Germany protests against right-wing politics ahead of EU elections


Thousands of people protested in Berlin, Germany against right-wing politics on Saturday ahead of the European Parliament elections. Demonstrators were seen carrying EU flags and signs urging people to vote on Sunday as well as criticizing the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

“It is striking that the party landscape around Germany in Europe is also becoming increasingly right-wing extremist,” said protester Hans Mueller.

“You have to go and vote,” protester Nina said, adding, “You should not vote for the AfD. You should vote for a democratic party.”

“I think it’s important to vote to show that you stand against the right,” another protestor, Frank, said.

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  1. Nobody sane wants to repeat what happened that many years ago, but they are frustrated at people from the outside trying to change their values ,make up new laws to suit themselves happening all over the world…

  2. Nobody sane wants to repeat what happened that many years ago, but they are frustrated at people from the outside trying to change their values ,make up new laws to suit themselves happening all over the world…

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  4. Such a joke headline, if anything people should be protesting Liberal politics in todays world, look at the state of the globe in recent years, so many left wing governments in power throughout the recent years throughout Europe and North America


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