Unlocking the potential of Canada’s unused public land to address the housing crisis

Could Canada’s underused public land be the key to solving the housing crisis?

“In the heart of Halifax, a valuable piece of land sits underutilized, waiting to fulfill its potential as a vibrant hub for thousands of residents. This parcel, currently occupied by a Canada Post mail sorting depot and a parking lot, represents just one of many federally-owned properties across the country that have been deemed ‘lazy land’ by housing experts.

Unlocking the value of these neglected properties could be the key to addressing Canada’s housing crisis. With the federal government proposing to leverage these underutilized lands for affordable housing, there is an opportunity to create hundreds of thousands of new housing units for Canadians in need.

However, the road to transforming this ‘lazy land’ into thriving communities is not without its challenges. From negotiating with current tenants to navigating the complexities of redevelopment, the process will require careful planning and collaboration among various stakeholders.

Yet, as we stand at a crossroads in the midst of a housing affordability crisis, it is imperative that bold actions be taken to make the most of these overlooked assets. By prioritizing the development of affordable housing on public land, the government has the opportunity to shape the future of housing in Canada and create lasting positive impacts for its citizens.

The time to act is now. With the potential to unlock a treasure trove of housing solutions hidden in plain sight, it is up to us to seize this opportunity and pave the way for a more equitable and sustainable future for all Canadians.”



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