Ukraine peace summit: Questions remain over path to peace following Switzerland meeting


despite the smiles it wasn’t the meeting that Vladimir zalinsky had hoped for Joe Biden dispatching the vice president to the Ukrainian peace sum I am here in Switzerland to stand with Ukraine and the leaders from around the world in support of a just and Lasting peace nearly 100 different countries represented but the leaders of India Brazil and Saudi Arabia didn’t show China not attending at all Justin Trudeau the Canadian representative announcing 52 million for a variety of Ukrainian causes including support to return thousands of children kidnapped and resettled in Russia everyone can agree that taking kids away from their F families uh trying to erase their language their culture that’s an element of genocide that’s uh pure colonialism to help stop that from continuing to happen Ukraine hoping to push back the Russians with an air defense system that Canada purchased a year and a half ago but is yet to be delivered or even built of course we wish the system was already in Ukraine because we are in a situation when every piece of air defense matters Ukraine also supports a French plan to send military trainers into the country something trudo would not say if Canada would join and we continue uh to do training in uh many different locations uh this is something that we will continue to be there for Ukraine while a summit participants describ the situation as a war they offered few solutions to solve it only agreeing on nuclear safety food security and the kidnapped children and even then important countries like India Indonesia and South Africa afca did not sign the commun despite that zilinsky viewed the summit as a success when every step is worked out the path will be opened for the second piece Summit and thus for ending this war for a just and Lasting peace unsurprisingly Russia slammed the Gathering saying they’ll agree to a ceasefire with Ukraine if they withdraw from anex territories Tracy something the Ukraine in the west rejected quickly uh on the domestic front Kenzie did Trudeau say anything specific about MPS and alleged foreign interference yeah Tracy the Prime Minister had a lively scrum with reporters at one point he lost his voice and needed to take a quick break at least Doug for swallow but when it restarted Justin trudo would again not clarify what he thinks is wrong with a report from parliamentarians that says that there are MPS who wittingly participated in foreign interference the government has already highlighted there are a number of the conclusions of the National Security uh and intelligence Committee of parliamentarians report uh that we uh don’t entirely align with trudo pointed to differing views from NDP leader jug meet Singh and green party leader Elizabeth May who’ve both read the unredacted report with Singh saying there are traitors in Parliament and may disagreeing saying she has no issues with anyone in the House of Commons but what neither did was call into question the report itself which Trudeau and Public Safety minister Dominic LeBlanc have now done on three separate occasions try all right Mackenzie gray reporting for us in Switzerland thank you Mac ukrainians in Canada have been watching developments at the peace Summit closely and with another plan for the coming months it’s offered hope that Global powers are being galvanized to bring an end to the war without giving in to Vladimir Putin Heidi petrac speaks to Ukrainian Canadians on their hopes for the future a lot of younger uh guys I know um most families still back home stanislav sarov spends a lot of his time helping fellow ukrainians who came to the maritimes fleeing the war he’s been in Halifax since 2014 but has plenty to worry about with friends and family still there this two years and States dragging their Hills and all their allies draging their Hills in 2023 um a lot of people was kind of given up on a hope that big support can come but he feels this year is different for him the joint communic signed at the Ukraine peace summit though not unanimous is a sign of what could be the beginning of the war’s end and bringing all this criminals and put him um into a criminal court but officials at The Summit in Switzerland acknowledged peace will be a process Ukraine and the West rejected Vladimir Putin’s terms for final resolution issued Friday which included Ukraine abandoning its intent to join NATO the urgency of the moment needs to be understood the National Group representing ukrainians in Canada hopes momentum won’t be lost now that the Summit is over no more waivers no more exceptions uh really taking on the Russian war machine um we need know Russia to continue to be isolated time is ticking as attacks in Ukraine continue and more soldiers and civilians are killed I think between now and no is where we’re going to have to see a lot of things put in place the outcome of the impending us election he says could affect crucial American Support depending on which way the votes swing in the event that Donald Trump gets into the White House and suddenly uh walks away or starts moving energy away from any sort of binding International agreements that the United States has in place Vladmir zalinski has plans for a second piece Summit within months while in Canada Justin Trudeau intends to gather foreign ministers for a meeting on Ukraine soon Heidi pic Global News Halifax

The path toward peace in Ukraine took a few small steps forward this weekend at an international peace summit in Switzerland.

Leaders focused on a key point emphasized by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy – that his country’s territorial integrity must be part of any peace plan.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in attendance, but other major world leaders were missing from the conference. And as Mackenzie Gray reports, that’s cast doubt on how quickly peace can finally come to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian-Canadians have been watching developments at the peace summit closely. Heidi Petracek spoke to them about their hopes for the future of Ukraine.

