Survey Shows Strong Canadian Support for Eliminating Carbon Tax on Farms

OP-ED: Majority of Canadians want carbon tax scrapped on farms

“**Should Farmers be Exempt from Carbon Tax?**

As Canadians, we are no strangers to debates on various issues, from sports teams to politics. However, one topic that seems to unite the majority of Canadians is the exemption of farmers from the carbon tax.

**The Call for Exemption**

A recent poll conducted by Leger revealed that an overwhelming 70% of Canadians support providing farmers with an exemption on the carbon tax for natural gas and propane. This sentiment is echoed across the country, with different provinces showing strong support for this relief measure.

**The Financial Burden on Farmers**

The carbon tax on natural gas and propane poses a significant financial burden on farmers, with projections indicating that it could cost them nearly $1 billion by 2030. This reality not only affects the farmers directly but also impacts the competitiveness of Canadian agriculture on a global scale.

**The Bill on the Table**

Bill C-234, a proposed legislation aimed at granting farmers the exemption they seek, has garnered support from various farm groups and political parties. However, the journey of this bill through the legislative process has faced challenges, particularly in the Senate where amendments were introduced.

**The Way Forward**

As the bill returns to the House, the decision lies with the Members of Parliament to reject the Senate’s amendments and pass the legislation in its original form. This will not only align with the wishes of the majority of Canadians but also provide much-needed relief to farmers who are grappling with substantial carbon tax bills.


It is time for the government to listen to the voices of Canadians and take decisive action in supporting the agricultural sector. By granting farmers an exemption from the carbon tax on natural gas and propane, policymakers can not only alleviate financial strain on farmers but also contribute to a stronger and more competitive agricultural industry. Let’s prioritize the well-being of our farmers and create a more sustainable future for Canadian agriculture.”

By Gage Haubrich, Prairie Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.



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