Foreign interference: Singh “more disturbed” after reading unredacted NSICOP report


I am more alarmed today than I was yesterday after having read the report what is clear to me is that Justin Trudeau knew and didn’t act and Pierre PV doesn’t even want to know about serious allegations touching his party to me that disqualifies him as a leader and I do not buy his phony excuses both Justin Chau and Pier PV are putting the interests of their party ahead of the country and that is wrong foreign interference is harmful to Canadians it is especially harmful to people connected to countries like India in China who are the most frequent prti practitioners of foreign interference people should be free to speak their minds disagree with foreign governments advocate for policies run for office office exercise their vote and be free from intimidation and harassment at its extreme foreign interference can result in violence as we have seen with the alleged involvement of India in the murder of a Canadian on Canadian soil today I’m going to speak to you about my Impressions and opinions based on the unredacted report from enop on foreign interference I’m not going to discuss the detail s from that report like the names I’m not going to do that because to do so could jeopardize the ability of our national security systems to do the work that we need them to do to keep us safe to safeguard our democracy is important to say that while I have seen the unredacted report I did not have access to all the same intelligence that the members of the enop committee had when they came to their conclusions but after having read the report I am more convinced than ever of the conclusions of the enop committee and the report that some parliamentarians are in the words of the intelligence services semi- witting or witting participate participants in the efforts of foreign states to interfere in our politics that all of these behaviors of these MPS are deeply unethical and contrary to the Oaths and affirmations parliamentarians take to conduct themselves in the best interest of Canada in short there are a number of MPS who have knowingly provided help to foreign governments some to the detriment of Canada and Canadians there are also politicians at all levels of government who have benefited from foreign interference some of this Behavior absolutely appears to be criminal and should be prosecuted the redacted report also discusses the conern conservative leadership contests which were the targets of foreign interference by China and India the Prime Minister has had access to intelligence that raises concerns about MPS knowingly benefiting from foreign interference he may disagree with that intelligence but I believe he has not taken the steps he should have to deal with this he has sent the message that he is willing to accept some level of foreign interference the leader of the opposition has had information for for 10 days that conservative leadership races were the target of foreign inter interference by India a country that has also alleged to have killed a Canadian on Canadian soil as well as interference from China his response has been silence he’s not answered a single question from the media we do not know if anyone from the conservative party has spalled up on these concerns and we and he refuses to get security clearance to get further information that could help him know what happened and what he can do about it he doesn’t want to know and that is deeply troubling no one should put their party’s interests ahead of the country’s interests Canada comes first I’m not relieved after reading this report I am more concerned today that I am than I was yesterday this government has received multiple repeated warnings and recommendations and has not acted today Canada is vulnerable to foreign interference and this weakens our democracy and the confidence of Canadians I believe we must find a way to let MPS who are named in this report know that we know what they’re up to I believe this can be done in a way that doesn’t compromise National Security if there continues to be no consequences for MPS who knowingly help foreign governments act against Canadian interests we will continue to be an easy target removing MPS who knowingly participate in foreign interference would have the deterring effect on this type of behavior it would send a message that these countries cannot try to use MPS in this manner the the failure of leadership of both Justin Shau and Pier PV deeply concerning failures of the leadership like I don’t understand after having read that report why Justin trudo didn’t act sooner and doesn’t continues to to show inaction and why Pierre POV as as I am a prospective candidate to become Prime Minister of this country why he expects that people should have trust in him when he doesn’t want to know about very disturbing allegations directly connected to his party that India among other countries were involved in foreign interference in leadership races the fact that he doesn’t want to know and has been silent I believe very firmly disqualifies him as a prospective leader of this country

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh said in Ottawa on Thursday that he is “more disturbed” after reading an unredacted version of a National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) report on foreign interference, and said that it shows a number of Canadian MPs have “knowingly provided help to foreign governments.”

“There are also politicians at all levels of government who have benefited from foreign interference. Some of this behaviour absolutely appears to be criminal and should be prosecuted,” Singh said. “This government has received multiple repeated warnings and recommendations and has not acted.”

“I am more disturbed today than I [was] yesterday. I’m more disturbed by what I’ve learned, and it really does highlight to me the failure of leadership of both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre,” he later added.

The Green Party’s Elizabeth May, who has also seen the full version, said this week it does not contain a “list of MPs who have shown disloyalty to Canada.” May said she believes the small number of MPs named in the report did not knowingly set out to betray Canada.

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  1. Important to note — the interference is also occurring in this very chat with Modi and CCP bots encouraging an election to create more chaos which serve their interests during conflicts in Ukraine, Palestine and a military build-up in the South China Sea.

