Black bear trapped in BC garage tries to bite and claw its way out


a homeowner in Port Coquitlam with quite the wakeup call RCMP say they responded to a call at 6:00 a.m. Thursday morning of a bear that had trapped itself inside a garage the determined animal leaving plenty of damage to the home’s exterior as it tried to escape eventually the officers were able to open a side door which then um enabled the bear to escape out of and return to the nearby Green Space the bear didn’t have to go far to find the green space as the neighborhood backs right onto it Own Way came ACR here the vasic family lives right next door to the damaged home they say bare Encounters in the area have increased in the past 5 years claw marks and how it’s cracked the bin from them just prying the yeah those are all their claw marks later in the day they saw a conservation officer drop this bear trap off in their neighbors backyard we requested an interview with BC conservation officer service but no one was available by deadline we have a number of Bears um kind of from Spring to Fall Trucking around so they may take away one that caused a problem but I’m sure there’ll be more coming back in Port Moody at the end of April a hungry bear tore through this garage door looking for food and back in November this unlocked van in Port Moody was ripped to shreds by a curious bear speaking with others in poco it seemed everyone had a bare story to tell after Halloween my mom early in the morning went to put out the a pumpkin into the green waste and she went out in the barar She chased her back up the driveway and she had to run back and actually dropped the pumpkin and ran into the house the Bear in this latest incident is believed to have entered through an open side door Coquitlam R CMP reminding folks to make sure their home car and garbage cans stay locked to avoid a similar outcome it’s not most of the people I spoke with today weren’t surprised by the uptick in bare encounters as construction continues to shrink their habitat across the province in April the BC conservation conservation service received 872 black bear calls which is up over 200 calls from April of last year Jordan okay Troy Charles reporting live tonight thanks Troy

A homeowner in Port Coquitlam, B.C., had quite the early morning on Thursday after an unwanted visitor was found in the home’s garage.

A black bear had somehow let itself into the garage and was found trying to claw and bite its way out of an upper portion of the front of the garage through some wooden panels.

As Global’s Troy Charles reports, police officers were eventually able to coax the bear out, but not before it did substantial damage.

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  1. Easy solution.
    Since I keep a radio quietly playing in my garage 24/7 – no bear trouble any more at all.
    Just pick a channel with less/no music, but lots bla-bla-bla.

    Doesnt work for deer, unfortunately.

  2. while camping i saw a bear peel the side sliding door on a dodge caravan to get at some food inside. he stood on his hind legs, grabbed the top of the door and tore it off like it was a wet bandaid. luckily the vehicle owners were kayaking at the time.

  3. Lets correct that idea, The neighborhood steels from bear licing area and if human wants to steal habitat, human should pay a price.
    Leave space for wild life, regardless what your shorth term city hall says.
    After they steel your money, they will leave you with the problem.

  4. Love idiots who say things like,you are innthe bears backyard an crap like that…if i bear is in your garage it clearly ìsnt in its back yard ffs….if you are in a green space you are in a bears backyard.


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