CTV National News | Monday, June 10, 2024: Major water restrictions continue in Calgary


tonight’s slow recovery water restrictions in Calgary with no firm timeline on when a massive problem will be fixed the possibility of a major city running dry the reality is that we may run out of water and the warnings for those using too much the first step toward controversial changes to the capital gains tax and the political test ahead taxing capital gains is not not an inherently partisan idea also new video of the shocking crash between a SE plane and a boat in BC and somehow only minor injuries I was seeing the plane sink right before our eyes plus Express theft the Brazen tactic used by porch Pirates we work hard to get the things we have and for them just to be taken and the Canadian fan frenzy in Florida I don’t really want you on the back wagon it’s a Once in a Lifetime experience the traveling cheering section hoping the Oilers will eventually Hoist the Cup who’s [Applause] ready CTV national news with Omar saaden good evening everyone the risk of running out of water remains a threat in one of Canada’s largest cities tonight the 50-year-old water M which supplies water to more than half of Calgary failed last Wednesday and nearly a week later there is still no indication why doing a lot of investigation and taking steps in that regard to prevent a Water Crisis the mayor has urged calgarians to conserve and the Urgent appeal appears to be working yesterday the city used about 457 million liters compared to 650 million before the break happened on Wednesday that’s enough to fill about 260 olympic sized swimming pools ctv’s Tyler Barrow on the impact of the restrictions and how long they could stay in place I have to boil water first if I want to do a couple dishes or silverware but otherwise it’s just not worth it for the amount of water I’d have to waste this has been boness resident Lyn francis’s life since Thursday letting dishes pile up boiling water not using her shower while grabbing water from a water wagon feeling lack of Independence really um having to rely on other people which it’s great that people are stepping up and helping out each other but barely able to cook my own meals having to eat out more a business close to where the break happened saw their customer flow dry up we do depend on Walkin traffic but as you can see business has been kind of closed down but it’s been slow for us and it’s not just businesses under the boiled water advisory affected since the whole city is under a water advisory this Garden Center is feeling the impact if you can’t water when you get home why would would you buy it right Adder had to lay off a third of his seasonal spring staff early due to the advisory this past weekend was usually his third busiest of the year he sold about 50% of his usual sales just something else he has to face with the current weather conditions just when we were starting to gain some ground in June this happened crews are working around the clock to fix the main feeder water line that erupted Wednesday night workers are removing a section of the damaged pipe while inspecting it to determine if any other parts could be vulnerable the focus now for us is truly on restoring the supply that we have for the city and that’s where our efforts are focused restrictions are expected to be in place until at least Friday mayor Joy gondek did L calgarians efforts to bring down water consumption efforts but mentioned for a good chunk of Sunday water demand exceeded Supply the reality is that we may run out of water and I don’t say this to scare people but I think it is incredibly important for us to understand how serious the situation is right now late tonight Alberta Health Services removed the boil water advisory for the community of boness some much needed relief after what’s been a difficult week for residents Tyler Barrow CTV News Calgary the federal Finance Minister pushed back on criticism today from Canadian doctors who are against her government’s proposed changes to the capital gains tax insisting provinces should use the additional Revenue to pay doctors better the comments came on the same day she took the first legislative step to to implement the changes here’s ctv’s Miche L Couture taxing capital gains is not an inherently partisan idea Finance Minister Chris Freeland pointed to past conservative governments under John Deen Baker and Brian morone who she says moved towards tax fairness but while saying this isn’t a partisan issue Freeland added this I do think this is a moment when Canadians should be watching closely what happens in the house and watching closely to see how all MPS vote on this I would say defining measure the measure is to hike the inclusion rate on capital gains from 50% to 67% for people earning more than $250,000 in profit on the sale of assets or Investments many believe the Liberals separated this from the main budget Bill to put the conservatives on the spot their hope is if they can draw the conservatives into a direct debate on this question that maybe they can skew a little bit towards where the majority of Voters are a conservative leader Pierre PV has not said how his party would vote on this because the legislation hasn’t been public until