Global National: June 12, 2024 | Israel, Hamas accused of war crimes in new UN report


[Music] on this Wednesday night both Israel and Hamas accused of war crimes new findings from a un inquiry with peace talks in a stalemate it’s frustrating a lot of types Russian warships sail to Cuba the message it sends and why Washington says it’s not worried an Innovative weapon to fight wildfires yes you could eat it the maiden C Canada solution containing no toxic chemicals and one of Canada’s most compelling Maritime Mysteries finally solve we found the quest the discovery of Sir Ernest shackleton’s Last [Music] Ship global national with Donna Fen reporting tonight Chris Galis good evening thanks very much for joining us more allegations tonight of war crimes against both Israel and Hamas an inquiry commissioned by the United Nations finds both sides committed grave violations of international law and right now the US Egypt and cutter are trying to push through a revised ceasefire plan that’s still getting resistance our uh biggest concern is that it’s taking too long to bridge these gaps we need to get this to an end as soon as possible Redmond Shannon has our top story tonight and a warning this report contains disturbing images the US Secretary of State’s 8th Middle East trip in 8 months the latest Collective Push by Washington Qatar and Egypt to end the misery and death in Gaza Hamas finally formally responding to the three-stage peace plan tentatively backed by Israel Hamas has proposed numerous changes to the proposal that was on the table we discussed those changes last night with Egyptian colleagues and today with the Prime Minister some of the changes are workable some are not any hope of an imminent truce remains faint it’s frustrating the behavior from both parties different different occasions being uh you know counterproductive to to the efforts the sticking point likely hamas’s desire that Israeli troops withdraw permanently from Gaza something Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu says he will not consider until Hamas is eliminated leaders on both sides already face International arrest warrants for their respective actions in the war and on Wednesday a further damning assessment a United Nations commissioned inquiry finding both sides committed war crimes the report said Israeli civilians were intentionally targeted by Palestinian militants that as well as children being killed and injured many witnessed the killing of their parents and siblings it also accused the hamas-led attackers of committing sexual and gender-based violence in similar ways in several locations the UN report says in the 3 months after October 7th Israeli actions amounted to war crimes and crimes against humanity accusing Israel of intentionally directing attacks against civilians using starvation as a method of warfare and accusing Israeli forces of sexual humiliation and harassment Israel does not recognize the inquiry commission and has rejected its findings the report said Israel obstructed the work of the investigators the findings do not come with a punishment but they could be used in the active International court cases relating to the war Chris Redmond Shannon in London thank you well despite Hope For Peace there was a major attack on Israel from inside Lebanon today Israel says it intercepted hundreds of rockets fired hours after Israeli air strikes killed a Hezbollah militant Commander Hezbollah is vowing to increase its operations against Israel the conflict in the Middle East is expected to be addressed at the G7 Summit in Italy prime minister Justin Trudeau has arrived in the country he is there along with other leaders from the world’s most developed countries McKenzie gray is traveling with the Prime Minister and looks at what else is on the agenda the final preparations coming together in Italy for the G7 where two Wars are set to dominate the agenda in the days ahead we are going to continue to push on an urgent basis with our partners with cter uh with Egypt to try to close this deal finding a solution for Gaza the main topic with the group of advanced economies having already endorsed an American ceasefire plan but Israel has not publicly backed the deal and Hamas has rejected portions of it keeping not only the ceasefire talks but the future of Palestinian statehood at the top of the agenda does all the G7 believe in a two-state solution how do we get from here to there that would mean reconstruction of uh Gaza rebuilding Ukraine and the money to make it happen likely to be the most tangible announcement from the summit the cash coming from Frozen Russian assets in Western countries and Champion by Canada but the debate between the leaders will be on how far to go I hope as a very minimum at the G7 this week we can agree that we use the interest from the frozen assets to roll up an enormous loan for Ukraine and the money can flow way uh before we get elections