Elections aren’t the solution to election interference, insists Jagmeet Singh


[Music] you colleagues uh the committee received a chronology of events from csse in the chronology it states that ceases issued a briefing on the Beijing directed a31 Cyber attack to 35 government of Canada clients as early as November of 2021 I asked the director of cus who received this briefing he has undertaken to provide this committee with a list but he did say that as a general rule quote such a product would indeed be distributed to the PCO and that would include the National Security and intelligence advisor end of quote of a b of of prime minister so what does it say to you about the fact that as early as November 2021 35 government of Canada clients including likely the prime minister’s own Department the PCO were briefed about this Cyber attack but you and every other Member of Parliament who was the target was kept in the dark whoever wishes to happy to respond to that I think that I think um uh Mr Copy you have hit in the core issue uh we were not on the the distribution list shall we say and um and you know the pro calls at that time two years ago um are frankly found to be inadequate and um and I’m hoping that this committee will actually address that that uh issue because it’s it’s not acceptable that we are in the dark for the last two years thank God thank God that John McKay is in a safe riding because the Liberals would uh they would put him to a nomination and get rid of him if not for his pro-life leanings and his honesty about it but because he’s critical of the government’s handing of handling of these security issues uh they they’re doing the exact same thing with this as they did with um Hong and everybody else who was uh involved in the foreign interference Scandal um during the commission where they never informed Michael Chong the conservative MP who is targeted out of the consulate um they never informed Kenny Chu who is targeted by CC P misinformation campaigns they never informed Jenny Quan NDP MP even though everybody in the security apparatus all the way up to Justin Trudeau were well aware of what was happening why because it benefited the Liberals speaking of benefiting the Liberals um let’s just show this one last final clip J me Singh Is asked you know what I’m happy to see the mainstream media sort of dusting the cobwebs off themselves and they’re starting to hold uh the liberal side of the aisle that includes the NDP which are just the Socialist caucus of the Liberal Party of Canada at this point they’re dusting the cobwebs off and asking some hard questions and so now they’re asking J meet Singh look given that we know that several MPS have been found in a security report to have been colluding directly with the People’s Republic of China why do you continue to prop up the Liberals and uh J meing just uh swinging a Miss on this one your conclusion is very different from what M May said yesterday she seemed relieved yesterday you say it’s worse were you reading two different reports well what I am saying to you is that the conclusion that anop has come with those conclusions didn’t change by by anyone’s reading of it the conclusions are still there for the public to read the conclusions are MP’s plural were engaged in activities that that anop which is comprised of very very respectable members of parliament and other individuals that conclusion says that the the multiple MPS engage in behavior that is in some cases illegal and criminal and all the behavior is unethical those conclusions that the report has publicly given to everybody I believe were incredibly confirmed with further details that I read so the conclusions are are there in front of everybody I’m saying that I’ve read the the document that supports those conclusions and in fact I am more convinced than ever of those conclusions democracy is our democracy is at stake here so why are you continuing to prop up the government who you say isn’t taking democracy seriously why do you continue to prop them up so the question is what are we going to do about it the question why you continue to prop up the government when you say our democracy is at stake and this government is not taking our democracy seriously why continue to back them up we’re not at all doing that what we’re saying is we’re going to demand answers we’re going to continue to push for Solutions because we’re in Parliament right now I was able to read these documents because we’re in Parliament now we’ve been able to push for a letter to have the public inquiry also include the conservative leadership race in uh a part of the public inquiries work we want to use the tools as as parliamentarians as as a parliamentarian myself to use the tools that we have that I have to advance democracy I want to use the tools that I have to get to the bottom of this uh the the suggestion that an election is a solution to election interference is I think a fallacy what we need to do is use the tools we have to get to the bottom of this I want to continue to push for more solutions I want to push for more transparency I want to push to learn more so we can have better Solutions what is he even talking about why did he hold that press conference he didn’t need to hold the press conference but he thought that he would go out there and just talk around some very good questions credit to the mainstream media there uh he tried to reframe the question there but yes an election is a solution to election interference in the past election yes it is the solution Canadians should have the opportunity to know which of their MPS were colluding with a foreign enemy before they vote for them the next time and they should know which ones were colluding in the past so they they can never cast a vote for them again so that those people can go off Into Obscurity after a good lap of shame but no he doesn’t want Canadians to have that why because this is as close to power as he’s ever going to get that’s why he’s willing to sell out Canadian democracy so that he stays close to the levers of power but also so that he gets up pen right they moved the election date by seven days so that a bunch of MPS who would not normally qualify for a pension who are likely going to lose their seats get to qualify for a pension and so Canadians have to tough it out to make sure that people who already make 200,000 plus a year get a little bit more money in their pockets while you get poor and poor and poor and our democracy gets more corrupt than it ever was what a joke that guy is what an absolute joke goes to my theory though that I think that Nikki Ashton’s expense Scandal was probably tipped to the CBC by people within the NDP who are trying to protect jug meet Singh because she’s sort of the other side of the party uh she was around before him um and and uh she’s sort of the the feminist environmentalist side of the party I mean I mean the whole party is like that but the sort of there are two factions within the party and she’s that faction and if I had to guess I had to guess because you know the CBC is not always that intellectually curious they don’t often go poking around expenses of people they like and so I think that her expense Scandal was tipped off by The Jug meet sing faction of the party because he’s not doing a good job he needs to make sure that she is not a threat for the leadership we need to make sure that there’s like no no leadership Challengers who are able to reasonably challenge him

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On a recent Rebel News livestream, Sheila Gunn Reid discussed a cringeworthy press conference from NDP leader Jagmeet Singh in which the MP totally whiffed a question about his support for the Liberal government. After saying that he was convinced “democracy is at stake,” Singh was confronted by a reporter who demanded to know why he insists on propping up the Trudeau government.

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  1. Jagmeet Singh is betraying the nation by holding it ransom for his pension. He does not deserve any attention. His prominence in the public eye is baffling and only serves to obscure his true intentions. To convey a clear message, we should disregard him entirely.

  2. What is criminal is this fool purposely supporting a very corrupt government. What is even worse than a corrupt government is someone knowingly helping them. Very disgusting that this person is holding a nation hostage. He is just as bad, actually worse. Knowing Canadians want a severe change and with his very poor leadership is nowhere near a candidate. This person belongs at the curb

  3. Jagmeet's biggest claim to fame is Loblaws. His brothers competition.
    What a loser. He has done absolutely NOTHING but support more taxes on every angle to Canadians. His policies are garbage.

  4. jagoff is trying to convince us hes reffing both sides of the ice while enforcing the rules on one side and not the other, we as the audience are seeing right though it, unfortunately this is our lives and not a game, we need to rush the field

  5. John McKay is one of the more "right" leaning Liberals, if there ever was such a thing. That said, if he had any decency he would have resigned his seat years ago once Trudeau was elected in 2015.


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