Poilievre won’t read NSICOP report. Mulcair explains why


Tom M car ctv’s political commentator and Tom is the former leader of the NDP good morning Tom nice to see you good to be with you Marcia so Paulie I’m saying he’s not going to read that report a bit confounding to some what do you make of it I would never have accepted to read it either never uh I don’t want to be hamstrung as the leader of a party I don’t want to be told that now that I’ve seen this I can’t say that I agree completely with the call by P PF wow time stamp this moment Tom moare really okay this this one time I agree with them completely and it’s a very delicate operation because you as you saw this week Elizabeth may even though she doesn’t lead a party recognized in Parliament uh you know she she has that status within her own group and she decided to Avail herself of that openness and she looked at the documents and then proceeded to talk about what she had seen and then she decided that she could pronounce upon what she had seen and that there would one person who had left Parliament that maybe that person uh should be gone after but the the other there’s no list of names so she gave a lot of details about what was otherwise supposed to be as she called them top secret documents because she spoke several time about her top secret cents so she even voted against sending this over to Madam Justice H who is hearing the inquiry into foreign interference RIT large so the whole bit about interference in our elections Parliament wisely in my view decided to hand this over to a judge because Elizabeth May of course has no experience or expertise to to weigh this and nobody else has been allowed to give their opinion on it and that was the whole problem with releasing the names if you release the names people hadn’t been given due process and it was unfair but Elizabeth May is doing the exact same thing from the other end of the bell curve she’s saying well I’ve looked at it and as far as I’m concerned none of these other people should should be bothered well I think that the the wise thing to do is exactly as Parliament all 338 minus the two green party members Elizabeth May and her colleague they all said no we want to give this to a judge and that judge has a mandate and there’s a law that governs this and by the way it’s worth mentioning Marcia under the law that governs commissions of inquiry there’s a specific rule that says if you’re going to name somebody you’ve got to give them the opportunity to be heard you’ve got to be fair you’ve got to give them what we call due process so I think that overall it’s a much safer move and and smarter move to send it over to madam Justice hog uh even though I’m sure Elizabeth May is satisfied with her own judgment on this I think that other people who know about these things would say no we’ve got to go through the full process Elizabeth Elizabeth May said there were no names so the report that seems so serious seemed a lot less serious after she spoke to the media about it with respect she doesn’t say there were there were no names she said there was no list of names and there’s a Nuance there because she did say that there were other people mentioned but but they weren’t mentioned in a list of people who would have done what was alleged which is you know connived with foreign governments to give them secrets about Canada so that Nuance is important because Elizabeth May said there’s only one and that person’s no longer in Parliament but she does say that there were other names and so that’s that’s I think very very important and that’s why somebody with deep experience as a judge in weighing evidence and deciding what’s admissible what’s not and then giving people a fair chance if indeed it does go down thatout so I think that Elizabeth May jumped to her own conclusion based on uh you know her view of things but I don’t think that that carries enough weight in a society that’s based on the rule of law and the duty to be fair I think that it’s no more fair to conclude that there’s nothing else to see here move along than it would have been fair to say ah here are some of the people named in this report and therefore we can all point fingers at them you’ve got to do this right okay I just want to wrap up then W with a final point then for those who are having trouble understanding why not reading the report is actually a good thing because information is power how do you comment on something if you haven’t done the homework so um you agree with pev not to read it I still don’t really get that does that mean you just sort of wash your hands of it leave it at not you can have a member of your party who has access to that information and one of the things that you have to do when you do look at that information is to say that you’re not going to reveal any of it that’s why it was a bit troubling Elizabeth May said she had the opinion of a lawyer um I’d love to see that opinion frankly but you know be that as it may I I think that padv was wise not to tie his own hands he is the leader of the official opposition I have once you know occupied that role for several years as leader of the opposition I would never want to be hamstrung because I looked at a government document I would would never want to be told that I can’t ask all the questions I want the government and I think that on this PV is completely right the others don’t have as important a role neither the leader of the NP my former party and I respect its current leader a great deal J me sing nor the black K blett also doing his job I don’t think that either of them is in the same position as the leader of the official opposition who has a very formal role in our Parliament and I think the last thing that you would want to do in that role forget about the individuals anybody in that role who would decide to intentionally limit the purview of their interventions and their ability to talk about an issue by looking at a document and then saying they wouldn’t talk about it I think that that would be a mistake I actually you can write down the date it’s it’s the 13th of June and I and I and I I agree with Pier p on something wow okay Tom will care for us this morning Tom thank you so much Thomas all the best

Former NDP leader Tom Mulcair thinks Pierre Poilievre is making the right choice by not reading the NSICOP report on foreign meddling.

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  1. Wow, that makes no sense Tom. That’s why politicians and leaders have the job. Don’t read the report? If you are in a position to read it and you decide not to, I think that means you probably shouldn’t be talking about it. Bizarre stance you’ve taken, Tom.

  2. The leader of a party should be interested in reading it, both to understand the weaknesses within their own party and also to better understand threats to Canada.

    Refusing to read it is a refusal to do your job, Tom.

  3. If Trudeau was actually concerned about our countries security, he would toss MPs out that are listed in this report. The fact that he’s shut down every attempt to investigate foreign meddling and his close friend the special rapporteur who lied and said there is nothing to investigate shows how corrupt the liberal party is.

  4. "I don't want to be told that now that I've seen this I can't say that." So, he supports Poilievre not reading a document which is actually grossly irresponsible as opposition leader, and a privy council member to not read, because the value of being able to make untrue rhetorical statements from a place of ignorance of the facts is more important than facts and actually being informed. Ok. And that is what's wrong with politics. Don't let that guy make decisions for you.

  5. I agree with Pierre and Mulcair. It is better for him not to know and try to push for it to be released to the public. It puts him on par with the regular citizens demanding justice rather than the privileged politicians who can act in self interest and try to downplay the traitorous MPs.

  6. For those who don't quite understand what is happening. If u read a report that contains top secret information, u r legally and morally liable if u spill secret information, accidentally or not. By not reading the document and having only a 'cleaned' version shared, u completely remove the accidental part of the equation and u can ask any question you essentially want without foreknowledge if it touches anything that may secret or not. The onus is now on the answer to protect secrecy.

  7. Does this woman not understand our parliamentary system at all? The opposition leader's job is to hold the government to account. How can he do that if he's sworn to secrecy? It's not rocket science sweetie

  8. "I wouldn't want to be hamstrung as party leader and be told that now that I've seen this I can't say that."…

    So did you read the legislation? … No. I didn't want to be hamgstrung as party leader and be told that now that I've seen this I can't say that.

    So did you read the medical trial data?… No. I didn't want to be hamgstrung as party leader and be told that now that I've seen this I can't say that.

    So, did you read the report on our national security and foreign interference?… No. I didn't want to be hamgstrung as party leader and be told that now that I've seen this I can't say that.

    So, did you read the constitution and bill of rights?…

  9. This is Foreign

  10. Poilievre is not seeking clearance for reading the report because he doesn’t want be squelched from passing along its contents. He’s not seeking the clearance because he wants to continue spouting exactly what the conservative base wants to hear, and relying on ignorance of the report to justify it…

  11. can't wait for the day…Poilievre actually reads confidential reports…then we'll see if he can actually keep his mouth shut or if he really is just the " Trump" of the North


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