“How?”: Car caught driving in wrong direction on highway during live TV traffic update


this is a vehicle going the wrong way that’s what’s going on here this is Northbound McLoud this is the exit to Lake Fraser gate and that’s a vehicle facing the wrong way does look like it might be off to the side is it enough off to the side is it a vehicle that has been involved in something it’s now going to reverse that’s it’s you can reverse but you’re still facing the wrong way so how how how I don’t know how or what happened but there it goes and this driver is like no you need to turn around yeah just stop give them some space turn around so something happened there to get that vehicle turned around um I suspect that is what the problem was that uh we were hearing about on northbound McLoud still okay stop just don’t stop stopping and now drivers are going to go around around so this is uh Lake Fraser gate here that was the exit to Lake Fraser gate and there’s all kinds of things happening here okay now there’s drivers going around um we’re just going to give this driver a moment of privacy to figure themselves out and then we’ll come back with some more information bottom of the hour are you are you are you are are oh okay in there crisis averted we’ll be back after this Brandy o # driving in Calgary right

A vehicle driving the wrong direction on a highway exit in Calgary, Alta., was caught on live television during a Global News broadcast on traffic conditions.

“How?” reporter Leslie Horton asked incredulously, before a tense minute of watching the scene unfold and breathing a sigh of relief as the car was finally able to make its way to the right road. “Crisis averted!”

“Hashtag driving in Calgary, right?” traffic reporter Brandi Warren joked as she monitored from a helicopter.

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