this point however a statement from his office called it attack adding doctors small business owners and Canadians saving for the retirements have all raised opposition to Trudeau’s next tax hike but he is desperate to pay pay for the $61 billion in new inflationary spending announced in the latest budget the NDP is already lining up to support the changes to capital gains despite the politics at play the fact that they’re not only moving for on this but then separating it out of the budget to make it a wedge issue for the conservatives just highlights that they want to make this a political point a political point or not it’ll all come to a head in a vote on this bill which could happen as soon as tomorrow Omar all right Mike thanks a troubling new snapshot tonight of just how difficult it is for Canadians to put food on the table CTV Sarah Plowman on the struggle to meet one of life’s basic necessities in line at the food bank this couple knows exactly how much cash they have I’ve got about 15 bucks in my account right now rent bills groceries even with jobs costs drag them down help here temporarily lifts them up there was no real need of it before but now things are getting a little bit too dire Nano’s research found nearly one in five Canadians say they their family or friends used a food bank in the past 12 months that nearly two thirds of Canadians are buying less expensive food nearly a third are stockpiling it and a fifth are eating less here many people are new I’d rather go to the food bank than not have medication across the country demand at food banks has surged um over the course of the last two or three years especially significant on 40% 35% year-over-year the Nano survey found a majority of Canadians say there isn’t enough support for those unable to access or afford enough nutritious food this is an income problem here we need affordable housing we need decent work where people have stable jobs that pay a decent wage and we need social assistance rates that come anywhere close to meeting the cost of living as they get a food basket this couple donates cans of beans and peas another person in line offers them a lift so they don’t have to Lug their food home by bike I I believe in what what goes around comes around strangers who share a need and a desire to help others according to the survey 40% of Canadians donated to food banks while about half of that gave to close friends or family Omar all right Sarah thank you dramatic new images from Israeli police today of the daytime mission to rescue hostages from Hamas in Gaza this is the moment Israeli Commandos stormed a family home in a refugee camp and found three male hostages inside this apartment as they escaped the IDF says a firefight broke out between Hamas and Israeli officers one of those held captive was this 21-year-old who made it home one day after his father died and just before his mother’s birthday yesterday was my birthday and my wish came through I haven’t stopped smiling since but there was mourning in Gaza Israel’s largest rescue operation also claimed Palestinian lies 274 were killed including 64 children according to the Hamas run Health Ministry the family is destroyed and my house is destroyed America’s top Diplomat met the Israeli Prime Minister today Anthony blinkin is urging Hamas to accept a ceasefire proposal he says Israel has accepted but one Benjamin Netanyahu has not publicly endorsed facing growing pressure from Israel’s far right to reject it roughly half of the world’s population has or will vote this year and the French just got added to that list president Emanuel mcon has called a surprise election just as the political tide shifts right in the European Union here’s CTV genf Bosman the front page of the famed newspaper Le parisan dubbed it a thunderbolt just six weeks out from the Olympic Spotlight turning to Paris president Emmanuel macon’s move to dissolve France’s national assembly through the country’s politics into disarray he opens the possibility that the extreme right arrives for the first time macon’s presidency isn’t up for election his term ends in 2027 but he called a snap election of the lower house of parliament on Sunday in European parliamentary elections the farri national rally party led by popular young leader Jordan bellaa who teamed up with long time farri figure Marine Leen handed macon’s forces a crushing defeat and the president say analysts decided to take a gamble he’s asking French voters whether they also want the national rally party to control the National Assembly in France we’re ready to put an end to mass immigration ready to make the purchasing power of the French a priority said Leen European parliamentary elections have long been seen as a protest vote MCO will test that theory but if he loses his gamble he will be forced to try to govern hand inand with a party that could block much of his domestic agenda some voters say the rise of the right is not surprising in a society where insecurity is growing others say it’s a catastrophe a sign of a France forgetting its history some analysts say while many mainstream parties held their ground at their European elections some countries have seen a shift to the right young people have moved from concern for the survival of