Contentious capital gains tax change to face vote at Canada’s House of Commons


The federal government is ready to proceed with a controversial tax hike announced in the April budget. It applies to capital gains above $250,000 — capital gains are the profit made on the sale of stocks, investment properties or a business.

Some professionals like doctors and lawyers are against the hikes, citing retirement planning concerns.

But as David Akin reports, the Liberals may be more concerned about scoring political points over the opposition.

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  1. What about CPP 2 payments starting this year for employees and employers. $79k salaries and up will be charged more. The paymenrs eill be even more next year. I thought our CPP was one of the most well run and solid in the world? ?

  2. The liberals are destroying Canada, they don't care. The Liberals only care about votes from new immigrants that do not understand how our economy works. By destroying small business profits you destroy business ability to expand and adapt. Basically no one will be working in Canada if this continues.

  3. How many times does the gov eat. Hello. The gov is treating everyone as fools. When did Canadians give any gov authority to extort monies from Canadians ? Never did? Thievery

  4. A company pays 1 million to its 20 employees (50k each) per year. The employees tell the government to tax the rich. The government listens and raises taxes. The company needs to make up for the extra taxes, so it fires 5 people to compensate. The result: The government got richer by taxing more, so Justin Trudeau gets a new vacation. The company breaks even. The 15 people left in the company have to do the work of 20 people, so they are overworked and unhappy. The 5 that got fired are now unemployed and even more unhappy. Taxing the rich never gave money to the poor, it just gave Trudeau an extra vacation. Period.

  5. I think paying tax on 50% of capital gains is more than enough to give up. Especially since you were already taxed on the money that you spent on that investment in the first place. Enough already! The Liberals are way past their “best before” date. It’s time for them to be gone! We need some fiscal responsibility in Ottawa.

  6. 40,000 people. ms book writer is totally clueless of who rental property owners are. 250,000 profit is too much money for them? they should lower their salaries.rental property owners are important!!!!!

  7. What I don’t like about liberal is that they are taking zero accountability for all the mess they created. They just keep wasting and moving onto new resources.

  8. Put all the Conservative Party of Canada MP's on the record with their vote against the capital gains tax hike which will affect wealthy elites. It will be a political goldmine for the Liberal Party of Canada who then can tell voters look at the conservatives once again looking after their wealthy friends.


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