CTV National News | Tuesday, June 11, 2024: Over 240 passengers sleep in airport


tonight the cold shoulder for hundreds of passengers stuck overnight in a Canadian Airport famous for warm welcomes diverted delayed and forced to sleep on the floor when we knew that we were going to be stuck there it was really frustrating cuz the hotel we had booked was literally 5 minutes away the anger and the apology from Canadian customs officials no traitor in Parliament according to a party leader who has seen the top secret report I’m just begging my colleagues particularly the leaders of the other parties not to let this descend into a Witch Hunt as allegations of another foreign Miss information campaign surface no one in this country is above the law also an unprecedented verdict the sitting us president’s son found guilty of three felonies now you can show me and that’s what happens and it’s very difficult for me plus legendary singer Seline Dion opens up about her health and her career and what SpaceX is doing in Saskatchewan I’m afraid we’re not able to make any other comments removing space junk that fell from the sky and landed on Farmland those pieces are huge CTV national news with Omar saaden good evening everyone the small news Newland Town immortalized in a hit musical scene by theater Gores around the world was once again the sight of a massive detour except this time passengers couldn’t even step out of the airport to take a gander more than 240 passengers were forced to spend the night on benches and Floors after the United Airlines flight they were on from Washington’s Dallas airport to Paris diverted because of a mechanical issue but even though canidate Border Services says agents were on duty only the 12 crew members aboard the trip 7 were processed and permitted to leave ctv’s Adrien gobrial on the jarring Journey for passengers they came from away and were kept at Bay including Taylor Katie and her family we just felt like wow our our freedom has been revoked for the evening in the early morning hours yesterday United Airlines flight 9915 from Washington to Paris was flying over the North Atlantic when a reported mechanical issue was flagged by the pilot they said that we had lost one of the hydraulic systems in the plane um and that we were making an emergency landing you have two young children on that flight with you you hear the words emergency landing what goes through your mind in that moment I grabbed my son’s knee even though he was sleeping and just kind of said a quick prayer looked at my husband and he was like mouthing to me it was going to be fine and then I started crying a little bit thankfully the plane carrying 268 passengers as well as 12 crew members landed safely in Gander newfinland the same town played host to hundreds of Travelers whose flights were sent there during 9/11 the community they’ll rally for us if this is a big emergency though the weary Travelers received a less than accommodating welcome from Canada Border Service agents cbsa officers cleared the flight’s crew through customs however passengers were not leading to 14 uncomfortable hours in the airport there are people like in wheelchairs with neck braces who were on the flight like way worse off than we were in a statement Border Services admits that while the request to clear passengers was made on site it was not appropriately actioned going on to say the cbsa extends its sincere apologies to the passengers for any inconveniences experienced the cbsa job in such a situation is to actually clear those passengers as quickly as possible to enter Canada there was no security concern Here It embarrasses as as Canadians inter nationally too the airport CEO confirms that cbsa staff have a 24hour a day Presence at Gander International the good news United finally sent a plane to pick everyone up and they’ve since arrived safely in Paris Omar likely relieved to have reached their final destination all right Adrien thank you the union representing 9,000 border workers says a strike plan for midnight Friday will be averted after it reached a tentative deal with the federal government members still need to vote on the deal and the union says it will share those details on Thursday a key vote on the Liberals plan to increase the cap capital gains inclusion rate passed today with the backing of the NDP and bl Kika the conservatives voted against joining us now is ctv’s Chief political correspondent vashy capelos and vashy by essentially extracting a part of the federal budget and forcing a vote on the capital gains changes separately the Liberals have pushed the conservatives to take a position on the matter what’s the political strategy here and the impact yeah that’s exactly what they wanted to do they want to wedge this issue with the conservatives they want to be able to frame the Tories as friendly to wealthier Canadian and less friendly to the rest of Canada here’s how Christian Freeland the Minister of Finance pushed back against the fact or the the concern that this actually goes further than just going after the wealthy according to our calculations 0.13% of Canadians will pay more every single year based on these