Inside Out 2 is the sequel we need in an age of anxiety


who made the console orange do I look orange I didn’t touch it orange is not my color not me hello oh my gosh I’m anxiety where can I put my stuff a new emotion anxiety is more than a feeling she is the newest character in inside out too and that sequel arrives in theaters today the coming of age cartoon taking us back into the mind of Riley Anderson who’s a teenager now and dealing with all sort of new Teenage emotion Eli is here I can’t wait for this discussion um I feel like okay this is obviously two so we’re talking about a sequel I feel like we need a prequel to the sequel what was your frame of mind when you headed into this movie Eli um I mean thinking of my emotions anger annoyance I mean I was not in the best frame of mind because this has been the summer that has been a festival of the familiar had Planet of the Apes 10 we have Despicable Me 4 around the corner uh I just talked about bad boys 4 and so again and again it just feels like more of the same and this follows a new report from Bloomberg that actually says that the Brain Trust at Pixar aren’t happy with the performance of movies like uh turning red and Elemental original films and what do they want at Pixar more sequels more mass Market appeal and so coming into inside out and the original was this incredible original film about what happened inside the brain of this young girl so coming into this film well if I had an emotion I would name him grumbly and I had the wonderful people that CBC Graphics create what grumbly looked there is the man living in my head that is Mr grumbly and uh I think you’ll find grumbly in a lot of critics brains he’s kind of lumpy he kind of it’s kind of both it’s goatee multipurpose excellent work there and you know so grumbly was there Ning on in the background as the movie began now as you said Mr grumley should know Riley is now 13 and we first meet her she’s playing hockey loves hockey all those emotions are still back in the game ready to go let’s take a look it’s hangers let Adam we got to get our mouth guard people fear no no that not our disgust glad to have her on our team our little girls but you know grumbly wasn’t having it like grumbly is looking at that stuff saying we’ve been here we’ve seen that where’s the Innovation where’s the originality you’re just resting on your laurels and I got to say the guy is a point when Inside Out arrived in 2015 this was an example of what made Pixar one of the best this wasn’t just the story of a kid growing up it was a metaphor for existing creating characters like joy and anger give giving families a way to talk about the swirling sea of feelings inside all of us but now it’s a decade later and you think about it some of the kids who grew up on inside out well they are teens now and this movie has a lot to say to teenagers now you just saw that red light go off that is the puberty alarm Riley is getting older there are pimples her body is changing and suddenly there are new emotions moving in and joy finds herself talking to this orange frizzy haired Muppet thing which is yes anxiety and here they are introducing the rest of the team I’m Envy look at your hair oh yeah not happening that’s on Wei on what it’s what you would call the bordone what’s your name big fella that’s embarrassment welcome to headquarters embarrassment I’ve seen that move of trying to sneak into the hoodie before Iowa debris you love her from the bear she plays uh envy and I love that limp noodle of on we like she is apathy personified so now Joy has to keep all of this together she’s trying to keep Riley on track and there’s a lot happening in Riley’s life she’s trying to hold on to her old friends but she really wants to get onto this hockey team the fireh Hawks now anxiety wants to help but the way that anxiety operates is she runs the numbers she’s looking at at all the scenarios and trying to predict the worst things that could happen to Riley I am truly sorry I was so looking forward to working with you guys what do you think you’re doing Riley’s life is more complex now it requires more sophisticated emotions than all of you you just aren’t what she needs anymore Joy how dare you madam you can’t just bottle us up oh that’s a great idea and that is what you call repressed emotions so the old emotions are kicked out of the control center sent on an epic adventure as anxiety is now firmly in control I hope Joy comes back I’m excited about all of this now we’ve got okay so Envy enwe embarrassment anxiety they’re all the new ones in in the house in the brain and they and this movie gave you all the feels all the feels I mean look I I went in with my Mr grumbly I went in like okay you’re going to have to impress me I’m so tired of movies with numbers in them I’m tired of the lack of originality but when I saw anxiety my Mr grumbly shut up because I am a Critic who likes to complain but I’m also a parent and I have a daughter I a dad and my daughter has an anxiety of her own and I don’t know if my daughter’s anxiety is green or blue or purple but she carries anxiety everywhere she’s got anxiety when she goes to school anxiety is there when she scrolling and scrolling anxiety is there in the endless group chats and when she comes back home and I don’t think my daughter is alone now with anxiety firmly in control in this film you have kind of a split in the storytelling you have the original emotions you’re worried about Joy they’re on this adventure now trying to reclaim Riley’s kind of true sense of self there’s some nice little gags about uh uh something called sarcasm There’s an actual River of Consciousness but you talked about how it got to me and there is a moment actually I will say where there’s a scene where anxiety is firmly in control in that brain Center and Riley’s playing a hockey game and it’s getting incredibly intense and everybody’s looking at Riley and you feel her starting to breathe heavy and the music swells and I’m watching this and I’m feeling my emotions come up and I don’t know if this is the magic of Pixar that somehow I’m now connecting with a 13-year-old girl playing hockey and trying to win the game or behind those amazing colorful emotions this movie gave me a taste of what my daughter deals with and this is the magic of Pixar and the way that they tell stories is that they iterate they make a movie and then they all watch the movie together as a group and they say that worked and that didn’t work and they tear it down and they start again at one point in this film there were nine new emotions they had jealousy and self-loathing but the director who is a father himself I think he realized to his credit that in the end it is all about anxiety I think the fact that that is so relevant right now is well sad really I mean I think it’s it’s something that we have a movie about children and the main character is anxiety but that to me as much as I like to grous and Grumble Mr grumbly is silent because that justifies his purpose this is a film that really has something to say about today and what a lot of kids are dealing with and uh so there I’m I’m expecting a big number here let’s take a look welld deserved four out of five uh SE that uh justifies its presence now that is satisfaction that is contentment to me sounded like exactly where it should be thank you Eli I really appreciate it and I loved your hot take on uh on social media it was pretty good I’ll have to say the least um next week all right thanks so much

The first Inside Out movie is considered a modern-day animated classic. So how does the sequel justify its return? The reason caught Eli Glasner, CBC’s self-described grumbly film critic, off guard.

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