CTV National News | Saturday, June 15, 2024: Oilers win in Game 4


tonight a state of emergency as Calgary contends with a catastrophic water main break the Declaration underscoring the seriousness of the situation we are working around the clock but it will take time inspections reveal more damage and the planning required for repairs is complex the state of local emergency lets us manage unknown scenarios an epic face off in Edmonton it deep in front scores in the Quest for the coveted cup Trudeau touches down at Ukraine’s peace Summit Canada will keep supporting Ukraine until Victory world leaders look for a clear path forward for Russia and Ukraine today is the day when the world begins to bring it just piss closer plus big business for a bucket list item seeing a and its element something I’ve always really hoped for whale watching tops the charts within the billion dooll tourism industry CTV national news with Heather butts good evening a major statement by the Edmonton Oilers tonight and their quest to bring the Stanley Cup back to Canada an offensive Outburst against the Florida Panthers to keep the series and Championship hopes alive the excitement unfolding in front of their DieHard fans the Oilers got off to a roaring start grabbing the early lead and didn’t look back crushing the Panthers 8 to one ctv’s Matt Woodman is in Edmonton’s ice District Matt what a night for fans absolutely Heather it is crazy out right here in the mosfit it’s a party in the mosfit it’s a party in ice district and it’s a party in the city of Edmonton tonight at least for one more night one more playoff party the uh Stanley Cup is in Rogers Place it will not be on the ice though the Edmonton Oilers defeating the Florida Panthers 8 to1 in game four of the Stanley Cup Final forcing a game five in Florida on Tuesday the fans here have been riled up all day it has been wild take a look at the Moss fit here right now just moments after that huge game four win for the Oilers these fans have been partying all day long it started with Shania in the fan Park the Canadian music icon got the fans pumped up and they’ve been going hard and having a blast and having fun ever since thousands of people in the fan Park in the MOs pit a sea of orange and blue out here this evening as you can see and the fans there’s a new New Hope New optimism in this lot they know the odds are still stacked against them the odds are reaching the Cup finals from odds Akers and winning are only 6.6% and no team has come back from a three nothing series deficit to win the Stanley Cup since the Toronto Maple Lees in 1942 so it’s been 82 years can the Oilers accomplish it we’ll have to wait and find out it all starts with game five in Florida but more optimism for the Oilers and their fans here at Edmonton tonight ctv’s Matt Woodman in Edmonton thank you about 3 hours south in Calgary the city has declared a local state of emergency after more damage was discovered in a critical water man that ruptured more than a week ago the problem is putting the spotlight on Canadian infrastructure and the costs cities face to keep things flowing ctv’s Christina Talia has more 10 days in and the City of Calgary is in crisis I signed the paperwork to declare a local state of emergency the new status allows the city to move faster to get materials and coordin action for the quickest repair this work is our top priority as a city the upgrade comes after yesterday’s announcement that several more locations inside the feeder main pipe need to be fixed meaning anywhere from 3 to five more weeks of water restrictions I hate to do this to you Calgary but I’m going to have to do it again we are going to need to reduce our water use the mayor says the city has managed to stabilize usage but today officials pushed businesses to use less water and they actually make up about 35% of the city’s water consumption this local restaurant manager is doing his part our suppliers will wash our vegetables and do that kind of stuff for us to limit our water usage the city Cal is a resilient bunch and we’re we’ll pull together and we’ll figure it out and now is the time for other Canadian cities to figure it out says this Emergency Management expert it’s an early warning sign uh for the rest of the country Calgary’s troubled pipe was installed in 1975 it’s at the halfway point of its 100-year lifespan it can happen anytime anywhere in any City and in Canada infrastructure spending has been cut since the 1960s these are underground pipelines so you have no idea when and what will occur statistics Canada notes government-owned infrastructure spending surged in the 60s and70s then was cut spending didn’t increase again until the 2000s but the growth wasn’t enough to prevent wear and tear on critical infrastructure good afternoon at an update late today officials say they are still looking at ways to try to speed up work but not at the risk of Public Health or work quality and the timing of the Citywide emergency has raised questions about the Calgary Stampede the 10-day event attracts more than a million people including tourists and it’s 3 weeks away a spokesperson for the Stampede says