‘Hamas is a resistance group!’: Masked anti-Israel activists swarm Toronto’s ‘Walk with Israel’


why are you guys here today sporting Israel the best country in the world I’m Israel Kai what do you think about all these uh counter protesters I think we have to get them out of our country they can support their cause they’re not doing it appropriately Palestinian protesting for supporting Israel thank you Palestinian protesters thank you for supporting Israel what is this flag that you’re wearing that’s for you guys to figure it out you can take a look she’s wearing a Hamas flag so known terrorist organization existing group existing group again with your propaganda Sarah stock for Rebel news we at bathur and Shephard in Toronto Ontario for the annual walk for Israel this event has been going on for decades roughly 10,000 families are here walking down the street showing their support for this state of Israel but we this year we’ve seen hundreds of counter protesters supporting the Hamas side of the conflict let’s go talk to both sides and see what they have to say what brings you out here today I’m out here every weekend every weekend you’re just passing through well it’s Sunday so uh basically we’re um you know just having a peaceful uh Gathering we do every Sunday and uh we’re looking to bring back the hostages whoever is still you know can be brought back um we just want them back and we want peace I’m supporting Israel yeah and I go every year for the Walk of Israel and what happened in October 7th should never happen again nowhere in the world not only in Israel or the Middle East from The River To The Sea they don’t want a Jewish State you know maybe some Arabs countries want a Jewish state but not these people they don’t want they want from the to the Sea they’re not looking for a two-state solution no they not no no ceasefire nothing they w’t accept any peace deal it’s just from The River To The Sea yeah I don’t want to be one-sided but we have problem with our extremist too says never again a ride to remember Toronto 2024 they do have these similar uh issue with a bunch of these counter protesters coming when you did the your motorcycle ride before well well it’s just a coincidence that it happens to be we have an annual right to remember and the second part is we write to remember so the world will not forget well these people not only want to forget they want to erase and you cannot erase history so I don’t know what these people are protesting for or against I believe half of them don’t even know themselves I have a question for so why are you here today well with the help of the almighty we’re here because we are Jewish and my religion Judaism is being smed is being used as a weapon against the almighty it is totally against the laws of our Torah of our holy religion Judaism to kill to steal to occupy Judaism is a religion of 3,000 years to be subservient to God Zionism and the state of Israel is a transformation to nationalism that started a 100 odd years ago the state of Israel has to be totally dismantled it is a total Rebellion against God they create it on a false pretense that it’s Judaism so many NG all support human rights we support Palestine we support Israel we support human rights we don’t Advocate war war we don’t advocate for genocide we want Hamas and terrorists go out of the area we don’t want Hamas and terrorists be in the area if there is no Hamas there is no issue Ina group what do you think about a lot of these strategies are just screaming in your face and being obnoxious what do you think about that strategy because you seem like a very calm you’re being intellectual about this so why are these people just screaming yeah I guess these are more emotional they don’t think it’s not logical and they don’t know irgc they don’t know Hamas they don’t know what’s behind their politics that’s why they are yelling at people Hamas was invented in 1982 they are resisting group there was decades of suffering before Hamas ever existed what he’s saying is propaganda and we are all awake and we all know you are propaganda your propaganda are lies and everybody knows that it’s Nota knows that this is how a supporter of terrorism talks no logic you know they never talk they never talk based on logic and reasoning they just children under the age of 17 yes don’t engage with them they will edit it to make you sound like you’re not saying what what you want to say group what is this flag that you’re wearing that’s for you guys to figure it out you can take a look she’s wearing a Hamas flag so known terrorist organization resisting group resisting group again with your propaganda why are you here today surr for peace peace yeah everybody’s equal in my eyes I think everybody body equal yeah you have a Canadian flag here yes I’m I live up the street I love my community here I’m worried about the fear that sometimes comes from these events when I think we all should just be able to talk even when the worst things happen we got to stop and talk it’s important every life is important okay I know because I know some of the people in this crowd they you support Hamas the organization this one girl was wearing a Hamas flag giant Hamas flag do you agree with that too so as I said I don’t even know the politicians here you want me to know the politicians no no not the politicians just some of the protesters no this name is seems to be some kind of organization so I’m not involved I’m not aware I’m not into it I don’t know who they are what they are doing why are you guys here today sporting Israel the best country in the world I’m Israel Kai what do you think about all these our protesters I think we have to get them out of our country they can support their cause they’re not doing it appropriately Palestinian protesting for supporting Israel thank you Palestinian protesters thank you for supporting Israel oh I support Israel wholeheartedly uh I don’t understand how people can protest in the way they do Angry their faces covered we’re here we’re proud and we’re peaceful we just want peace we want love let us live why I’m here to support uh my indigenous homeland of Israel for Israel and to get the hostages returned and to stop the war what do you think about the reaction from the other side today uh well they shouldn’t be here they shouldn’t be here no in Canada or right here um they shouldn’t be protesting here yes I think they’re wasting their time you know they they claim the major claim of apartheid yet they come into our rented space that we set up and you know they take over they’re T slowly taking over Queens York UFT where is the real aparte here name one place that the Jews have taken over none you can’t we get kicked out everywhere we go but they they are the occupiers they are guilty of a part I think they’re wasting their time I think we should Deport them think we should Deport them I think we should Deport them they’re here they’re not just chanting death to Israel they’re chanting death to Canada death to Jews you know why not why shouldn’t we Deport them what do you think about the counter protesters here today go away go far far far away as far as you can what do you think about uh our immigration Minister saying we’re going to bring 5,000 people from Gaza here to Canada what do you think about that is that a good idea I mean look I I’m not really well vers on that information but it it I’m not surprised that they never want to put Canadians first so I don’t really have much to say about it but we’ll see I don’t know uh not really much to say I think that’s fine as long as they’re all vetted we know now that probably over 75% of Gaz and civilians support Hamas which is a prescribed terrorist organization and we need to make sure that those that are immigrated to Canada are not part of a terrorist organization we don’t want to import any more support for terrorism or anti-Semitism into this country what do you think about these counter protesters I I know a lot of them have been here all morning and you know they’re covering their FA says why do you think they’re doing that because they’re not proud of what they’re doing that’s simple that’s a simple fact why would you cover your face my face here my eyes are here you can look at me I’m very proud to be supporting Israel Canada’s Democratic Ally in counter terrorism in economy and in prosperity I think that’s uh I hope we’re going to be very careful with who we bring over from Gaza I think that definitely you know it’s not a bad idea to try and be humanitarian but you know if we’re not going to we’ve seen with our immigration policy we’re pretty wide open we don’t do any kind of filtering in Canada anymore we just don’t have an immigration policy really so uh I think it’s definitely concerning if we’re going to see more of this what tell me about your flag yes this is the Indian flag we stand with Israel number one Always Forever from the beginning forever what about what if there’s Indian people on the other side they have no clue they don’t know about the history research your history find the history you’ll know that India and Israel are together with victims victim of terrorism Rebel news you terrorist news you sist news you you you guys are racist reppel news you fake news news news keeping keeping excuse me can you tell me about this flag you’re waving this Israeli flag is a gay pride flag and I saw someone over there was a someone on the anti-israel sign they were holding a flag it looked like a mix between the Palestinian flag and a pride flag what do you think about that nothing nothing no it’s insignificant to me insignificant why insignificant because it is and you also didn’t ask my permission to talk to me so please don’t post this I don’t need your permission to talk to you a you think that people are here in Canada who are chanting for genocide have no right to stay in this country and should be deported head over and sign her petition at depor ham.com