measures now behind the scenes I know conservatives were split on this they ultimately decided to vote against the measure here’s why according to Pier PV a job killing tax on Health Care Homes farms and small businesses is the last thing we need in this cost of living crisis the Prime Minister has caused two big questions out of this Omar will the conservatives get any political pain or pain in the polls due to the way they ended up voting on this and will the Liberals actually make any headwinds with the strategy that they’ve employed unfortunately you know it’s always true time will be the bearer of what tells us happens here all right bashy thank you and stay in Ottawa a federal party leader who has read the unredacted version of an explosive intelligence report into foreign interference said today there is no list of sitting MPS who have been disloyal to Canada her comments come as allegations are emerging of another foreign interference campaign here’s ctv’s Judy Tren top secret version of this the green party leader has seen the unredacted National Security parliamentary report and says there’s no list of MPS who have betrayed Canada I’m just begging my colleagues particularly the leaders of the other parties not to let this descend into a Witch Hunt the report suggested that some sitting MPS and senators were under the influence of China and India during the last two elections May says less than a handful of compromised politicians may have received money during their nomination campaigns she says the case of one witting MP who tried to arrange a meeting in a foreign country with an intelligence official is a big red flag that person should be fully investigated and prosecuted that person is a former MP Elizabeth May uh took on her responsibilities as party leader uh gotten her security clearance and did the work Mr PV should do that too unlike the block and NDP leaders Pierre PV doesn’t intend on viewing the report but he did vote with the overwhelming majority of MPS to ask Justice Marie Jose hog to expand her public inquiry to look into the latest allegations some want the country of Israel scrutinized by the public inquiry too both meta and open AI removed hundreds of fake accounts like this one is the land of Islam some of the accounts came from Israeli IP addresses and were used to sway public opinion on the war in Gaza this analyst says this is the new form of foreign interference and it is an issue that has been addressed to a degree by Justice Hox so far but but I don’t think substantially enough Global Affairs is investigating the islamophobic social media accounts and has conveyed its concerns to the Israeli government but at this point officials can’t say definitively that this disinformation campaign is state sponsored Omar all right Judy thanks Migel University is offering to review its investments into weapons manufacturers and Grant amnesty to protesters as part of a new offer made to members of a pro Palestinian encampment who’ve been on part of the campus for more than six weeks they’re demanding the Montreal University cut ties with companies protesters say are complicit in what they call the genocide of Palestinians Miguel says the offer of amnesty does not extend to those who occupied an administration building last week for the first time in history the child of a sitting US president has been criminally convicted Hunter Biden was found guilty today of three felonies related to a handgun he purchased while addicted to drugs in 2018 his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and the choice to then possess that gun it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous the president who has already said he will not pardon his son embraced him after the verdict saying in a statement that he accepts the outcome of the case Hunter Biden releasing his own statement saying I am more grateful today for the love and support I experienced this last week than I am disappointed by the outcome Biden faces a maximum of 25 years in prison though because he is a firsttime offender with no criminal history he will likely get less than that and for more CTV News political analyst Eric ham joins me now Eric looking ahead to the US election in November this race is now between a former president now convicted felon and a sitting president whose son has also been convicted what impact if any will this have on the campaign Trail well we’re already beginning to see the impact in fact Donald Trump and Joe Biden have already seen a 17-point swing in the polls and now most polls are actually beginning to show Joe Biden with a very small lead so it’s clear that Donald Trump’s conviction is already having impact as far as what is happening with Hunter Biden I suspect that we’ll begin to see more empathy for Joe Biden and that’s likely to have at least damaging impact for the president at least currently and for Hunter Biden he has another trial coming up in September remind us what that case is about well that is a criminal tax evasion charge that was actually brought by the Department of Justice and one of the reasons why we saw this plea agreement that was that was worked on last year fall apart