re incredibly fortunate to have these people available to us because our city is known for its leadership in this area this weekend two round taes were held to exchange ideas and understand options available to us two more of these sessions are in the works and these will include experts from heavy construction as well as the technology sector oil and gas professionals sat down with our engineers and hydrologists to consider what the repair options could look like and contingencies we also leveraged pipeline experience as well as industrial water operations so there’s been some really good conversations between the energy sector and our folks on the City of Calgary operations team I can also tell you that we now have six private sector partners that have been fully engaged those are Standard General vocer St whistle lbco Associated engineering and pure Technologies now looking back when I sat down with my team on Friday night after we heard the difficult news about five more sections needing repair we knew we had to take a bold approach to get this pipe fixed and to get water flowing to all of you and most importantly we knew we needed to do it in a safe Manner and as ideas flew and the weekend progressed I was truly heartened to watch people step up and teams come together all for the good of calgarians we really have banded together in this one when the emergency began we told you that residential usage was a very big Focus because about 2third of the water that we use comes from our homes we also worked with the city’s biggest corporate and Industrial water users in fact there were 700 phone calls made and visits made to folks to see how they could reduce their water consumption in their businesses

Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek said in a Monday morning press conference that repairs on the remaining five hotspots from a broken water main have started, reiterating that no new hotspots have been found along the remaining 300 metres of pipe.

Recapping the updates from over the weekend, Gondek also said that heavy equipment will be arriving Monday and that the city is working with municipalities across North America to secure the parts needed – which are either on their way or already in the city.

“So, to Calgarians and our neighbouring communities, I can speak for all of us here at the city of Calgary when I say we are incredibly grateful for everything that you have been doing,” Gondek said.

Gondek added that discussions with private sector partners have been engaged over the weekend, and that Calgary has “really banded together in this one.”

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  1. Food banks are empty in Canada, There is no water in Ours cities , Hate spread on the streets from islamofascists – here is result Liberals/NDP 8 years dictatorships, vote smart


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