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  1. Taking kids away from their families is genocide! ? has ONE single colonial family in Canada been brought to justice for the indigenous residential schools????? Not a one! That’s god shutting his mouth for him

    What hypocrites and honestly all Ukraine is doing is radicalizing their youth to prop up a corrupt regime that bombed out their own citizens with SU fighter jets. Sign a peace treaty and learn how to treat what you have left of your citizens.

    Get real for a change

  2. What a waste of time and their money,the same people funding and supporting genocide in Gaza and Rafah lecture about "peace" and expect the rest of the world to side with Nato bullies and unelected comic zelensky,what a joke.

  3. This war will end with an agreement between Russia and Ukraine , the longer it takes to get signed the more land Ukraine will lose and the more lives will be lost . Every real expert knew Russia would dominate an armed conflict . Ukraine needs to stop listening to America

  4. This summit shows that Russia is not isolated as we expected. This issue should be solved in the battlefield either Russia or Ukrain has to surrender. You have to be uneducated to believe this will be solved in some kind of agreement.

  5. This was a joke and waste of money + carbon emissions from all the private jets. How can you do a peace summit and not invite Russia, the other country in the war. Every war ends with the warring parties meeting to discuss pace. No wonder India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Mexico all refused to sign Zelenskyy's "peace plan" or attend his joke of a summit. But of course Trudeau attended, that tells you all you need to know. Smh

  6. You need the country attacking for talks as well. Why do they only care when on camera. Why is Justin Trudeau dragging his feet with. Air defense? While he's in pride parades Ukraine is having its military killed more and more. Give what you promised a year ago.
    Does he lie like this in Canada

  7. The possible solution to end madness of Ukraine war. The US and NATO still have time to save the world. It’s unfortunate indeed to see what Ukrainians are going through, Ukraine-Russian fiasco, 2nd anniversary passed and the destruction continues.

    The sooner the USA gets out of the Ukraine quagmire, the better it will be. Mounting debt, neglecting vital infrastructure upgrades and the social uplift of millions of Americans would be worse if the US does not correct its course in Ukraine and globally.

    Some ideas that may be essential to end the misery of the poor Ukrainian women, children and elderly who are not a party to this conflict.

    1). Guaranteeing Mr. Putin, that Ukraine will not serve as a launching pad for NATO/US missiles into Russia would probably change Mr. Putin's threat perception and sense of insecurity associated with NATO and the USA not keeping the word given in the Minsk Agreement of 2013, and that could be the starting point.

    2) Negotiated settlement of displaced Ukrainians and Russian-speaking people in the current war zone.

    3). Observers to monitor the ceasefire, including the UN and both parties, the Russians, and the Ukrainians, to ensure the end of hostilities and avoid future escalation or conflict.

    4). Trade mechanisms and mutually agreed protocols ensure the free movement of Russian natural resources, Ukrainian grain, fertilizers etc., to the international markets and EU without outside (American) interference.

    5). Curtailing undue sanctions on Russian exports and the economy to make Russians feel they are respected and can maintain their integrity as a viable military and economic power.

    6). Fair and free elections in Ukraine to avoid what Mr. Zelensky did in this conflict; if the Ukrainian people want a person like Mr. Zelensky and how he handled this conflict, that was avoidable by all means in the first place.

    The current situation under discussion may prove to be just a lull, not a resolution of the military conflict and maintenance of peace for a relatively extended period. Imposing sanctions on Mr. Putin has not worked and may not work in the future. But unfortunately, the American think tanks have again done a very sloppy job of advising the US government to follow a policy of coercion and punishment. As a result, the Americans lost influence on Mr. Putin and his Russia by following stick and carrot policy. Working on the Russian intelligentsia in the domain of Education, cultural exchange, and technology to find solutions for the environment and to secure international trade routes for world commerce in collaboration with the Russians may have achieved America's goal of eliminating rogue behaviour on the part of Mr. Putin or the following leadership after his departure.

    Post-COVID, the world needed peace more than ever before. But, instead, a conflict initiated by compromised thought processes of the American Think Tanks, European leaders, and Mr. Zelensky's myopic vision has led to a senseless war, loss of precious lives, and devastating economic impact on the EU and the rest of the world and disturbed the global order. This conflict, avoidable since 2014, was engineered and started and would have long-term implications on the American economy, social- unrest/stability, eroding diplomatic leverage and influence among European and non-NATO countries.

  8. Oh a success. What a stretch? Only one half of the combatants was there. This was not a peace summit. And no peace will come from it. You can give 52 million to Ukraine but you can't do anything for Canadians.


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