Outrage in Vancouver Island neighborhood as free-roaming peacocks leave trail of poop everywhere – BC

‘Poop all over the place’: Free-roaming peacocks anger Vancouver Island neighbourhood - BC

“Peacocks: The Noisy Neighbour Nuisance

Imagine trying to catch some Z’s with a cacophony of squawks and screeches outside your window. Sounds like a nightmare, right? Well, for the residents of a North Cowichan neighbourhood, this is their reality thanks to a group of raucous peacocks that have taken up residence in their community.

A Growing Problem

According to homeowner Dick Zandee, the peacocks have been causing quite a ruckus since their arrival in the neighbourhood. With a mating season that seems to last forever, these feathered creatures are not only loud but also aggressive. And to make matters worse, their numbers have swelled to nearly 12, making them a constant presence in the area.

Roaming and Ruining

Neighbours report that the peacocks roam freely, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. From keeping people up at night with their incessant noise to soiling patios and roofs with their droppings, these birds have become a real nuisance. As Mona Anderson puts it, “If it was dogs doing this, they would be taken away.”

Seeking Solutions

Frustrated residents have taken their complaints to the local bylaw department, but have been met with resistance from the farm owners who dispute their ownership of the birds. In a bid to address the issue, the municipality has provided them with a live trap to catch and relocate the birds. Zandee, who managed to capture two peacocks last year, is determined to catch more in an effort to restore peace to the neighbourhood.

A Call for Peace

Despite their annoyance, residents acknowledge the beauty of these birds and do not wish any harm to come to them. Their ultimate goal is simple – to relocate the peacocks and restore tranquility to their community. As Anderson aptly puts it, “This is about quality of life. That’s all we’re asking is that they be relocated and try and make everyone’s life a little more peaceful here.”

In the end, it’s a delicate balance between appreciating the beauty of nature and preserving the peace and quiet of one’s neighbourhood. Finding a solution that respects both perspectives is key to resolving this feathery feud.”



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