is because it didn’t cover both the gun charge and the tax evasion charge and now what we’re seeing is where this could get very interesting for Hunter Biden because he was convicted on this gun charge if convicted in the tax evasion charge then he will actually have a conviction and of course that charge brings with it 17 years which he could be looking at facing some of that time with this conviction over this gun charge all right Eric thank you a man who DED a stranger in lighter fluid before setting her on fire on a Toronto bus was found not criminally responsible today for the killing CTV sha Leong has more on the attack and what happens next it was a moment of horror a woman set on fire while sitting on a bus dying more than 2 weeks later now almost 2 years afterwards her killer is found not criminally responsible he feels terrible the whole situation is terrible and I want to make that very clear this is a very sad situation for everybody tenzen Norbu was charged with first-degree murder in the death of 28-year-old Naima Dalma after the event took place in June of 2022 in her decision today Justice Meen forell outlined the details saying Mr norbu’s action on June 17th 2022 were rooted in his long-standing delusions and disorganization he held a delusional belief at the time of the offense that Miss dolma was recording him or had seen video of him that was grounded in his delusions about the Tibetan Community he had a a belief against an entire group of people um that was not founded in anything Norbu boarded the bus at Kipling Station sitting behind miss dolma the decision goes on to say Mr Norbu asked Miss dolma if she was Tibetan she replied yes after her response Mr Norbu rummaged through the bag he carried and retrieved a jar of lighter fluid he intentionally poured lighter fluid onto Miss dolma and ignited the lighter fluid dolma tried to run away suffering Burns to 60% of her body and an inhalation injury she died 18 days later after his arrest Norbu was assessed by a forensic psychiatrist with Justice forstell saying it is clear from the evidence before me that Mr Norbu had a disease of the Mind namely schizophrenia at the time of the offense the decision noting that noru had previously been treated for depression and had not been accurately diagnosed with schizophrenia until after the attack when asked if they have a message for the victim’s family his lawyers said I’m very sorry for your loss I’m very sorry for what happened but our client was a very sick man his lawyers saying that their client is getting the help he needs now and that has allowed him to have some insight into what he did Shan Leong CTV News Toronto we are hearing tonight from a Canadian musical icon whose voice is recognizable around the world ahead of a documentary about a health struggle that has robbed her of the instrument she has perfected for decades Seline Dion says she knew something was wrong years before she sought out a diagnosis ctv’s Andrew Johnson on the Superstar’s battle and the new promise to her fans my voice is the conductor of my life when stiff person syndrome began to diminish that voice and Selen Dion struggled to sing and now you can show me and that’s what happens and it’s very difficult for me she says she tried to hide her symptoms for more than a decade lying to the people who got me where I am today I could not do it anymore in an emotional new interview with NBC Dion regrets trying to Soldier on for so long my husband as well was fighting for his own life I had to raise my kids I had to hide I had to try to be a hero now she’s trying to overcome the rare autoimmune disorder she revealed publicly in 20122 that involves debilitating muscle spasms and cramping it’s like somebody’s strangling you it’s like somebody’s pushing your laryn frings this way oh so it’s like you’re talking like that and you can’t cannot go high or lower the condition at its worst literally bone crushing I had broken ribs at one point the 56-year-old pop icons fight for her life and her voice involves physical therapy and medication she is adamant the show her show will go on I’m going to go back on stage even if I have to crawl not just because I have to or because I need to it’s cuz I want to and I miss it Dion’s journey is being chronicled in a documentary streaming on Prime later this month as her determination to return to the stage inspires Millions a return she insists is a matter of when not if Andrew Johnson CTV News Vancouver coming up a long wait it’s um been difficult the new timeline to fix a water main in Calgary Plus SpaceX comes to collect into SAS scatch [Music] one the goalpost for calgarians hoping for a return to normal shifted again today now the city says residents can expect limitations on their water use to last into next week when there will be another update on repairs to a ruptured water M here’s ctv’s Kathy Lee this is a welcome chore for Ray Johnston he had no water for a few days and then once it was restored his community was under a boiled water advisory it’s um H been difficult because we’ve had at the same time 11 visitors a break in a feeder M near boness that’s impacting Calgary and some