Price tag for renaming Toronto’s Dundas Square balloons to more than $800K


earlier this year city council pushed forward with a plan to rename young dunda Square to sofa Square the move to remove the Dundas name came after Scholars indicated Henry Dundas played a part in delaying the end of the transatlantic slave trade and the council decision said to cost to do so would be around $300,000 but a new report for the upcoming executive committee meeting details an option for promoting the new Square could be over $800,000 if the young dundi square board of management proceeds with an option to expand Staffing and rebranding you know it’s the whole reting exercise of the website the physical space itself it needs a refresh and yes there’s a gap there but the board itself will cover the cost you know we are looking at other um sources of income perhaps um in kind donations from corporate corporations councelor Chris Moyes who on the young dund square board says it generates its own Revenue through events at the square which could also help cover the costs The New Sofa Square signage is expected to be installed later this year

Earlier this year Toronto City Council pushed forward with a plan to re-name Dundas Square to Sankofa Square.

The move to remove the Dundas name came after scholars indicated that Henry Dundas played a part in delaying the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

The cost to rename the public square was predicted to be around $300,000.

But a new report for the upcoming Executive Committee meeting suggests an option for promoting the new square could be over $800,000 if the Yonge-Dundas Square board of management proceeds with an option to expand staffing and rebranding.

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  1. What a waste of tax dollars for chows and the leftists woke ideology!!
    This should be spent of fixing roads and other infrastructure issues… maybe more police to go after the gangs and stop of the shooting and rampant drug use?

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  3. bruh…..nobodys going to call this the sanfoka square…why dont you get private corp to pay out and rename the square, like rogers center renaming skydome (even though we still call it skydome lol)

  4. Meanwhile, Canada spending 46.5 billion to service the national debt due to fiscal recklessness by the liberals. This country is literally falling apart at the seams. That's what happens when you put the wrong people in charge.


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