Rebel News journalist Sarah Stock reports from Toronto’s annual Walk with Israel event as pro-Hamas counter-protesters attempted to interfere with the march.

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  1. It is against the law to provide support for Hamas, which has been designated by the government as an illegal terrorist entity. Please sign our petition demanding that the government deport non-citizens, including foreigners on student visas, who are abusing the privilege of being our guests by supporting Hamas hate rallies: http://DeportHamas.com

  2. We’re coming up on a year now of the war, I find it very telling that when I engage with pro Palestine protesters they mostly say ( we don’t want to talk, talk to the organizers) but any time you talk to an Israeli protester they can actively defend their position.
    Usually if you have grounds to stand on you stand on them. When your a useful idiot you tend to not want to talk about it

  3. One group showing their faces openly because they are proud of their beliefs, the other group has their faces covered…Young American girls in full support of a gang of thugs that raped and beheaded young girls that look exactly like them… Go figure…

  4. It's been 8 months that the masked with the keffiyeh have been screaming in the streets. And these idiots didn't even manage to prevent Israel from performing successfully in Eurovision…

  5. Pro Israel should voice themselves more often, don't lose with the voice from Pro Palestine. More like this please. Israel needs more supporters all over the world and fill the news on a more regular basis so the world will realize that Israel is not wrong to defend itself.

  6. To achieve peace it's needed first thing each side to complete with them self the good and the bad that both are good but the bad parts sometimes we don't understand that we don't desrve for good from god right now because our actions, when we will complete with that we will start to feel peace in our self , so the palstines need to complete that thier way is wrong and change thier way of life to create life as society living in peace with isreal

  7. Majority of comments are Toronto and Montreal Jews, told to keep commenting by their tribe leaders to make it look like they have the majority opinion, but they don't. Most of the world is against Israel now after seeing the evil they're doing in Gaza. Don't be fooled.


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