CBC’s online engagement dwindles as independent media like Rebel News gain traction


the member today talks about the Fraser Institute I’ve heard him and other conservative MPS in the past talk about Rebel media citing from them for example they ought to expand their Horizons and actually I won’t call it a media organization your group of individuals uh need to take accountability for uh some of the polarization that we’re seeing in this country the cbc’s Engagement online is dwindling as Independent Media like Rebel news gain traction [Music] as trust in far-left mainstream media dwindles conservative media and independent journalists are gaining Traction in the online space new research from the Canadian digital media research network shows that CBC viewership is being replaced with conservative voices it found that engagement with the Canadian State broadcaster known as the CBC is fading online as first reported by black loocks reporter the May 2024 situation report on the Canadian information ecosystem found that fewer than one in three Canadians trust big tech companies like meta and Google or politicians it found that journalists and media organizations are more trusted but close to half of all Canadians still have little to no trust in them at all according to the government of Canada funded media research Network misinformation producing websites receive significant attention but they do not State what that misinformation entails the ecosystem snapshot showed that conservatives receive significantly more Engagement online than the Liberals with premier of Alberta Danielle Smith outpacing both leader of the NDP Jag me Singh and liberal prime minister Justin Trudeau the Canadian information ecosystem determined that inequality is high they say that the conversation is highly skewed to a small number of Highly influential accounts they found that while toxicity scores were low Canadians avoid engaging in political discussions online and some avoid it altogether interestingly it found that the conservatives are the least insular party that is they’re the least likely to be polarizing and isolating by contrast the NDP are most likely to be insular the most trusted actors in the online information landscape are journalists and then media the least trusted are elected officials followed by big Tech 45.9% of Canadians are concerned about misinformation although no misinformation is cited they list the top five Canadian news outlets that share nearly 65% of all online engagement CTV is the highest with 25% engagement followed by global news with 12% CBC with 11% post millennial with 10% and there we are Rebel news at almost 7% Chinese born Tik Tok had the most usage at nearly 46% followed by Twitter now known as X almost 30% YouTube at 12.5% Facebook trailing behind at 10.5% and Instagram dead last conservative leader Pierre PV dominates online engagement for all federal Party leaders with nearly 70% of total engagement Trudeau at a measly 22% followed by sing at 9% and the block quec qua and the greens barely on the map now despite Google being listed as one of the platforms that Canadians trust the least they are partnering with dwindling in popularity mainstream news organizations to prop each other up this is even though Canada’s state broadcaster the CBC is budgeted to receive a whopping $1.38 billion do in taxpayer bailout funds to stay afloat this year alone this while also taking foreign interference money from China to amplifi disinformation and they still can’t stay relevant for Rebel news I’m Tamar ugolini we don’t take a penny from the Justin Trudeau liberals to do journalism and we never will if you appreciate our independence and want to support us you can do so by visiting Rebel news store.com and ordering some of our sassy swag it’s a great way to find fellow rebels in the wild and help keep the lights on pay our journalists and fund our gear now you can use code Tamara 10 to save 10% off of your total purchase at checkout that’s t m a r A10 at rebelnews store.com thank you for your support

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Tamara Ugolini looks at a new report that shows as trust in far-left mainstream media dwindles, conservative media and independent journalists are gaining traction in the online space.
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  1. The reason mainstream media is failing is quite clear. There is little information that is not censored and biased. Back in the day, the torching of so many Christian churches would have received massive coverage. Now there is none. The government does not want the public to know what is blatantly obvious to anyone with even half a brain, and so are preventing the mainstream media from not only reporting, but even speculating. That is only one instance of government interference in the media. There have been so many others, including the realities behind the Israel/Hamas war, which is clearly slanted against Israel. The mainstream media is increasingly irrelevant to people who want the truth, and it is not just in Canada. The same is occurring in the UK and Europe. We are all fed up with the propaganda coming from the WEF, China and Iran. We want the truth.

  2. CBC keeps their COMMENT SECTION TURNED OFF….hahaha Wacko Boy is getting insulted too much!! haha
    The Red Head CBC Leader giving out TAX PAYER FUNDS to the CBC ELITE…what a JOKE!!!

  3. I would rather listen to my nagging wife, then listen to CBC. The same goes for a lot of radio stations like 770 and the likes. All you listen to his propaganda and lies. Way to go Rebel the home of real news.


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