Big Win: Molson’s Toronto brewery decides NOT to replace its huge Canadian flag with a rainbow flag


Canadian is okay as a brand name for a beer but well there’s something shameful about flying the Canadian flag excuse me ma’am I’m just wondering is there anyone from somebody in on site today to work from home day and oh told that you would receive whatever from you’ve reached out and you just have to be patient until somebody oh ma’ my my original quaries were sent last year um I know nothing about that you just got to reach the media Department okay [Music] David men for Rebel news here in eastn Toronto and folks I’m standing outside the molsen brewery and I got to tell you I am delighted to see what is flying behind me namely that might be the biggest Canadian flag in our entire Dominion it’s certainly one of the biggest you can’t miss it if you’re driving on Highway 427 or Highway 401 you will see this flag and I’m especially elated to see it in the month of June because you know what my cameraman Lincoln Jay and I were here last June June of 2023 and this beautiful big Canadian flag it had been mothballed for the entire month in place of well I think you can guess the flag I’m speaking of check it out molon thinks it’s a good idea to cancel the Canadian flag in favor of this lockdown again what do we do trying to help you oh hi sir how are you how you doing there can I help you I Absol yes um we’re trying to find either um thank you ma’am appreciate that uh either Rachel Dickens or Josh Noel they’re with u media relations yes so they’ll be based in our Milwaukee office oh they’re Milwaukee yes oh my goodness so you me to get you uh contact details for those do you know what I’ve already sent them an email but um that was like 2 days ago and I haven’t heard back so I thought we’d make a a house call yeah no problem so you contact those uh the contact details that you have over there they’ll be able to get back to you as soon as possible well lo and behold maybe Molson Kors did indeed learn a marketing lesson from the budlight Dylan malany Fiasco and you know I think maybe in a small way Rebel news deserves credit for having this Canadian flag put back on the flag pole after all a top selling brand of molsen Cs is molsen Canadian so Canadian is okay as a brand name for a beer but well there’s something shameful about flying the Canadian flag in the month of June that’s outrageous and I’ll tell you this video we did last year it received thousands of views and there were hundreds and hundreds of comments I didn’t read them all but I did not come across a single one applauding Molen CS for putting the maple leaf in storage for an entire month here check out this random sampling of comments Bob Moss 4578 writes the Canadian flag should never be replaced by any other flag period Northern hoarder 8555 writes never been so ashamed to be Canadian rig Pig on the loose writes dump every brand that flies the flag changes its logo or sponsors anything to do with grooming stands 5270 writes molsen the official beer of Justine Trudeau and trans people everywhere and Sumo ma 7226 writes well we hit Bud ligh hard now let’s see if we can teach molsen the same lesson no need to resort to violence hit him where it hurts the most their wallet well Sumo MAAC it looks like a lesson has been learned because because on the other side of this Brewery The Pride propaganda flag only exists as a temporary mural the Canadian flag is back at its rightful post at the top of molson’s flag pole but nevertheless folks I wanted to know why there was this reversal in Pride propaganda policy so I reached out to the media relations department of molsen KS here were my questions number one why the reversal in policy two was it due to the overwhelmingly negative reaction on social media regarding the pride flag replacing the Canadian flag for an entire month three why would Molson CS go down this marketing pathway given the outrage and huge sales Fallout that anhauser bush endured due to its disastrous Dylan malaney Bud Light campaign and finally four is there not some irony that molsen would choose to cancel the Canadian flag for an entire month given that one of your bestselling Brands is molsen Canadian and you know what folks this is absolutely shameful just like last year when I reached out to the media relations department of molsen Kors several times as I did this month as well not even an acknowledgment of the emails as I say in Alabama this dog don’t hunt I wonder why multi-billion dollar corporations have a media relations department if the department doesn’t relate to the media maybe they think the story will die on the vine no it doesn’t it’s still going ahead and you look utterly foolish in any event why don’t we swing around the parking lot to the corporate office of this Brewery see if anyone will come on camera and explain expin this change in policy and hack to me it’s a good news story folks this is a good thing molon has recovered its Marbles and has decided to fly the Canadian flag something that is inclusive of everybody in our great Dominion instead of that flag espousing so-called Pride propaganda anyways let’s go for a little ride around the block oh hey how you doing there good I’m David mensy with Rebel news and I’m just hoping to speak to him somebody about the uh the Canadian flag uh being flown instead of the uh the pride flag so we don’t have anybody here oh it’s work from home day work from home day yes please in this whole office nobody at all or oh okay um do you suggest we come back another day because I’ve been reaching out by email several times since last year to um media relations okay and I don’t even get acknowledgement of my uh my emails oh so you can try coming in on Monday though okay yeah okay is there somebody here in media relations or no excuse me ma’am I’m just wondering is there anyone from somebody in on site today to work from home day and oh told that you would receive whatever from you’ve reached out and you just have to be patient until somebody oh Ma’am my my original queries were sent last year um I know nothing about that you just got to reach the media department for oh I have and who told you that that I had to be patient um Communications oh really yeah why don’t they communicate how do you like that okay well there you go folks after one year literally of reaching out to molsen C’s media relations we still haven’t had a response evidently that lady is more aware than I have of the process uh that I just have to be patient I know one year in terms of geological time is a blink of an eyelash but in human time more than 12 months it’s a it’s a bit of a schlep wouldn’t you say but really folks this is a good news story isn’t it the idea that the Canadian flag has reclaimed it its rightful position that the pride propaganda flag is now just a mural and not actually an official flag here at the molsen brewery this is a defeat against wokeism against political correctness against the radical trans agenda you know what folks I’ll drink to that here it w our boast and pride and join in love the sh R and Twine the forever is is it because you want the pride flag up or no oh I think personally I think this is a good news story I think the Canadian flag is inclusive of everybody in our Dominion uh this Brewery one of their top selling brands ma’am is molsen Canadian right so how do you feel about it I don’t have any feeling honestly yeah uh I I don’t mind to see the Canadian flight cuz I’m Canadian born here so uh it doesn’t and I don’t have nothing to do with pride so yeah and you know what I think uh you know if they were trying to measure their response there is a mural on the other side of the brewery in the uh the pride colors and format so um in a way even if you supported the pride uh initiative this is win-win you’ve got the Canadian flag and the pride yeah yeah and uh when the Raptors won the championship they had the Raptor flag up there well you know that might be a once in a century thing right it’s not going to happen again I think you got that you’re right I wonder if the maple leaf flag will ever get up there if they win the Stanley Cup so I hope so I hope so you know I have a current BET right now what’s going to happen first the Leafs win the Stanley Cup or I die I think the smart money is on the Grim Reaper no but I don’t I hope you don’t die and I hope they win you get to see it I hope so well at least with the Leaf’s logo it resembles a Canadian flag exactly exactly well folks you don’t see any other media Outlet doing a story about this they probably are upset about the pride progress flag not flying instead of the Canadian flag but you know what we need your help please go to Rebel field that’s Rebel field make a donation so Rebel news can continue to bring you the other side of the story

As David Menzies explains, upon revisiting the brewery, we were delighted to see that Molson’s enormous Canadian flag is still flying this month. The pride propaganda, meanwhile, now exists as a temporary mural on the brewery’s wall.

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