‘Left to die’: B.C. woman flees Canada TWICE for adequate cancer care


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Kristin Logan, a young veteran, mother, and wife, joins Drea Humphrey to describe the shocking moments leading up to her decision to flee B.C.’s health-care system not once but twice to save her life.
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  1. I live in Vancouver and have Cystic Fibrosis.
    I had an eye infection that eventually landed me in the emergency room. My eyes were burning, excreting puss and bloodshot. I saw 3 Doctors in the E.R. and 1 optometrist over 3 days who all said there was no connection, offered no medication or treatment, and rolled their eyes at me when, after they all told me I was " fine", and I insisted I was not. Thankfully, I sought additional opinions and finally found an eye specialist who said I was NOT fine, and that Cystic Fibrosis could and had caused the eye issue. My tear ducts were no longer working, plugged for 8 months, and my eyes had not been properly lubricated in months. He did a simple test that others could have done, and did not. He immediately put me on medication that I now have to be on for 6 months, and use eye drops 6 – 8 times a day. If I had not found the eye specialist who discovered the problem, I may have suffered permanent diminished eye sight/cornea scaring. When I asked him why none of the other Doctors did the test he did that discovered the issue, he said: " I don't know, and I'm not going to cover for them, they should have".

  2. Yup time to fire Eby, Dix and Bonnie Henry and vote for John Rustad and the BC Conservatives in the 2024 BC Election. NDP have bungled so many things Covid, Healthcare, Drug Crisis, Homelessness, Crime and cost of living

  3. You know ,Adrian Dix doesn’t like you reporting this kind of thing.
    Not one single good thing NDP government has done for British Columbians. How many people have died under this Government that didn’t have to.

  4. Nurses and doctors leave Canada because of poor wages and working conditions. Plus, no matter where you work, you are under the same system. At least in the United States, there are many employment choices. Canada is not going to be able to improve its system without massive changes to the economic and medical system.

  5. I have ZERO faith in any government system here in Canada any more and if you don’t have great insurance I the US and other countries their systems can financially break you. I feel like I’m doomed if anything starts happening to my health.

  6. Dog dewormer is a good remedy for the Big C and dewormer rids body of parasites.
    Cancer is a parasite. Also bitter aprocut kernals is another remedy. Ovarian cancer is a tricky one because it is both caused by parasites and hormone disfunctions. Most cancers are only caused by parasites.

  7. It's like the Liberals and NDPs are intentionally trying to break our healthcare systems!! Don't trust any Institutions that receive Federal Funds!!! They are being either bribed or blackmailed by the Feds and the funding to OUR Institutions!


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