The Russia-Ukraine war may have killed 1M people. Why is there no real push for peace?


did you hear about Russian president of Vladimir Putin’s proposal for a military ceasefire with Ukraine I’ll I’ll show you some of it in a minute you can judge it for yourself you can call it propaganda or a trick or a lie you can say it ought to be rejected or whatever your point of view is but before I show it to you can you please answer my first question did you even hear about it maybe you did uh here’s how the country’s self-described newspaper of record reported on it I’ll just quote from the globe in mail they called their headline ahead of Peace Summit Putin demands to keep parts of Ukraine there’s no detection at all of a peace offer from Putin is there I’ll read a little bit from the beginning one day before the start of a summit in Switzerland aimed at advancing a plan to end the war in Ukraine Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it clear that he is still seeking kiev’s capitulation not a negotiated peace deal a weekend meeting at the Bergen stto resort near lucern which many Western leaders are attending but Russia wasn’t invited to participate in is expected to end with the endorsement of parts of Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinsky’s 10-point peace plan which calls for a complete Russian withdrawal to pre 20104 border before Russia seized and illegally annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine unquote so the bergenstock meeting that’s the peace Summit that’s where the peace they call it the peace Summit uh Putin is the belligerent one he doesn’t want a deal it’s what the Global Mail says that’s how they report it I just have to say if it’s possible to be neutral and objective here that for Vladimir zalinski to say that he wants Russia not only to withdraw from all the land that they’ve invaded in the past two years but also land that they formerly annexed in another War 10 years ago and give that back to Ukraine too and rep reparations and I I just don’t think that’s a a real peace proposal I mean maybe it’s a dramatic opening position but the idea that Russia would not only completely withdraw from Ukraine but would also give back cities and industries and territories and a major port with 2 million people that has been annexed into Russia for a decade so that Ukraine actually ended this war with more territory than it started in 22 I just think that’s an offer that’s designed deliberately to fail I mean they want reparations they want like a Treaty of Versailles that that’s what unconditional victors in a war get that’s not what a smaller country losing gets perhaps Russia is doing the same thing with their offer making absurd demands but given that I don’t think that you’ve even heard Vladimir Putin’s offer yet let me play it for you I’m not praising it I’m not recommending it I’m not rejecting it I’m just playing it for you so that you can hear what the other side here says because I don’t quite think that the Western media is reporting on it at all or if they are neutrally which is sort of weird because we talk about the ceasefire now in Gaza all the time even though clearly Israel and America are making ceasefire offers and Hamas is rejecting it the war between Russia and Ukraine has cost probably A Million Lives it’s very hard to get accurate figures on either side so it’s 50 times more deadly than the War uh between Israel and m in Gaza and of course one of the militant sides in the Ukraine Russia War just happens to have nuclear bombs so it’s it’s just astonishing to me that you have a constant drum beat for a ceasefire between a democracy and a terrorist group but this war between two major European P Powers one of whom has nuclear weapons it’s cost hundreds of thousands of lives on each side do you not find it unusual that there’s no peace movement especially from the left anyway here’s a clip from a TV station called RT which stands for Russia today which is a state broadcaster of Putin uh which by the way is banned on YouTube which is interesting you can’t find it on YouTube um I don’t think RT is hate speech I think it’s propaganda like CBC is Trudeau’s propaganda uh I don’t think RT has been accused of breaking any law that I know of it’s just that YouTube has decided it will not publish RT videos because Russia invaded uh another country which is true but if that were the case YouTube wouldn’t publish uh videos from many countries that it does including uh you know a Critic might say the United States okay here’s a clip from Putin and he uses the word Kiev regime it’s an insult uh he refuses to acknowledge that Ukraine is a legitimate entity he says that there’s a little click in Kiev so of course he’s got his language torqued up but just listen to it because I’m betting you haven’t heard it before they we making another real peaceful proposal a proposal of Peace if they refuse once again in ke it is their business it is their choice to continue this Bloodshed the reality on the ground will keep shifting and and not in favor of the cave regime and the conditions for the