Foreign interference: Should the names of the MPs be released?


that’s crazy I don’t know that’s crazy I mean that shouldn’t be happening at all mhm yeah probably because they know they’re guilty so they don’t want to expose themselves on on on enop has will the Liberals support the motion to expand the terms of reference of the public inquiry to include allegations that parliamentarians wittingly collaborated with foreign governments it’s a really important question it’s a really important issue all of us take foreign interference very seriously the minister of Public Safety will be available later today to answer all of your questions on that issue [Music] okay on June 3rd a shocking report was released revealing that certain oname power parliamentarians may have undermined Canadian democracy to benefit a foreign State the Committee reported that several MPS not only engaged in inappropriate Communications with foreign missions but also allegedly accepted money from foreign governments or their agents this all unfold under justo leader leadership known for his admiration of China and his authoritarian regime is this the worst Scandal of Trudeau tenure aside from the parliament Ovation for a former Nazi SS Soldier trudo’s government refuses to disclose the names of the MPS involved in this alleged conspiracy but the real question is should the public know who these MPS are let’s find out last week we had a shocking Revelation that some MPS are involved in working in partnership with foreign government selling them like some information they receive money in exchange they give them like some confidential information about Canada do you do you think we should release the name of those MP that work against Canada of course we we should it’s outrageous and it’s they their public servants so we need to know who they are so we don’t get we don’t elect them another time yeah mhm that’s crazy I don’t know that’s crazy uh should they be released I I think in a perfect world like they would be but I don’t I don’t think they’re going to be released I don’t know I think that the public has the right to know of course uh but then the way it’s going to be released should be uh respectful uh and uh you know proud provide enough information that the public as a democracy needs yes they should be they should why because I mean the communication people have to know what’s going on so they can be informed mhm you need to be transparent okay we need to know what’s going on not to be hid hidden behind the scene so so they can maybe bu them out of office honestly as a non Canadian I don’t have a strong opinion on this but I feel like uh if it’s hurting the citizens of Canada they should definitely do something about it uh well if it was in my country I would say yes I would like so and why well it’s uh kind of the voters have put them there so I think it’s also like the voter’s right to know um yeah um I mean that shouldn’t be happening at all mhm yeah uh why why is that information not known right now because justo and this is my next question justo and the government in place say that they were not release the name of the MP in place they would just do a internal investigation what are you T um I’m always in favor of uh having more accountability to our government and obviously not my government but uh if this were in the US that’s what I would say I would I think that’s kind of corrupt in my opinion I’m going to keep my opinions to myself but um yeah I I think it needs probably because they know they’re guilty so they don’t want to expose themselves the best way they can save their their their seats is by hiding their faults so it’s obvious that they’re guilty it’s like they’re shooting thems in the foot by doing that I mean maybe they have their reasons but on the face of it it seems they should release the names and make it an external investigation do you think just have the moral authority to continue to lead the country knowing what’s going on right now um election coming soon so I don’t think it’s he didn’t he doesn’t have the the moral authorities since a long time so he will stay there until next election and I I don’t think he’s going to keep his seat anyway so knowing that if it was your president or prime minister um would you want this person to be still in charge of your country if he had had allowed a Nazi onto the party I would say no depending on how great the situation is but if it’s something that puts kind of the security of the country in in danger then definitely they should not be in place in my opinion Canada’s democracy is under attack from foreign enemies as well as domestic interest so please go sign our petition at protect our at all cost stop this smartness go over protect our democracy. CA

| On June 3rd, a shocking report revealed that certain unnamed parliamentarians may have undermined Canadian democracy to benefit a foreign state. When asked if the names should be publicly released, the response was unequivocal: people want to know.

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  1. The way that one question was answered, sounded a lot like a repeated statement from he white house speaker k.j.p…..she always says that is a question for "insert department" so you'll have to ask that department.
    Why have the person come out and say they take something seriously, then in the same sentence say that you have to direct all questions to someone else.


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