Canada rugby sevens captain Olivia Apps resumes training following cougar attack

Canada rugby sevens captain Olivia Apps back training after cougar bite

“Canada rugby sevens captain Olivia Apps had quite the wild adventure recently, as she was treated for a cougar bite during a hike in a B.C. provincial park. But fear not, she is back with the team and ready to conquer the upcoming challenges.

The Cougar Encounter: A Terrifying Ordeal

Rugby Canada confirmed the incident and reassured fans that Apps, from Lindsay, Ont., received treatment for a minor injury and was quick to return to training with the team. The Victoria Times-Colonist revealed that the attack occurred while Apps was hiking the Elk River Trail in Strathcona Provincial Park with a companion and their dogs. Thankfully, both women and their furry friends were safely airlifted out of the park and the dog is expected to make a full recovery.

A Lesson Learned: Precautions and Safety Measures

The B.C. Conservation Officer Service determined that the cougar attack was defensive in nature, prompting no further action. In response, signs warning of cougar activity were posted in the area, and the trail was temporarily closed to the public. B.C. Parks also beefed up security measures to ensure the safety of all visitors.

Looking Ahead: Training for Success

Despite the harrowing experience, Apps is focused on her training with the sevens team as they gear up for the Paris Olympics. Her resilience and determination are truly admirable, serving as an inspiration to all athletes.

In Conclusion: Nature’s Call for Respect

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of respecting wildlife and being prepared for unexpected dangers in the great outdoors. As we applaud Apps for her bravery and swift recovery, let us also take heed of the lessons learned from this encounter. Let’s continue to enjoy nature’s beauty while remembering to tread carefully and responsibly in the wilderness.”



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