DNA test helps siblings meet for 1st time after more than 70 years #Reunion


I love oh my God after more than 70 years a BC woman is finally getting the chance to meet the siblings she didn’t even know existed Lorraine Williams discovered she had an older sister and brother when she did a genealogy test Williams connected with 77-year-old James and 75-year-old Josephine a year ago they have the same father the three siblings were able to hug each other today for the first time in their lives in Southampton England just a joyous uh ecstatic reunion or not even a reunion a meeting uh because this this is the first time we’ve all met in person and and it was kind of overwhelming but a very very happy event and I’m I’m very glad that I made the trip here

Three siblings a world apart were able to hug for the first time on Friday, after more than 70 years of not knowing the others existed. The brother and sisters, who have the same father, learned about each other after doing a genealogy test.

#Siblings #HalfSiblings #Family #GoodNews #Genealogy




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