Canada Announces Proposed Changes to Post-Graduate Work Permit Program (PGWP)

Canada’s immigration system proposes changes to the PGWP

In discussions between federal and provincial immigration officials, significant changes to the Post Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) eligibility are being considered. The PGWP is an open work permit available to international students who have completed an eligible program of study at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI).

The Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is looking to align the issuance of PGWPs with labor market needs. This means facilitating access to work permits for students entering occupations in shortage while reducing access for graduates from other programs. The goal is to implement these changes by January 2025, as stated in the IRCC Deputy Minister Transition Binder 2024.

### How would IRCC implement these new PGWP restrictions?

The exact details of how these changes will be implemented are not fully known, but internal survey documents reveal some insights. Both IRCC and Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) have mapped job titles to programs of study to identify which educational programs provide international students with skills relevant to in-demand sectors of the Canadian economy.

### Why is IRCC pursuing these changes to the PGWP program?

IRCC aims to re-align labor market needs by facilitating access to work permits for students in high-demand occupations while reducing it for graduates from other programs. The PGWP program was last updated in 2008 and has seen a significant increase in work permits issued between 2018 and 2023.

The announcement of temporary resident levels in Canada, along with an international student cap, suggests that the government aims to prioritize the hiring of permanent residents and citizens for jobs. This also serves to reduce stress on Canada’s social systems by limiting new temporary residents annually.

### Immigration implications

The PGWP is essential for international graduates to build eligibility for many permanent residence programs in Canada. Changes to the PGWP program could have downstream effects on immigration, even for those currently studying in the country.

This evolving story will continue to be updated by CIC News as more information becomes available.

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