in America in November it’s not just the US election recent voting for new members of the European Parliament the current British election and a snap vote called by French president Emanuel M all contributing to uncertainty about the players at the table going forward but it would be the return of Donald Trump that would shake things up the most there’s some anxiety about the upcoming election and what that means that may not be directly on the agenda but boy I think everybody’s going to be talking about that behind the scenes and in all the bilateral meetings the Prime Minister who’s the longest serving leader in the G7 will also likely be thinking about his priorities for next year Chris when Canada host the G7 McKenzie gray in bar Italy thanks McKenzie French president Emanuel macron is defending his decision to call a snap election after his party’s crushing defeat in the European parliamentary vote in his first public address since the surprise move he said he couldn’t ignore France’s new political reality he urged all politicians to regroup and defeat the far right in upcoming elections he said he would not resign if his part loses and France is suspending controversial voting reforms in New Caledonia the plan changes triggered deadly civil unrest and at least nine people were killed the reforms would have extended the right to vote to Residents who have lived in the territory for at least 10 years a Russian missile strike in southern Ukraine has killed at least nine people and injured nearly 30 others Ukrainian officials say Russian forces launched aerial attacks in six regions of the country today with the hardest hit being president vadir zelinsky’s hometown of Kiri they say Ukraine’s Air Force shot down more than two dozen missiles and drones the latest attacks come as residents deal with rolling blackouts of up to eight hours Ukraine is grappling with severe damage to its power stations due to earlier bombardments Russia’s military is also making headlines in the Caribbean a fleet of Naval warships arrived in Cuba today for what’s being described as a diplomatic 5-day visit at one point in history this would have been considered a major provocation but as Jackson prco reports Washington doesn’t consider the move a threat to the US it’s not the first time Russia’s Navy has sailed to Havana at this tense moment between Moscow and the West Russian warships and a nuclear submarine on America’s doorstep send an unmistakable message the visiting Russian warships to Cuba are Vladimir Putin’s way of reminding President Biden that Moscow can challenge Washington in its own sphere of influence too the ships arrived after days of high Precision missile training in the Atlantic Russia’s defense Ministry says the vessels are not carrying nuclear weapons but are loaded with hypersonic missiles all of it coincides with a visit by Cuba’s foreign minister to Moscow we will see how this unfolds in the coming days uh but we have seen this kind of thing before and we expect to see this kind of thing again the US insists the Russian visit to Cuba is routine and does not represent an escalation it’s an explicit threat to the peace and security of all the Americans a far cry from the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis which entrenched fears of a Soviet attack launched from the island these days Cuba is more interested in an economic lifeline and is even trying to woo Russian tourists Russia is the only country that has been willing to provide significant help just as it did during the Soviet era Russia isn’t the only country looking to win hearts in Havana the Royal Canadian Navy announced one of its newest Patrol vessels hmcs Margaret Brooke will visit this weekend in recognition of the long-standing bilateral relationship between Canada and Cuba a sign this tiny Nation still plays a major role at a time of global instability Jackson frosco Global News Washington an update tonight on the investigation into a deadly wrongway Pursuit on a busy Ontario Highway the chase in April ended in a deadly crash that killed four people including a baby and his grandparents police have been criticized for pursuing the suspect and now the province’s police Watchdog says two of the officers involved have not agreed to be interviewed sha O’Shea reports this was a collision on Highway 401 East of Toronto in Whitby on April 29th the aftermath of a high-speed chase that took four lives and left two others seriously injured it began with a call about a possible robbery at this liquor store and led to this Police pursuing a cargo van at high speed through residential areas a chase that would lead to a stretch of Canada’s busiest Highway with a driver of the van and police going the wrong way into traffic an Ontario provincial police radio call makes clear that this was extremely risky if we can pass on uh just want to make sure uh the Durham Sergeant’s aware that they’re driving the