Poilievre calls for answers as newly-released report forecasts carbon tax economic impact on Canada


the economic vandalism and carbon tax coverup of this government has now been exposed because of Relentless conservative pressure the government finally leaked out to the CBC the economic hit Canada will take originally reported at $20 billion with inflation it’s $30 billion a year or almost $2,000 for every single family in Canada something they tried to silence the Parliamentary budget officer from exposing how can we believe anything this minister of environment has to say on taxes as my honorable colleague and friend the minister of energy and natural resources often says in this house the Conservative Party of Canada are entitled to their opinion not their own sets of facts Mr Speaker and the facts are clear eight out of 10 Canadian families get more money back from carbon pricing than it cost them and not only that Mr Speaker but the data also shows that carbon pricing is already responsible for the reduction in pollution level by 25 million tons that’s half of our emission reduction so far Mr speaker thank you it’s not my numbers it’s his numbers his own department just released data moments ago showing that the real cost will be $30 billion in hit to our economy this is above and beyond the direct cost at the pumps and on people’s heating bills now when the Parliamentary budget officer said this he denied it he tried to gag the Parliamentary budget officer and shut him up completely why did this Minister try to hide the facts and punish a legitimate hardworking public servant who tried to tell the truth here I think we’ve established in this house that math was not the Forte of theader of the opposition and that he has a hard time counting Pat six Mr Speaker which is the number of social housing he did when he was when he was Minister responsible for housing but the facts are clear eight out of 10 Canadian families get more money back from carbon pricing than the pricing system costs not only that but carbon pricing is responsible for half of our emission reduction 25 million tons less pollution in the atmosphere in Canada because of carbon pricing that 8 out of 10 fact does not include the $30 billion of economic cost that is $2,000 of add additional cost for every single family when we exposed that he denied it when the Parliamentary budget officer reported on it they attacked him and tried to gag him Mr Speaker that minister is not worth the economic vandalism we cannot believe a word he says about taxes he needs to resign when will the Prime Minister fire him I I noted in the in the discussion yesterday the leader of the opposition’s newfound respect for economists will let me tell him 300 economists in addition to the PBO say eight out of 10 Canadians get more money back it works directly inversed to income this leader of the opposition ignores the costs of climate change Mr Speaker here are the facts his climate plan is to let the planet burn it is to ignore the economic opportunities associated with the energy transition and look this is a fellow who ran in the last campaign on putting in place a carbon price who is telling the this government that gagged the Parliamentary budget officer that actually told Canadians the truth and they cherry-picked portions of the data that supports their version of the truth which makes them look even more guilty if they truly believe that the carbon tax was helping they would release the report instead they kept a $30 billion secret from Canadians the minister wanted to tell Canadians that paying more for gas for groceries for home heating they would be better off misleading Canadians about $30 billion I don’t know how he looks anyone in the face when will the Prime Minister actually fire him how can the Conservative Party of Canada and those members who campaign to put in place a price on pollution Mr Speaker can look anyone in the eyes is beyond me how can they look anyone in the eyes and say we’re doing nothing to protect you against forest fires we’re doing nothing to protect you against hurricanes we’re doing nothing to protect you against flooding Mr Speaker they have no plan for the economy they have no plan for climate change and they have no plan to work with communities to protect them from the devastating impacts of climate change

Debate on the price of pollution boiled over Thursday as Conservative Party of Canada Leader Pierre Poilievre stated that the “carbon tax cover-up has now been exposed,” during question period in the House of Commons.

“The economic vandalism and carbon tax cover-up of this government has now been exposed,” Poilievre alleged, saying that the Liberal government had “leaked out” the real figures and “the economic hit Canada will take — originally reported at $20 billion — with inflation it’s $30 billion a year or almost $2,000 for every single family in Canada.”

Poilievre’s comments were in reference to the release of a report created for the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) forecasting the economic impact of the industrial carbon tax on Canada, as well as other pertinent forecasted figures such as the total percentage of emissions saved.

Environment Minister of Canada Steven Guilbeault shot back saying “the Conservative Party of Canada are entitled to their opinion, not their own sets of facts Mr. Speaker. The facts are clear — eight out of 10 families get more money back from carbon pricing than it costs them.”

