Environment Canada Warns of ‘Dangerously Hot and Humid Conditions’ Forecasted This Week

Toronto heat wave

"Dangerous Heatwave Hits Southern Ontario

Are you ready to sweat it out? Get those fans and air conditioners ready because a prolonged heat wave is about to hit Southern Ontario. Environment Canada issued a heat warning for much of the region, including major cities like Toronto and London. Brace yourself for scorching daytime highs in the mid-thirties, with humidex values making it feel like 40 to 45 degrees Celsius. And the heat won’t let up at night, with lows hovering around 20 to 23 degrees with humidex values of 26 to 30.

The Risks of Extreme Heat

With these extreme temperatures comes the risk of heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses. The vulnerable populations, such as older adults, infants, and people with disabilities, are advised to take extra precautions. Watch out for signs of heat illness like fainting, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke. If you suspect someone is experiencing heat stroke, call 911 immediately and take measures to cool them down. It’s important to stay informed and proactive in dealing with the dangers of extreme heat.

A Call to Action

As we face this sweltering heatwave, it’s crucial to stay hydrated, seek shade, and check on vulnerable members of our community. Let’s come together to combat the heat and keep each other safe during this challenging time. By staying vigilant and taking necessary precautions, we can navigate through this heatwave with resilience and solidarity.

Let’s beat the heat, Ontario! Stay cool, stay safe, and take care of each other. #HeatwaveSafety"



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