organizers will continue to work with the city and Emergency Management officials as the situation evolves Heather Christina thank you the Princess of Wales made her first public appearance this year as she undergos treatment for cancer Kate smiled broadly from the balcony of Buckingham Palace after watching a military parade to Mark the official birthday of King Charles an encouraging sign for Royal Watchers following much speculation and secrecy about her health ctv’s rahee ladani has [Music] more a display of birthday pageantry as King Charles III and queen Camila were paraded in front of a large crowd in celebration of the trooping the color the symbolic spectacle has taken place since 1805 now involving 1,400 soldiers 250 military musicians and more than 200 horses while the sovereign’s actual birthday is in November the parade is traditionally held in June an opportunity to demonstrate professional excellence and loyalty to the crown for Royal Watchers Saturday’s trooping the color is also the first time they were able to catch a glimpse of Princess Catherine in public arriving in Carriage with her children this is Kate’s first public appearance since disclosing in March that she had been diagnosed with cancer the Princess of Wales could later be seen watching the parade From A Balcony with her kid kids I think this is probably for her the end of the beginning of the treatment and uh so she’s able to come out today she’s obviously looking fine uh looking in good form a day earlier Kate penned a public letter saying she is undergoing chemotherapy and that her treatment will continue for a few months also sharing that there are good days and bad days and that she’s starting to do little work from home it was a plea for that because there had been so much speculation we hadn’t been kept informed on there was a decided problem but equally uh there’s no doubt also that this does show a very very encouraging sign a fly ped by the Royal Air Force Captain N to the King’s Birthday parade as the family waved to the crowd in a symbolic show of unity rahee ladani CTV News Toronto Britain’s prime minister is now in Switzerland with 100 world leaders for a conference dedicated to setting out a path toward peace between Ukraine and Russia before arriving at the summit Canada’s prime minister fa some tough questions on allegations of foreign interference here at home ctv’s Annie berson Oliver reports for two weeks allegations members of parliament were wittingly or semi- wittingly helping foreign State actors have dominated the agenda in Ottawa and today thousands of miles away in Italy the Prime Minister called into question the Parliamentary committee’s findings and refused to say whether any of his liberal MPS were named we made clear uh some of the concerns we have with uh the way the enob did uh Drew its conclusions that confidential report names a small number of parliamentarians who colluded with foreign governments it also names China and India as foreign interference threats on Friday Trudeau briefly interacted with the Indian prime minister at the G7 the two talked about bilateral relations but Trudeau won’t say whether foreign interference came up I highlighted that there are uh important issues uh that we need to work together on and we will do that as soon as the G7 wrapped the first Ukraine peace Summit in Switzerland started bringing together nearly a 100 world leaders and organizations to work on a possible road map for peace in Ukraine today is the day when the world begins to bring it just piss closer food and nuclear safety and the exchange of prisoners of War are priorities at the summit that also aims to reaffirm long-term support for Ukraine but some countries say Russia’s absence diminishes any hope the summit Yi results and experts say that could give Putin a boost any sign of weakness or lack of resolve emanating from the summit will I think further encourage him Putin has said he will Implement a ceasefire and begin peace talks if Ukraine withdraws all of its troops from areas Russia claims to have annexed zalinski has rejected that offer and will push for more international support Heather at the summit Annie thank you Canada has committed $4 billion doll in military assistance to Ukraine but the country’s top Soldier says Ottawa needs to pull its weight when it comes to Nato spending here’s ctv’s Jeremy Chiron on the candid criticism on the heels of a meeting between NATO defense ministers in Brussel this week a blunt assessment of Canada’s contributions from the country’s top Soldier we need to pull our weight in an interview with ctv’s question period with vashi Capello set to air Sunday outgoing chief of the defense staff General Wayne a was asked if Canada’s lack of a plan to meet NATO’s defense spending Target was justifiable from my perspective I do not defend that and nobody in uniform defends that that is very much a political decision a says his larger concern is Readiness we ready to counter those threats at this point no the military that we have right now is not ready to counter the threats that we we see coming Canada has faced increased public pressure from allies