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  1. What's the point of those hearings if each side is just going to state what they think is a fact and just ignore the argument of the other side? When will we have accountability in the house of common so members can't blatantly and constantly lie and become so far from reality …. people's livelihoods are ruined because of politicians and it's so frustrating to see these liberals still lying to themselves and to Canadians about their idiotic tax …

  2. So then what does Canada on the geopolitical stage regarding doing something about climate chang? The carbon tax is a show of some effort on behalf of Canada to do something as the Government agreed years ago on the world stage at the UN to do our part to counter the Tar Sands footprint. So what does Pierre P. then suggest the country before they just say "Axe the Tax" to compensate that promiae? It's not so simple and he is misleading people just to get political points so he can get elected. It's easy to cry phoney but harder to have solutions that are not just catch phrases.

  3. Liberals aren’t taxing the rich. They’re taxing EVERYONE. How sweet. How generous. Get a Trudeau OUT. We’re slowly slipping behind in the G7 and WE WILL MISS OUT on our part in the future of tech. Get him OUT.

  4. Enough with the climate nonsense. Sorry not buying it. What they are selling us is the WEF version meant to make us comply. Its got nothing to do with science its POLITICAL. Ever wonder why computer models are ALL WRONG? And yet we are supposed to destroy our economy because Trudoh says its climate change? No thanks. LOL to those who believe the world is ending in 12 years

  5. Lol okay rocket geniuses..you may say dis and you may say dat..but while you are eating your plastic thinking how great it will be that your children's children will be eating triple that amount..well thats if they can even breed with all the chemicals we digest…hmmm..What is the cost of doing NOTHING….EVERYTHING.

  6. We do not need a plan for climate change, we need a Government change. The many climates on Earth have been constantly changing for over 4 billion years. Ice ages have been separated by non-glacial ages. We are at the tail end of the last ice age. The next phase will be another ice age. There have been five or six major ice ages in the history of Earth over the past 3 billion years. The Late Cenozoic Ice Age began 34 million years ago, its latest is the Quaternary glaciation, starting 2.58 million years ago. Within ice ages, there exist periods of more severe ice and less ice called glacial periods and interglacial periods. Earth is coming out of the interglacial period of the Quaternary glaciation. This last glacial period of the Quaternary ended about 11,700 years ago. The current interglacial is known as the Holocene epoch. The climate cycles are governed by many cycles. These cyclical periods include cycles of varying solar activity; the spin, wobble and tilting of Earth; the expansion and contraction of the elliptical path of Earth around the sun; the cyclical wobble of the orbital plane of earth; the influence of other planets, especially the gas giants Saturn and Jupiter; the slow escape of our moon from its orbit around earth; the slow migration of earth through our home galaxy; the slow movement of our galaxy towards our nearest galaxy (Andromeda); the movement of tectonic plates (for example, Australia is moving north close to 3 inches a year and is rotating clockwise towards New Zealand). Then there is volcanic activity and hundreds of under sea gas vents. Human activity compared to all this is minuscule. CO2 is not toxic, paradoxically concentrated oxygen is. CO2 is a colourless odourless gas that animals breathe out while retaining oxygen. CO2 is retained by plants which release oxygen. CO2 is plant food. Modern agriculture in computer controlled glass enclosed houses have CO2 pumped into them up to 800-1200 parts per million (PPM). the recent rise in atmospheric CO2 is mostly from the global warming due to the ending of the last quarternary glaciation, when water heats up, dissolved gasses escape (you can see it in any kitchen), those gases are mostly oxygen and CO2 (0.04% of air), Nitrogen (about 78% of air) and Argon (about 0.93%). do not dissolve well in water. Earth is shielded from dangerous radiation from the sun (X-ray, gamma ray, UV and heat rays) by the earth’s magnetic field. Heat that gets through to earth sustains life and minimizes glaciation. Some of the heat radiates back into the air, mainly at night. A portion of this release (albedo) is prevented from escaping into space by gasses in the air (The greenhouse effect), without this, earth would permanently freeze over. The most efficient “greenhouse gas” is water vapour and clouds, it accounts for about 50% of the greenhouse effect. Other “greenhouse gases” include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone (O3), and fluorinated gases. The recent rise in CO2 has led to vast greening of plants as seen by observers and satellite images. Plants are now healthier, stronger, more disease resistant and crop better than any time on human history. The lurid pictures that the propagandists love to post show huge factories belching out thick brown gasses accompanied by misleading statements about CO2, but cleverly they do not actually say that the brown smoke is CO2, that is left to be a subconscious assumption of that smoke with CO2; but I repeat, CO2 is colourless. When animals (including humans) exhale CO2 with every breath you do not see brown smoke. If CO2 falls from the current 420ppm to 250ppm, all plant life will be severely affected, from microscopic plankton to giant redwoods. At about 200ppm, plant life will be well on the way to extinction. No plants means no more oxygen, and no herbivores. As carnivores eat herbivores, they also will vanish. There is pollution from toxic gasses, mostly oxides of sulphur and of nitrogen, but it not CO2, no agricultural greenhouse worker ever got sick from high concentrations of CO2. There is major pollution in the waters and on land, unrelated to CO2, all that does need urgent attention. Since fossil fuel engines liberate toxic oxides, other toxic gasses, particles and unburned fuel, they should be replaced. This long dissertation is just the “Tip of the Iceberg “ (pun intended), the carbon cycle is much more complex, but Carbon is a shapeless (amorphous) solid, CO2 us a gasses chemical compound of oxygen and carbon. CO2 has none of the physical or chemical properties of either of the 2 constituent gases. Water is H2O, a chemical compound of 2 gases, oxygen and hydrogen. All life chemistry takes place in water. Add one oxygen to the molecule H2O produces Hydrogen peroxide, a deadly liquid. Calling CO2 “Carbon” is ignorant, misinformation and stupidity, from those who know chemistry, it is dangerously and evil.

