Cocoa shortage driving up costs of chocolate products | Price increase for chocolate


a global chocolate shortage is affecting small businesses in Edmonton cdv’s Miriam Valdez Carle has more on how they’re navigating higher prices yureni Ramirez is continuing the legacy of her father’s Mexican business that started in 1977 Don Marine chocolate and his vision was always not only chocolate for pleasure but chocolate for the well-being for your health it’s why she’s working to maintain the quality of her product even though a global shortage of cow is putting small businesses in a pinch 2 months ago Ramirez saw a 10% increase well that was shocking because I didn’t expect that big huge of increase amount the world’s biggest cacao bean exporters Ghana and the Ivory Coast have been hit with fungus from too much water floodings have actually damaged roads so access to Market is also a challenge as well while rira’s chocolate comes from Mexico the country is facing increased demand she’s increased her prices by 8% I try to go smooth and gently with the prices uh because I don’t want to lose my my clients a decision Silvan charlebois says is better than reducing the quality of the product Bloom Cookie Co is also thinking twice about the kind of cookies they put out it just means that you might see a little bit less double chocolate cookies on our menu for a little while I have to kind of stretch that cocoa bag out a little bit further Bloom cookie coowner Ashley Benson says the cost of their cookie cups went up from $4 to $5 we had so much support from our customers they’re like absolutely we’re still going to support you we understand with a cocoa shortage not going anywhere anytime soon Benson is already thinking of changing their Christmas menu I usually try and offer a few chocolate cookies for that time and it may just have to be one miam Valdez caretti CTV News Edmonton

CTV News Edmonton’s Miriam Valdes-Carletti has the story on how the cocoa shortage is affecting local businesses.

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