to outline a plan to get to NATO’s defense spending Target of 2% of GDP Canada is the only NATO country that hasn’t clearly carved out a path to reach the goal which allies agreed last summer would become a floor not a ceiling NATO is an organization built on Unity um peace through strength is what it’s all about these are the main things we learned from the death and destruction of the second World War uh so the key there is that Canada just has to get up to that 2% the federal government updated its defense policy in April with a plan to get to 1.76% of GDP on defense by 2030 but set no target for 2% Friday the Minister of Defense said new investments in the Arctic will put Canada on track to meet the target soon but didn’t lay out a timeline I believe it it brings us inevitably to to uh over 2% of of defense spending but I’ve got some work to do in order to be able to articulate that both to my own country and to our allies prime minister Justin Trudeau is likely to face more tough questions about Canada’s defense spending when he meets with other heads of state at NATO’s 75th Anniversary Summit in Washington next month Heather all right Jeremy thank you eight Israeli soldiers were killed when their armored vehicle was targeted in an explosion in the southern Gaza City of Rafa the Israeli Defense Force today releasing this footage from its ongoing offensive in the area it comes as thousands of protesters tonight gathered in Tel Aviv rallying against the government’s handling of the conflict protests across France today too where hundreds of thousands took to the streets denouncing the rise of the country’s far right political party ahead of looming snap elections in Paris demonstrators carrying anti-racism flags clashed with police authorities say around 21,000 officers were deployed across the country with up to half a million protesters expected Nationwide a growing Trend among Canadian children severe food allergies doctors say it’s a result of the perfect storm linking genetics to environmental factors but there are new treatments and prevention strategies taking off ctv’s Allison banford has more each day at school I always care at EpiPen Brandon panaligan protection against one of the most common food allergies in kids peanuts but the 13-year-old is trying to reverse his allergy with an oral immunotherapy trial that reintroduces peanuts into his system in small doses my throat starts to close up a little bit my tongue is itchy symptoms that disappear shortly after with the goal of one day allowing Brandon to eat whatever he wants it’s an issue 6 to 7% of all Canadian children face food allergies growing in prevalence over the last two decades the demand for um allergy assessment is increasing significantly and the million dooll question for allergists is why it’s not one specific factor it’s more than one in the right person that’s predisposed to it and unfortunately we don’t have a good grasp on exactly who that one person is there are a number of theories linking it to a lack of vitamin D exposure genetics changes to our gut bacteria and delayed introduction to allergens when the body’s sees the food through the gut it does create a tolerant response to that food whereas it when it sees it when it sees the food through broken down skin it creates an immune response so that’s why we we um have this Mantra an allogy of eat early eat often a shift from recommendations a decade ago but as prevention and treatment evolve doctors are optimistic with many things in medicine really acting early both for primary prevention and treating early in infancy really needs to be the way to go in the future anxiety among the general population can complicate things with worried parents choosing to hold off on early introduction to certain foods but experts say when done safely the rewards greatly outweigh the risks Allison Bamford CTV News Regina coming up impossibly unaffordable I feel like it’s almost out of the question for me and my partner the Canadian cities where buing a home is Out Of Reach for many plus the industry luring visitors to New Finland the persistent struggle for affordable housing worldwide is being showcased in a new report two major Canadian cities fall under the category of impossibly unaffordable stevies Kathy Lee crunches the numbers on the dubious distinction two Canadian cities rank high on a list for most unaffordable markets in the world to buy a home Vancouver is third Toronto 11th this is a long time coming uh we haven’t been building enough housing uh we certainly haven’t had enough government investment in affordable housing for decades in the chickens are coming home to roost the demographia report analyzes housing affordability in 94 cities in eight countries and ranks them using a median price to income ratio a rating under three means affordable over nine is possibly unaffordable Toronto and Vancouver scored over nine buying a property right now I feel like is almost out of the question for me and my partner we just can’t afford to do it a housing shortage is driving up the cost the Canada mortgage and housing Corporation says an extra 3.5 million homes need to be