the planet to concern for the identity of their country the first round of the elections will be held June 30th leaving the French with little time to make their decision Omar all right Jen thanks the Integrity of Canada’s electoral process continues to be in the spotlight tonight there are growing calls for an expanded inquiry into foreign interference looking into allegations against members of parliament here’s ctv’s Annie ber Oliver the pressure on the Liberals to release the names of MPS alleged to have colluded with other countries is growing opposition motion on foreign interference in Democratic institutions with the block today forcing a debate on whether Justice hog should expand her foreign interference inquiry the Liberals say they’re on board we wanted to make sure that the hug commission had the authority to follow the evidence this might be a perfect example where they’re able to follow uh the evidence in their own judgment but some security analysts disagree saying Justice Maurice Jose Hog’s inquiry examining allegations of foreign interference in Canadian elections and institutions isn’t the right place for such an investigation you have one former MP who may have worked and collaborated with a foreign intelligence service that potentially could be Espionage that’s not part of the Ambit of the inquiry so the government kind of owns this mess and I feel the government should deal with it the members of the National Security and intellig comme of parliamentarians who released the bombshell findings last week today said they disclosed all they could and that dealing with the problem is now up to Parliament if there’s consensus moving towards some way of dealing with this perhaps if it’s Madam Justice hog I I think the committee would probably say it’s encouraging if we’re finding ways to overcome some of the immediate uh partisanship the conservative leader has refused A classified briefing on that report but the NDP leader wants one and has vowed to take action against his MPS if necessary there is no way I will approve them to run as a candidate nor would I allow them to continue to sit in my caucus if they are named and they knowingly worked with the foreign government to undermine our country the vote on that block motion to have Hogue expand her inquiry is expected to happen Omar tomorrow all right Annie thanks a new warning tonight by the public health unit in Canada’s largest city over a sharp rise of a rare bacterial illness that can lead to menitis here’s ctv’s Heather Wright on the best layer of protection 13 cases in six months may not seem like a lot but that’s double the yearly average of invasive men aacal disease cases in Toronto enough for public health to issue a warning yes 13 cases absolutely not that large a number but compared to normal it’s a big jump Dr Jim Kelner is a pediatrician who specializes in infectious diseases invasive menle disease or IMD can lead to menitis and is worrisome because symptoms can progress quickly and be fatal by the time they come to hospital they can already be very very sick because the onset of symptoms can be so rapid and you can go from being well um to being really critically ill within less than a day of the 13 cases in Toronto two were fatal one in an adult the other in a child Toronto Public Health says this is the highest number of IMD cases since 2002 and as urging people to check their vaccine history parents make sure your kids are vaccinated and also be mindful if you’re traveling or if you have symptoms that this is certainly here and spreading in our city Toronto is not alone in seeing an uptick in IMD cases Manitoba Health officials warned of arising cases in January while Kingston Ontario and the Eastern townships of Quebec have also reported increases symptoms of invasive men aacle disease can include a dark rash high fever stiff neck and severe aches and pains and up to 10% of IMD cases are fatal according to health Canada even though we have antibiotics to treat it often because the bacteria the the infection has spread so quickly even the antibiotics don’t work and that’s why prevention is so important menitis vaccines are part of childhood immunizations in Canada but not every strain is covered and not everyone has the shot the disease is spread in crowds and large Gatherings making big cities and in congregate settings especially vulnerable Omar ether thank you coming up hey Siri open AI Apple plays catchup and enters the race for artificial intelligence plus oh protecting yourself from porch pirates and their bold New [Music] Tricks artificial intelligence is soon coming to your Ione phone collectively called Apple intelligence the tech giant unveiled a series of generative AI products Siri will get chattier and answer more complex questions like what time is Mom’s flight or bring up a specific article it will also allow you to create your own emojis called gen emojis high-tech gadgets like iPhones are often ordered online and shipped to your doorstep making them a hot item for porch Pirates tonight new signs the thieves lurking in neighborhoods are getting bull older here’s ctv’s Heather butts snatching packages in broad daylight often captured on camera stealing from doorsteps is not new but some porch Pirates