opposite direction someone’s going to get hurt a 3-month-old boy and his grandparents were killed along with a driver of the van Ontario’s special investigations unit in charge of investigating the crash hasn’t been able to talk to the Durham officers involved in that Pursuit even though they’ve now seized or obtained a 100 videos including those from police bodyw warn cameras and incar cameras they’ve spoken to 36 civilian Witnesses they’ve talked to at least some of 19 witness officials but as for those two Durham police officers in the pursuit neither has turned over their notes or consented to an interview which is their right and that’s very similar to any suspect in any criminal investigation a police officer or not uh nobody’s compelled to provide a statement if they choose not to do so the agency told Global News officers are invited but not compelled to be interviewed saying once they become the focus of an investigation they’re granted the same rights as anyone else under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the two who were seriously injured in the crash one has now been released from hospital by law the SIU has 120 days after a police involved incident to conduct an investigation they have to decide whether there’s reasonable grounds to lay criminal charges against any of the officers who are involved so far no charges have been laid sha oay Global News Toronto fire suppression with a special ingredient coming up new non-toxic solution to D wildfires summer arrives officially next week and it’s already been an active Wildfire season in some parts of the country with more than 15 million hectares burned last year a Canadian company has come up with what it believes is a better non-toxic solution to douse the flames and as Jeff simple shows us it’s practically edible here we go again after last year’s worst Wildfire season on record fire crews are bracing for another fight but this time they have a new weapon this water is mixed with a product called ecel a made in Ontario Innovation that essentially fights fires with salad 100% plant-based so it’s made with common food ingredients which you’ve probably eaten most of our ingredients over the course of a week this veteran volunteer firefighter who founded the company says most of their ingredients are grown on Canadian Farms yeah you can dip your finger in that vegetable oil is then mixed with gums starches and water creating a honey-like texture can you eat it yes you could eat it no it wouldn’t taste any good at all um but it is you know tot environmentally benign ecel essentially makes water sticky smothering the fire and preventing it from spreading any further and crucially it does that without using chemicals many fire retardants and Foams traditionally used against wildfires contain a toxic cocktail the biggest issue is their persistence right they they hang around in the environment this environmental toxicologist tested the toxicity of several suppressing products and found ecel was the least toxic we’re you know likely going to see more use of these different firefighting water additives wouldn’t we want to go with the one that poses the least risk uh to human health and into the environment ecel flows with water then becomes sticky and thick creating a protective coating that can last for days I believe it is a game Cher it’s this contractor just sprayed more than 100,000 lers of ecel solution on Rail lines and bridges around Fort Nelson BC it’s also been used to protect homes we can use lots of it without harming the the environment and we can create better fire breakes I believe we can protect these assets fire departments from more than 20 municipalities are now using ecel and it’s also being considered for use by the military First Nations and federal government a first of its kind canadian-made gel that could change the way we fight fires Jeff simple Global News bordon Ontario in the US parts of Florida are underwater tonight after a torrential rainstorm brought record-breaking downpours in the southern part of the state for the second straight day more than 10 cm of rain fell in just a few hours triggering flash floods in several municipalities the relentless rain creates dangerous conditions on roads even stranding some drivers hundreds of flight delays and cancellations have also been reported flood threats and Scattered storms are expected to last throughout the week and into the weekend the loss of the logo ahead how Superstar Jerry West became an NBA legend on and off the court the sporting World lost a legend today three-time Basketball Hall of Famer Jerry West has died as a player West was a 14-time Allstar an NBA champion and it’s his image that’s the silhouette for the League’s logo yet he might have been even more legendary in the front office West won eight championships as an executive for the LA Lakers and Golden State Warriors helping build multiple dynasties along the