built to restore affordability by 2030 in April the federal government announced billions in spending commitments to address the problem but it might be too late for some we have considered potentially looking at opportunities in the United the report highlights housing costs outpacing income growth as the main cause of the crisis in the countryes studied in Canada Edmonton is the cheapest Market to buy a home labeled as moderately unaffordable Calgary is listed as seriously unaffordable OTA and Montreal are severely unaffordable I don’t think the next 10 year of price growth is going to be like the last 10 years but people have to be a bit more creative to get into the market some people that are under rent control in really good living conditions what they’re doing is actually buying an investment property as their first property so they can get into the market they’re teaming up with their friends and family to c-y properties and actually get in nearly 90% of the cities in the study did not fall into the highest rank of impossibly unaffordable however none of them scored three or lower which is a cut off to be deemed affordable Kathy Lee CTV News Calgary still ahead trapped and terrified the traumatic moments for Riders at Amusement Park South of the [Music] Border hundreds of MERS filled a park in Western Manitoba today to honor the 17 seniors killed in a fiery crash one year ago the collision between a transport truck and bus happened near Carberry more than 150 kilometers from Winnipeg the seats filled with seniors heading to the Sand Hills Casino a monument unveiled in the city of dolphin today recognizes the long road to recovery for so many the names of the seniors who died were read out and a moment of silence was held to remember the victims hmcs Charlotte Town set sail from Halifax to take up a flagship role supporting NATO operations in the Mediterranean they will be Ted just as any other ships in the group with specific Warfare duties or diplomatic duties uh but they’re the floating headquarters family Brave the rain as the crew departed on the six-month Mission the Charlotte Town’s first stop will be in ton in France in about a week and a half some tense moments at an amusement park in Portland Oregon after one of the rides malfunctioned and got stuck they’ve just been hanging up there this whole time dramatic video revealed the race to rescue nearly 30 pan Riders left hanging upside down 30 m in the air for nearly half an hour I was terrified I I didn’t think I was going to live to see right now firefighters and park staff were eventually able to manually override the system safely returning the Riders to the ground the ride has been shut down until further notice after the break Cruising Into big business off the coast of New Finland if a close encounter with one of the ocean’s most majestic creatures is on your bucket list then you may want to pay attention spotting a whale is not guaranteed but that’s not deterring tourists who are flocking to New Finland ctv’s Garrett Barry takes us behind the scenes now of a growing Backbone in the province’s tourism industry another full boatload setting out for the chase the prize a close encounter like this with a whale or a dolphin maybe a once-in-a-lifetime shot they come from far and wide drawn for a chance to see great Beauty being able to participate in something as just organic and natural and beautiful as seeing a whale in its element um something I’ve always really hoped for I’ve never seen it before kind of like a bucket list um item there ‘s never a guarantee that you’ll get what you came for it makes it always a little exciting I was hoping it would be right next to the boat we book this trip before we left Norway well this is our first time on the east coast and uh we really wanted to take the whale watching for sure survey says visitors Can’t Get Enough almost half a million people visited this province in 2023 and various surveys suggest between 30 to 40% of Summer visitors made one of these whale watching trips making this big business I’d like to say that uh most of our mainlanders have never seen the ocean let alone being on it so they get to I’d like to say they come to Newland to get to smell office off of them the provincial government says tourism is a billion dollar industry in newf Landon Labrador one that’s still recovering from covid-19 hits industry players here have bet big on marketing this place and there’s early indication those bets are paying off with visitor numbers almost back to prepandemic levels I’ve seen puffins here seen a couple of other things and I’ve been to capes sphere lots of other fun places today no spectacular whale sightings or splashes but not much disappointment either some visitors figuring they’ll just have to give it another go g Barry CTV News St John’s it is a spectacular site that is our newscast for this Saturday night I’m Heather botz for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching good night and I’ll see you again tomorrow [Music]

Hockey fans cling onto hope for the Oilers; plus, Calgary in state of emergency.

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