are taking it to a new level leaving people stunned watch this Brazen theft in Columbus Ohio a FedEx driver had just arrived with a delivery he’ barely finished knocking on the door when a thief runs up from behind and snags the package the FedEx worker in shock the thief made off with a brand new Apple watch belonging to Kyle dorch I was shocked I mean I thought maybe it was a joke at first I just feel bad it’s a lot of people including ourselves work hard to get the things we have Suburban neighborhoods like Montreal West known for its large porches have become big targets for thieves and now some areas are seeing porch Pirates dressed as delivery drivers Amazon tells CTV News while the vast majority of delivery make it to customers without issue we recognize that unfortunately there are Bad actors who wear Amazon branded or look Al like a Peril to commit package theft a recent FedEx survey finds porch thefts are on the rise in Canada with one in four Canadians saying they’ve had a package stolen Professor Ben stickle studies the phenomenon and isn’t surprised by the Numbers the volume of things that we’re receiving at our home is higher than it’s ever been and the value of what we’re getting shipped to us is also increased think about phones computers tool things of that nature and then on top of that this is a very uh low skill crime you need almost no skill to actually walk up and take a package his advice arrange a scheduled delivery a trusted neighbor who is at home or a workplace you might be able to install a front porch delivery locker system to stay one step ahead of Thieves who are becoming even more bold Heather Bots CTV News Toronto still ahead a dramatic turn starting startling new video showing the moment of impact between a sea plane and a [Music] boat new images of a shocking incident in Vancouver over the weekend and I was seeing the plane sink right before our eyes the video shows the moment of impact when a sea plane crashed into a recreational boat sending two people to hospital with with minor injuries a massive fire tore through an apartment building near downtown Miami today dozens of firefighters battled the Flames for hours as smoke filled the air a suspect who allegedly started the fire is also believed to have fired a gun a man injured with gunshot wounds was found inside the building and a frightening sight at a packed rodeo in Oregon where a bull jumped the barrier the bull charged towards the spectators flipping a woman into the air moments before the chaos the bull was seen running around the ring then leaping the fence five people were hurt in the Rampage after the break stanle cup fever the fleeting fans following the Oilers to [Music] Florida well Canadian fans are getting behind the Edmonton Oilers in their Stanley Cup Quest even fan bases from rival Canadian teams but the Oilers die hards aren’t exactly welcoming them on the bandwagon here’s ctv’s Paul hollingworth with each passing game the size of the Edmonton Oilers fan base continues to grow go Oilers go Ryan Grantham a Leafs fan from Hamilton is not only cheering for the Oilers he’s also traveling to see them play are you telling me the Oilers have become Canada’s team I believe that’s true at least for this week week but not after this week not a chance Trevor wheel his friends call him MC mullet says thanks but no thanks when it comes to new fans joining the Oilers playoff party honestly uh no no if you uh if you weren’t there with us through our 29 and one start um I don’t really want you on the bandwagon I I I like true Die Hard fans like myself for Oilers fans and non- Oilers fans who have joined the bandwagon they all have one important thing in common everyone is having a lot of fun on this Stanley Cup run it’s amazing I’ve been to all three rounds La Vancouver Dallas and now here we’re so close it’s coming back to Canada being a fan takes time and money stubhub.com Ron leage spent an hour on the phone buying tickets they cost me 2700 Canadian each for two tickets a hefty price tag for stage who flew in from Colona BC it’s a Once in a Lifetime experience what if Canada doesn’t get another cup for another 30 years if the tickets get even more expensive leage says whatever the price he will pay it hey go Oilers the experience of watching the Oilers win the cup would be Priceless let’s go Oilers Paul hollingworth CTV News Sunrise Florida and that’s a snapshot of this Monday for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching good night and see you tomorrow [Music]

Water restrictions in Calgary following a large water main break; and steps towards possible changes to the capital gains tax.

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  1. Got water problems?
    Get a bunch of containers, maybe even a few hundred litres' ones, get out of the city and fill them up in a creek.
    Where is the problem, eh?
    And yes – being a plumber in Vancouver I fix water problems every day.

  2. From experience and as per the conversation I had with a vendor, this is not new. I ordered two computer screens, received one. This isn't new. This is a clear situation of insiders tipping off thieves within the shipping circle. Canada post included.


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