talks will change as well let me emphasize that the gist of our proposal is not just a ceasefire or a temporary truth as the West once said they want to rearm the KE regime this is not about transforming this into a frozen conflict want to put an end to this conflict once again I would like to say that as soon as ke agrees to this turn of events as we propose it today as soon as they agree to withdraw the troops from the Paran regions and the People’s Republic we are ready to launch these talks without any delay here’s the second part and just if he he’s going to say some words you may not be familiar with he says donet and luhans and Kon my accent’s terrible these are regions or oblasts or like provinces that Russia claims are actually ethnically Russian and historically Russian now you can disagree with that um but that’s what Russia claims and I know for from personal uh history that some of those towns and cities and regions change countries I mean the country uh the city called Lviv today was called lvav when it was under Russian domination and it was called Lamberg when it was under polish control so the borders have moved around and I’m not saying I know where the borders ought to be I suppose I would lean towards self-determination and I believe in the in the idea that Nations should not invade other Sovereign Nations but I’ll just play I’m just explaining to you what Putin says I mean he is basically saying that he wants the areas where the Russian Invasion has focused on he wants uh that under Russian control much of it is under Russian control now take a look at this video that you won’t find on YouTube it’s on Rumble these principles are quite straightforward Ukraine must fully withdraw its troops from the denet and lugansk People’s Republic from the hon and zapar roia regions and let me emphasize that I’m talking about the entire territories of these regions within their administrative borders as at they existed on the Ukraine as soon as ke says that it’s ready and start the with with troops and once they say that they’re no longer willing to join Nat just the same moment immediately we will stop the fire and launch talks we will do this immediately let me repeat this at the same time we guarantee that Ukraine will be able to withdraw its troops safely these decisions on the withdrawal of troops and then non- allian status and the dialogue with Russia which will Define Ukraine’s future we believe that these decisions must be taken by cave independently Guided by the genuine interests national interests of the Ukrainian people without getting instructions from the West so he’s basically saying to Ukraine give up those territories and give up your dream of joining NATO and stop getting instructions from the west and I I hate to say it but that part about getting instructions from the West that that’s an insult of course it’s meant to demean Vladimir zilinsky as a puppet of the west but I don’t think it helped that the response to this didn’t I mean zelinski did make a response and I’ll read some of it shortly but uh the response was from NATO here’s Yen St Berg uh used to be the prime minister of Norway he’s the boss of NATO and he responded it’s not for Ukraine to withdraw forces from Ukrainian territory it’s for Russia to withdraw their forces from occupied Ukrainian land and uh this proposal is a proposal that actually means that Russia should have the right to occupy even more Ukrainian land all the four Pro provinces that they claim are not Ukrainian uh so this just demonstrate that this is not a proposal made made in good faith but this is a pro proposal that actually uh means that uh Russia should achieve their war games uh aims uh by uh uh also uh expecting or by uh by by by by uh expecting that that Ukraine should give up significantly more land uh than uh Russia has been able to occupy so far so so so so this is not a peace proposal this is a proposal of more uh aggression uh more uh occupation um and U and it demonstrates in a way that that that Russia’s aim is to control Ukraine and uh uh and uh and that has been the purpose uh of Russia since the beginning of this war and uh and that’s blatant violation of international law and uh and that’s also reason why NATO allies continue to support Ukraine I mean that really does play into the hands of the Russian side here which claims that that Ukraine has been turned into nothing but a western or NATO stalking horse [Music]

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On Friday’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra discussed recent developments in the Russia-Ukraine war, with competing proposals from both sides that would see a resolution to the conflict.  Russian President Vladimir Putin has made an offer to end the war, but this is being depicted in the media as Putin seeking “capitulation” from Ukraine and not a negotiated peace deal. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has proposed a 10-point deal which demands that Russia withdraw to pre-2014 borders — before it annexed Crimea. 

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