Clashes break out outside Argentina Congress as senators debate key Milei reform bill


[Música] creo que los derechos de los trabajadores y de las trabajadoras eh obviamente van a estar en peores condiciones Si se aprueba esta ley después hay que aplicarla a la ley y creo que ahí hay una una tarea una responsabilidad de todos los gremios para empezar a resistir que no se avance con no como el tema de las privatizaciones algunas dicen que las van a sacar de la ley Porque muchos senadores han sentido la presión de la calle pero sin embargo algunas empresas que van a seguir en el listado de privatización ahora después la tienen que privatizar Bueno ahí tendremos el desafío de resistir para impedir que se avance con con esta este remate esta rifa del patrimonio nacional se juega se juega la vida del pueblo Argentino ya lo tomamos muchas veces no es cierto tener inflación cero con cero actividad económica con desguace del estado con endeudamiento externo este veneno fracasó muchas veces en la Argentina y no vamos a permitir que esto [Música] siga realmente muy cerca Fer pero ya han avanzado de este lado efectivos de Policía Federal

Protesters clashed with police outside Argentina’s National Congress on Wednesday as senators gathered to debate a sprawling economic bill that is key to President Javier Milei’s plans for economic reform.

Police in riot gear fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters who threw stones and Molotov cocktails.

Congress’ upper house, which is divided almost down the middle over the bill, was set for a marathon debate after the bill passed the lower house of deputies in April on second asking and with several changes.

Argentina has annual inflation near 300 per cent, depleted currency reserves and a high debt load. It is also in the midst of a recession and poverty in the country is rising.

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  1. He literally increased the value of his nation's money exponentially and cut taxes enough to have a surplus and government workers are mad cause they won't have Jobs oh well when the entire rest of the country is doing better

  2. When you go from a Communist regime and then back to reality, the freeloaders are going to get their noses out of joint when government restructures itself. Javier just got elected, he's got a big job ahead of himself.

  3. Milei said "we've run out of other people's money so now you have to use your own". That's why protestors are angry, they have to earn a living and spend their own money. The outrage.

  4. As usual, let north american leftists incapable of understanding the difference between their "left" and latin american left turn a small faux protest organized by supporters of the previous "socialist" regime into a coup d'etat in their attempt to "embellish" their personal narratives without the slightest idea about what's going on.

  5. >> Pero fueron los argies quienes votaron por él <un don nadie sin sentido> a la vanguardia, dándole así las manos libres para hacer lo que quisiera, tratando de complacer al hombre naranja y las políticas estatales coloradas, deberían derrocarlo ahora y obtener un gobierno socialista de derecha para arreglar las cosas, toda la retórica democrática y la libertad de algún tipo son tonterías que no resuelven el problema del pan y la mantequilla como ahora, solo empeorará cuando la gente sufra más
    >> But it was the argies who voted for him < a nonsensical nobody > to the forefront, hence giving him a free hand to do what he pleases, trying to pander to the orange man and rouge state policies, they should overthrow him now, and get a rightist socialist govt to straightened things, all democrazy rhetorics and freedom of sorts are bullshits that does not solve the bread and butter issue as now, it will only get worse with people suffering more

  6. Milei and the destruction he is causing, is why I will never ever vote liberal right..had enough of their lies and the massive poverty they cause. They are for the very rich and themselves.

  7. But imagine he gave himself 45% raise to slash everyone elses – guess what he is?????? And who installed him to be president….
    Mexico is next – another one installed as a President


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