way Jerry West was 8 86 years old a warning tonight for lovers of spicy food Denmark has recalled three instant noodle products over concerns they could poison consumers the recall is for three flavors samyang bulock hot chicken ramen three times spicy bulldock hot chicken ramen two times spicy and hot chicken stew at least two of those flavors are sold in Canada Danish authorities say the issue is the level of capsacin a spicy naturally occurring chemical found in Chili Peppers the noodles are believed to have a Scoville rating the scale used to measure spiciness of around 13,000 for context the popular hot sauce saracha clocks in around 2200 and some big news from the world of competitive eating its most famous Champion will not be part of its most famous event this year Major League eating yes that’s a thing has announced Joey Chestnut is banned from the annual ual Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest the 16-time winner recently agreed to represent impossible Foods a vegan company that’s a competitor of Nathan’s Chestnut says he’s gutted about the decision the league says he can compete in future contests if he ditches his sponsorship deal no longer lost at sea next how explorers found Ernest shackleton’s Last Ship off Canada’s Atlantic Coast [Music] 53 years after a plane carrying five men disappeared in the US Searchers believe they found the wreckage it was discovered by underwater experts in Vermont’s Lake Champlain close to where the private jet was last tracked before it vanished in 1971 the team used sonar Imaging to confirm the plane’s custom paint matched the long lost jet VI victim’s families say they finally have closure we always knew the reality but now the reality is here and it’s difficult and it’s very sad the plane went missing on a snowy night shortly after takeoff 17 separate attempts to find it failed a major Maritime mystery has been solved in Canada The Last Ship used by legendary polar Explorer sir Ernest Shackleton has been found off the coast of Labrador more than 60 years after it sank finding the vessel Quest has long been a dream for a team of modern-day explorers determined to find the vessel’s final resting place Heidi petrac breaks down how they did it and what this means for shackleton’s legacy that’s it I think we got it Ser that’s what I thought this is the moment the crew of the Shackleton Quest Expedition found the famed Explorer’s last vessel in its final resting place we found the quest all right after a 4-day mission sonar showed it on the floor of the labrador sea 390 M underwater the team led by the Royal Canadian geographical Society revealed the details back on Shore it’s uh you know roughly whereare uh in waters that he would have passed had he succeeded in his dream of a Canadian Arctic Expedition um it’s somehow fitting it should end here the crew departed St John’s June 5th and headed north for a search area off the coast of LA door where the quest was eventually found on June 9th but it wasn’t easy the mission was plagued with mechanical issues no not happy we’re we’re wasting hours here with just 6 hours left before the search window would close the Breakthrough was made and the News shared with sir Ernest shackleton’s granddaughter well I’m delighted warmest congratulations to you all back in 1920 sir Ernest Shackleton had intended to take the quest to explore the Canadian Arctic but federal government support fell through so he took it to Antarctica in 1922 but on Route he died of a heart attack at just 47 years old the quest was eventually transferred to Norwegian sealers and in 1962 hit ice and sank for the son-in-law of its last owner locating the ship became a lifelong Pursuit I’ve always had a dream about that during the Expeditions I have uh been through that one say this would be possible Norwegian experts helped translate the Captain’s Log and other documents to help determine the best place to look is as accurate as it could be uh from the equipment they had at the time it’s only about a mile or so nautical mile from the exact position 2 years ago another Shackleton vessel the endurance was found off Antarctica a century after it sank underwater images of its remains continue to Captivate en the crew of this Expedition intends to gather the same kind of images on a return trip to the quest the whole idea of uncovering this history is to be able to tell it again to a new generation his his shackleton’s experience in Antarctica is is timeless we’ll be talking about it for another 100 years for historians the sinking of the quest has symbolized the end of an heroic age of polar exploration finding it is now a new chapter in this contemporary story of Discovery IDI pic Global News Halifax and that is global national for this Wednesday I’m Chris Galis tonight’s your Canada fittingly icebergs off the coast of St Anthony newand and Labrador thanks very much for watching have a great evening [Music]