neighboring communities and a small water main break on Johnston’s Street are the culprits for the water wo angry I think that that that was pretty much a universal attitude of the 21 people on these two blocks who were affected for everyone else a fire ban and water restrictions are still in place that means no using water outdoors and limiting use indoors each day your efforts have managed to save us the equivalent of about 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools full of water more water will still need to be conserved the city says the repair for the feeder m is taking longer than expected the last two sections of the damaged pipe were removed and a robot was sent down to assess the extent of the damage this afternoon we are deploying a second robot that will travel even further in the pipe in both directions to see more sections of the pipe this will help us determine if there there are any additional issues that we should be aware of while Crews aim to fix the pipe by Thursday the boil water water advisory has now been lifted for boness but people living in the area are cautious when we pour the water it’s still coming out with a weird color and there’s chunks in it still looked a little bit nasty I don’t have the most faith that it is exactly fine the city says it could take up to next week before they can determine when the water restrictions can be phased out Kathy Lee CTV News Calgary still ahead the spectacular display of nature off Vancouver Island [Music] female tennis Legend Billy Jean King was on hand today to announce this year’s number one draft pick for the professional women’s hockey league New York selects Sarah filer Canadian national team forward Sarah fer was taken with the first pick overall the 24-year-old from Georgetown Ontario brings an impressive resume to New York filer has an Olympic gold medal and three World Championships not to mention a degree in Psychiatry from Princeton University keep it out but now Natalie Spooner shoots she scores and pwhl Toronto’s Natalie Spooner won this year’s Billy Jean King MVP award Spooner is from Ontario and has played for years on the national team she led the pwh in scoring with 20 goals whale watchers off British Columbia were treated to an up close look at some of the ocean’s most majestic [Music] inhabitants nearly two dozen killer whales were spotted in the Sailor sea off the southern tip of Vancouver Island traveling slowly in a tight formation the amazing video was shot by a pair of field biologists with the center for whale research on Saturday which just happened to be world oceans day the first official portrait of King Charles was vandalized by protesters today at an art gallery in London animal rights activists used a paint roller to stick posters on the glass covering the Monarch’s face with a cartoon character with a speech bubble they were asked to leave and a police report was filed the portrait was not damaged and is no stranger to controversy it drew mixed reaction when it was unveiled at Buckingham Palace last month after the break the waste from space SpaceX retrieves a once in a lifetime find from [Music] saskat SpaceX is known for going above and beyond but today there was a much simpler Mission here on the ground in Canada a recovery mission for pieces of debris on a farm in Saskatchewan ctv’s Allison Bamford explains wow spring cleaning has never drawn a crowd quite like this at the sawchuck farm it’s interesting to to see people’s reaction to something other than ordinary AB but on this day Barry Sawchuk is finally clearing out the junk that he’s stored in his shop for months two SpaceX employees drove to Southern Saskatchewan to retrieve the debris believed to be parts of the trunk from a crew Dragon spaceship loading the pieces into a U-Haul to take back to their offices I’m afraid we’re not able to uh to make any other comments SpaceX has not responded to several requests for comment from CTV News but we do know these are just a handful of at least eight pieces found on five different Farms that re-entered Earth’s atmosphere in late February I don’t know where the other part of it is and there’s likely more it appears that the uh the carbon fiber layers that they’re using are really good insulators so it’s not not burning up completely some nearly 3 m tall others weighing 100 lb those pieces are huge right what if it had fallen on vagina what if it had fallen on Barry sawchuk’s house right like it absolutely would have killed people SpaceX told sawchuck it’s trying to prevent this from happening again they came they’re they realize there’s an issue so they’re trying to deal with it no longer in Saw Chuck’s hands the farmer can get back to his Fields after capturing a moment in history Allison Bamford CTV news near ituna Saskatchewan and that’s a snapshot of this Tuesday for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching and good night Canada’s Number One News for excellence in journalism We Begin tonight with breaking news CTV national news with Omar saaden winner of the Canadian screen Award for best national newscast watch week Nights at 11:

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