  7. Shocking that this government seems to find it ok on every level that SOME get money back and others dont…that SOME pay a tax and that others dont….that SOME pay more and others dont…talk about dividing the population…i paid over $1200 in carbon tax, i make 30 grand, i get no carbon rebate….FU Trudeau…

  8. Pierre approved giving Canadian tax dollars to the US so WE could pay for a new bridge. I'd rather it get spent in own country. He's got nerve running for PM considering the list of scandals he already comes with. Take his advice, google him. What will he get rid of first?

  9. What i think is ridiculous is how much we spend on other countries, but cant afford to build housing for our own citizens, and when Canada's GHG accounts for less than 1.5% of the world's Green House Gasses, trying to "curb" peoples carbon spending habits with a dumb tax that does nothing but hurt the economy, is absolutely ridiculous. The impact it will have is a ?art in a tornado compared to countries like;
    China 35%
    US 12%
    India 8%
    Russia 7.5%

    Totalling: 62.5% of the world's greem house gas emissions

    Every other country after that is less than 2% of the problem for a total of 37.5% of greenhouse gasses, by no means a small percentage but when you consider that is the cumulative GHG production of 191 countries! Out of 195. Canada's role in GHG is insignificant at best, negligible at worst

  10. The Liberals don't care about the economy. It's all about the environment with the Liberals.
    Canada contributes 1.5% of world GHG emissions, we are not China which contributes 29.16% of world GHG emissions.
    The Liberals are more interested in increasing taxation on Canadians than focusing on the Canadian economy.

  11. Annual CO2 emissions Who emits the most CO2 each year? In the following visualization, we show annual CO2 emissions aggregated by region, with a special focus on the leading emitters including India, China, and the United States. The emissions shown here relate to where CO2 is produced (i.e., production-based CO2), not where the goods and services that generate emissions are finally consumed. We look at the difference in each country’s production vs. consumption (trade-adjusted) emissions here. Asia is by far the largest emitter, accounting for around half of global emissions. As it is home to almost 60% of the world’s population this means that per capita emissions in Asia are slightly lower than the world average, however. China is, by a significant margin, Asia’s and the world’s largest emitter: it emits more than one-quarter of global emissions.

    Canada emits 1.5% of global emissions. Canada provides China with the coal to fire up /fuel their power plants. Canada is enabling climate change, not fighting it. China is building more coal powered plants this year than it has in previous years. What we do here will have no impact on climate change.

    Carbon Tax is a cash grab by the Federal Liberal Government to squander. Causing inflation and hurting Canadians financially. The Federal Liberal Government are liars and hypocrites.

    Trudeau cares for Trudeau and no one else . He doesn't care for the well being of Canada and Canadians.

  12. MP Guilbeault, you claim the carbon tax has reduced GHG emissions. How sir do you prove the collection of a tax is the causal factor of reduced emissions? Lacking any statistical evidence , collecting outrageous sums of tax is more than likely coincidental to the recording of the reduction of GHG emissions. Your math is truly faulty and your intent self serving. Resign MP Guilbeault .


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