  2. You lost your credibility if you had any, when you formed a coalition with the liberals. You’ve already wreaked your chance of getting elected.
    I highly doubt anyone believes you I sure don’t

  3. The best thing you can do Jagmeet if you really believe in Canada FIRST is to pull your support from this unjust and unfair coalition. Otherwise, shut up, you are just whistling in the wind.

  4. Many Canadians can not afford to pay their bills!

    They oppose raising taxes under any name such as 'Carbon tax' or 'Beer tax' or 'climate change' or 'capital gains tax'!

  5. This guy props up a cancerous liberal government and at every vote keeps pushing their agenda. Then turns around and blames the liberals and conservatives for the state of the country when he and his party have the power to stop it. What good is a lap dog that bites the hand that feeds…

  6. Mr. Singh, you propped up the Liberals, and their party is involved in the foreign interference. Dont act like you are better than PP ! You are responsible for what the PM did not do, in his cover up.
    If you think you're going to save yourself by lying and denegrating PP, you're very mistaken !
    Canadians will NEVER trust you ever again for betraying us and helping JT to stay in power for another term ! You thereby shut down Canadians ooportunity to say no to JT and vote him out.
    PP is a man of integrity ( unlike you) and is the only person qualified to be the PM asap ! The polls have him 20 % about JT, and you're not doing very good either. So please stop bad mouthing the man Canadians support as our next PM. It will only backfire on you !

  7. the sheep want to run to the conservatives who are just as bad as poilievre claims the liberals are. it just goes to show canadians need to stop voting for the same two parties here is a list.

    animal protection party of canada

    bloc Quebecois

    Centerist party of canada

    Christian heritage party of canada

    communist party of canada

    Free party of canada

    Libertarian party of canada

    Marijuana party

    Marxist-Lenninist party of canada

    Maverick party

    Parti Rhinoceros party

    people's party of canada

    United party of canada

  8. Yet, the Democrats always made a coalition with the Liberals to put them and keep them in power!
    Why did the Democrats do it? Because the Democrats rather see the Liberals in power than allow the Conservatives to win
    So, what Singh saying here? "he suddenly found Jesus"??? I don't buy it. Democrats are exactly the same as Liberals, perhaps with the difference of a bad facelift.

  9. Jagmeet just said it himself: There are traitors to Canasa sitting in Parliament. His words !!! Pierre Poilievre does want to know but refuses to sign a gag order to get access because then he would have to shelter the traitors like Jagmeet. Pierre is our only hope now – we want names !!! They need to be charged criminally.

  10. If one of your neighbours had raped a child, and you could know who it was if you agreed to give them full immunity and hide them – would you give them immunity by signing a gag order? Or, would you call the police and investigate to find the criminal and lock him up? Why was Jagmeet so willing to give immunity to traitors like Trudeau by signing a gag order?!?! Jagmeet is a liar.

  11. And he'll do nothing. Literally nothing. He'll get behind his little podium and say Trudeau is the bad guy, but then he'll march back into the House of Commons and support him. Well, until February 25th. I expect him to vote "no" the first chance he gets after that day and we'll have a spring election.

  12. We have known confirmed criminal spies sabotaging Canada from the highest government position and Justin Trudeau (and Jagmeet) will not jail them and these criminal spies continue to earn large MP pensions paid with your salary. Canada is a Banana Republic !!!

  13. We have known confirmed criminal spies sabotaging Canada from the highest government positions of power and Justin Trudeau (and Jagmeet) allow them to remain in their elected MP positions earning pensions TODAY !!! Canada is a Banana Republic !!!

  14. It's funny how politicians and mainstream media refer to the "deep state" and "establishment" as conspiracy theories. Yet, here we have Justin Trudeau and his puppet Ministers/Jagmeet protecting and harbouring confirmed criminal spies that are sabotaging Canada from within – while still on government payroll !!! Where is the CSIS, where is the RCMP, where are the MPs in handcuffs being escorted out of Parliament ?!?! This Liberal/NDP coalition protects criminal spies in the interest of maintaining their collapsing minority coalition. These people do not care about Canadians or democracy.

  15. So are these known confirmed Canadian criminal spy MPs earning a government pension for the spy work they do for the Indian/Chinese government, while also earning a lifetime pension as an MP in Canada? Are they double dipping in government pensions today as they sit in office, right now?

  16. Banana Republic. Where are the handcuffs?!?! If this happens in another G7 country the swat team and helicopters are there in 6 minutes. We have all seen spies arrested on the news – Canadians aren't stupid.


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