Conservatives, NDP call for MPs accused of colluding with foreign governments to be named


the Prime Minister has confirmation that MPS knowingly worked with foreign governments to undermine Canada he’s known for 11 months and done nothing all the all Canadians have been harassed Canadians have been threatened a Canadian citizen was killed all linked to foreign governments why is this prime minister failed to protect Canadians here obviously the most important responsibility of any government is to protect it citizens far from not taking this matter seriously our government has been the only government in the history of Canada to set up a series of measures to detect disrupt and prevent foreign interference we’re very pleased that members of this house are working collaboratively to support government legislation before the house right now to give additional tools create additional criminal offenses to hold those to account who might seek to interfere in our Democratic institutions and will continue to always do this important work certain members of this house acted in the best interest of hostile foreign regimes interfering in Canada’s democracy this is a disgusting betrayal of Canadians who elected us uh to represent them in this place we as MPS are supposed to serve Canadians not foreign hostile actors why is this liberal NDP government fighting to protect MP’s names collaborating in the best interest of hostile foreign regimes and not Canadians The Honorable minister Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker I’ll repeat what I said a moment ago in French we agree with members of this house that the appropriate Forum to look at these matters is the commission already set up and operating set up I would remind colleagues with the unanimous support of all parties in this house the hog commission has access to all of the documents of the National Security and intelligence Committee of parliamentarians looked at officials from the privy Council Office have already been in touch with the hug commission to DET the best way forward we think that’s a responsible way to proceed not simply standing up and illegally announcing a list of names like my colleague suggest whoo get over it was the most disgusting response from this cover up Coalition this government turned a blind eye to foreign interference to protect their own partisan interests they refus to hand over documents to that commission and now they won’t release the names of the MPS in this house doing dirty work for foreign hostile regimes Canadians need to know who these MPS are is this liberal NDP government really going to let sitting members of this house working against the interest of Canadians run in the next election the government will be supporting the motion before the house today brought by the BL Kea asking the hug commission to examine this very matter we think that’s the appropriate way to do it the conservatives are pretending that you can stand up and release a list of names Mr Speaker I asked the Deputy Commissioner of the RCMP Mark Flynn this morning what would happened if I stood up and announced a list of names like my colleagues are asking me to do and he said I would be subject to criminal prosecution so gu what Mr Speaker I’m not going to do that

During Monday’s question period, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and Conservative MPs pushed the Liberal government to release the names of Canadian MPs who are accused of colluding with foreign governments, as described in a bombshell report released last week.

“Why is this government fighting to protect the names collaborating in the best interest of hostile foreign regimes and not Canadians?” asked Conservative MP for Calgary Forest Lawn Jasraj Singh Hallan.

Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc pushed back, saying he would face criminal prosecution if he stood up and released the names of accused MPs in the House.

LeBlanc said the Liberals would support a motion asking the commission led by Justice Marie-Josée Hogue to examine the allegations.

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  1. Canadian elections and governance is janky enough without this. First our pseudo democracy does not require a majority of votes to elect a government, most have 40% or less voter support. We have to vote for MP's who are supposed to represent us but get thrown out of the party the moment they do. Now we find out the sock puppet MP's we vote for may be traitors and our government will not name them. When is enough going to be enough and Canadians demand the whole rotten structure be torn down and replaced with a system of elections and government that is an actual democracy?

  2. Jagmeet, Trudeau, and Hallan themselves are compromised. I would like to know the names and what the proof is or is this going to turn out like the India allegations. All theatrics and no substance.



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