While the U.S., Egypt and Qatar try to push through a revised ceasefire plan to stop the fighting in Gaza, both Israel and Hamas are now being accused of war crimes by a United Nations (UN) inquiry. Redmond Shannon reports on the accusations against Hamas and Israel and the sticking points stalling ceasefire talks.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has arrived in Italy for the G7 summit, which is expected to be dominated by the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Mackenzie Gray reports on what’s at stake for this crucial meeting and the issue on the agenda causing some anxiety.

A fleet of Russian naval warships is now in Cuba, but the U.S. does not consider its arrival a threat despite Russia’s rising tensions with the West. Jackson Proskow looks at how Moscow is justifying the stopover, why Washington is not worried and how Russia’s relationship with Cuba has persisted since the Cold War.

Police have been criticized for their role in the wrong-way fatal pursuit on Highway 401 this spring, which ended in a crash that killed four people, including a baby and his grandparents. As Seán O’Shea reports, two police officers involved in the chase have not agreed to be interviewed by Ontario’s police watchdog, according to the oversight agency.

As Canada’s wildfire season heats up, an Ontario company has created a non-toxic firefighting gel being used by fire departments in more than 20 municipalities. As Jeff Semple reports, EcoGel requires no toxic chemicals and could be the fire suppressant of the future.

Plus, the wreck of legendary polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton’s last ship, the Quest, has finally been found off the south coast of Labrador. Heidi Petracek breaks down how modern-day explorers solved the major Maritime mystery and what it means for Shackleton’s legacy.

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  1. Disgusting how JT. continues to rob Canadian's money for two wars ! It has to stop ! Let the rest of the UN nations do their part !
    Besides, Ukraine is not making any headway and cannot win.

  2. America needs a JFK or Ronald Reagan ! Biden & Blinken and Sullivan are all weak, weak, "complicit leaders".
    A shame they dont even warn Russia, let alone chase them away !

  3. Putin can’t project strength knowing their tugboat follows close behind to tow them back to port when they break down lol. Russian ships consistently break down during every exercise & deployment ? Russian fleet makes me sleepy. Nothing impressive here ?

  4. Ben-Gurion, the George Washington of Israel, “The Jewish Paradox” by Nahum Goldmann: “If I was an Arab leader, I would not sign an agreement with Israel. It’s natural we took their land. I mean yes, god promised it to us, but our god is not their god. Why would they accept? Why would that mean anything? Yes, there was antisemitism, Nazis, the Jews, Auschwitz, but why would they pay for it? We are coming here to take their land and they should not accept it. This is another quote from him. “Let us be truth among ourselves politically, we are the oppressors and they defend themselves. We come here to inhabit, and they are already here.”

  5. I'm just trying to understand why Egypt closed thier borders when people from gaza tried to cross? How come no one on earth would take them in as refugees, not even thier Muslim and Arab brother? Very confused as to why

  6. Putin isn't what they make him out to be. The reason Ukraine is having an issue is they wanted NATO. Back in the 90's we agreed we would never install NATO in Ukraine. We broke that treaty with Russia. Also this plan to integrate Ukraine into NATO was top secret information in the USA over stepping that agreement they made with Russia. This plan was developed back in the 90s to expand NATO. Even after agreeing not to with the Russians. So technically NATO over stepped and Russia is standing up to a broken promises by NATO

  7. I was homeless, did drugs, went into prison, where I got to know God. He changed my life. Now I have a home, a wife and a lovely year old daughter (zoe), and a stream of income that gats me $47,000 weekly. Plus a new identity – a child of God, Hallelujah!!!????????

  8. Hamas place their base inside civilian population,uses civilians as human sheild, wants them to die to malign Israel image on international stage, Israel is in war with Islamic monsters even Palestinians are complicit with Hamas because they chose Hamas as their mercy

  9. Americans are freaking out with the Russians 90 miles off their borders. Meanwhile Americans are putting nukes almost ON Russian borders….and can't understand why the Russians are upset.

  10. The moral equivalence people make will be looked back upon as a bizarre backward collective sense of lunacy. Hamas are responsible for this conflict and Israel having to spend every war since 1973 with its one hand tied behind their backs as unnecessarily prolonged this conflict. The Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank need to know that Israel is here to stay and they have to choose life or death. The opportunities for human flourishing are endless once you make peace with Israel and alllow your people to be free.


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